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Posts posted by MikePhillips

  1. It IS our super bowl. It's 100% our Super Bowl. While it's not a conference championship, it's the best team we'll face all year long, coming off of 5 horrific losing seasons. 

    Even if we keep it close and still lose, it's a win for us. 

    This game is BEYOND our Super Bowl. Let's not be silly here. The risk is minimal if we lose, but the reward is massive if we win. We still talk about the ONE TIME we beat FSU 6 years ago. Who else did we beat that year? Does anyone remember anything about the 2009 season other than the win against FSU?

    So yes, 100% absolutely with a cherry on top, this is our Super Bowl & Lottery Ticket all wrapped into one 

    • Upvote 2
  2. ^^ At the Tulane game I saw her in the south end zone, at the south west corner.

    God help anyone who she got her hands on. Even if you dropped to the ground with your arms flat out, she was going to get her licks on you. I'm not kidding when I tell you, she's going to wale on you before she arrests you for fun

    Look for a stocky blond woman with a big USF hoodie on, avoid that section! She was in the south west corner (where the team runs out)

    • Upvote 1
  3. we have 5 horrific past years, and then with the last half season, and the start of this season, we have barely put together a good, complete season yet

    It's all good, the LAST thing USF needs is excessive, distracting hype at this point telling us we are better than we actually are. 

    How we are doing on the field, tells us how good we are :-)

  4. Having both my parents being Vietnam Veterans, I have an immense respect for the National Anthem. 

    But let me ask you a silly question-

    How come we never sing the THIRD verse of The Star Spangled Banner? Can you imagine, if at the Superbowl, the jumbotron put the lyrics to the THIRD verse of The Star Spangled Banner, and everyone sang it?

    Talk about giving a quick history lesson :-)

    • Upvote 1
  5. Ok.... during the games I keep hearing the same air raid siren going off...

    The ONLY song, that the air raid song sounds amazing is Slipknot's Pulse of the Maggots

    I would LOVE to hear that "clap clap clap clap" start going when the air raid sirens go off. I've seen Slipknot live and it's unreal to hear that "thump thump thump thump" in combination with the air raid siren.

    Would love if they got this right :-)


  6. There was nothing "uniform" about our uniforms

    Some players had a green tu-tu, some players had a green tennis skirt, some players had a green mini-skirt. The varying lengths and varying amounts of fabric below the belt line was just distracting

    That uniform is horrific, and watching our players get tackled / slowed up because of the undershirt (underskirt) made it even worse

    I didn't see it as fashionable, or uniform, or anything. I don't see how it could possibly attract recruits. I love my Bulls, but even some of my friends who went to other colleges were asking about it too. It's just inconsistent and bizzare

    Regardless, it was a good way to start the season

    • Upvote 1
  7. Good for him, I hope he gets the job! 

    This forum is perfect justification for jumping ship. We've got 600+ threads calling for his resignation, calling for him to be fired, calling for him to be terminated... and 6 threads praising him

    600 threads hating on him, 6 threads praising him

    He did the job we paid him to do, he showed that he's capable of turning a program around, he pulled off the impossible here at USF, now it's time to get paid

    I hope he gets the job!!! Good for him!!! 


    Everyone wanted Leavitt fired, and they found a way to fire him. Now everyone wants him back

    Everyone wanted Taggart fired, so now he's interviewing for another job.. now everyone wants him to stay


    As someone who saw Taggart play in 1998 when he put it on us as a quarterback, I've believed in him from the very beginning. We'll see who we get next! 



    • Upvote 3
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  8. Something about an on campus stadium worries the hell out of me

    Good bye to tail gate parties, good bye to easy parking, good bye to easy access in and out of the stadium

    Tickets, towings, no places to park, congestion, USF can barely pull off a simple graduation ceremony in the Sun Dome. Imagine something 10x the size of that? 

    Stepps towing will open up their first on-campus impound lot if this goes through

  9. We don't need a fund, here is how you do it-

    1) Put the stadium on a credit card

    2) In typical USF fashion, design the stadium so that there is NO PARKING anywhere close to it

    3) Ticket every car that comes on campus to attend the game

    4) Tow every car that parks off campus (because there isn't going to be any parking on campus for this imaginary stadium)

    Between the revenue that USF Parking Services will generate, and Stepps Towing, we could have it paid off by the third game

    http://steppstowing.com/gallery/Exotic Car Tow/data/images1/Stepps-Towing-Exotic-Car-Tow (3).jpg


    • Upvote 1
  10. historically..... the more attention USF gets, the worse it does

    Keep us off the radar, don't pay any attention to us, let us do our thing

    We're too blue collar to be getting involved in all this "hype" BS. 

    USF needs to keep working, keep the noses out of the "hype clouds"


  11. I knew Larry Scott when the football team (and myself) lived in Fontana in 1998

    Great person, he was a gentleman back then, and I'm proud as hell that he's worked hard and moved up the coaching ladder

    Very focused, very driven individual. I'm super proud of him!! Glad to say I knew him almost 20 years ago from Fontana Hall!!! 


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