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Posts posted by BullsOnThaRize8

  1. You are a fool if you did not think we were on the cusp of being big time football. By big time football I mean considered by the country as a respected feared opponent. A team ready to get in and stay in the top 25. It does not mean we are going undefeated but trust me if we had gotten into a BCS game some local talent would have changed their mind about coming to usf. I never thought we were a top 10 school or anywhere close but there is huge difference in recruiting when your living in the top 25. I understand we did not have the roster to stay there at the time but they did everything they could to pave the way for future players to keep us there.

  2. i understand we are not as good..but i watch other teams that just arent as talented either..and they are always coming in playing great games against us and dominating. I garuntee you..a coach with either a dominant offensive mind or the flip side very defensive oriented would have this team EXTREMELY TALENTED in one of the two. It happens everywhere but here. I promise you we are dealing with a coaching staff that fundamentally does not have a SYSTEM that is in place that is putting these kids in the best places to succeed. If we were seeing an offense run plays to beat the defenses we see and have seen for awhile then we would be satisfied. We can live with losing guys. I have no problem losing if we are losing because we got outplayed. None of these coaches when prompted or questioned give anywhere near the answers these talented coaches give. Im sure we do not match up with the best teams...I accept that but do not think that we are not an above 500 team or that we shouldnt be a consistant 7 win team because WE SURE AS HELL SHOULD.

  3. I just take a look at brian kelly. Look no further to see how a real coach looks. This guy is tough as nails. I bet this guy is a blast to play for because he knows when to relax but you never want to make a mistake for him. He will chew your butt out on the sideline but coach you up when neccessary. This is at Notre Dame too. You would think he would be more conservative but he is still himself. The guy calls an incredible game. There is no doubt we are lacking a coach who gets the most out of his players. On top of not getting the most out of his players their is no system in place that is designed offensively or defensively that is appealing to a kid to play in. We do not put up alot of points with designed plays. I could live with not executing plays but seeing an offense that looks like it has an identity and creativity. I can telll when cosh is mixing it up and blitzing and i can take big plays when we do that but not that generic sit back and get shredded approach we have all seen...I look at Penn st...BOY DID THEY LUCK OUT..what a coach they got. That guy is incredible. You could watch a penn st offense what used to be majority run and very boring and basic now running a very NFL patriot like offense and its fun to watch. They might not go undefeated but you know they got a good coach.

  4. The majority of the people on this board understand we were barely a top 25 team ever. We had a legit defense in our best season but it took all the teams losing above us for us to move up like that. We were on the cusp though of being big time football. We really were. We needed a BCS game to give us the recruiting edge to keep us in that consistant status and it never came.

  5. If skip is not fired after saturdays loss..and you know it will be a loss pitt is playing really well right now. Regardless of money situations we cannot afford to not pull the trigger. I can care less how much it would cost us. They have to find a way to get it done. 5-7 to 3-9...is not even in the realm of possibility. To go from on the brink of big time college football to the basement in two seasons is pretty remarkable. I can understand not doing it during the season even though it makes more sense to start the recruiting process. Almost the entire coaching staff must go.

  6. yea the not his players stuff is ridiuclous. Michigan coach gets credit for turning around the program with all rich rod's players...Rich rod has the talent...he just wasnt the right coach...We have enough players..He is not the right coach..You cannot give me the let his players get in there. What makes you think with his players somehow his coaching just gets better????

  7. you guys are joking right?? You think he got better because he was getting more comfortable? The score continually got worse and he faced more and more backups as the game went on and had more and more favorable coverages to try to speed the game up. Think about it, he was atrocious until 2 min before half and they let us march down the field to eat up the clock. They were happy with a field goal. Flloyd was not impressive at all. Were screwed.

  8. he only had success when they were playing prevent before the half. He was very bad. Unfortunately guys like him are a dime a dozen and he will not flourish in this offense. Noone can. Only a BJ type player who can create his own plays otherwise its not an offense that is stat friendly.

  9. why should we be in the discussion. UL has escaped in the last few seconds with a win twice already. They are a mediorce team who benefited from a weak schedule. They are not even close to what BOISE ST. was when they were finally getting recognition. Its absolutely understandable that an undefeated big east team does not get any discussion. Those 1 loss teams all play tougher schedules than Louisville anyway. I would go as far to say a two loss sec team is still better off in the NC than UL..Face the facts. Its not pretty and were the worst in the not pretty league. We are marla hooch boys. Unfortunately, we already do have alot of night games and we wear masks and it hasnt helped. Maybe we should create a league of our own. Then we can handpick and go undefeated. Ohh nooo we suck again!!!

  10. Haha He doesnt run skips defense. He runs Cosh's defense which was atrocious at kstate. There is no big surpise here. We all knew coming into the season the track record. He was horrible in pass defense and couldnt stop the run. Its no coincidence they are now way better on defense. Lets get something straight here. We have good enough defensive players to compete and play at a high level. Its all about putting players in the best possible positions to succeed. Thats if you do not have some game changers like a pierre paul or cb's like jenkins. Then you can have some fun let jenks be by himself. When you need a TEAM to play good defense then it takes REALLY GOOD COACHING. We have seen we dont have it. Cosh needs to go to buy skip next year.

  11. I got a call saying we were up 23-3 going into half and I at first said wow maybe they are going to change. Then I said well we will probably still lose. We did. Its become comical how predictable it is to comeback on usf. Sadly many of you think it is recruiting. We have as talented as anyone we play except fsu. Its the truth. The difference is the O-line and D-line. The next difference is coaching. I gotta hand it to our offense as they have done enough to win and are not the problem. The glaring issue is still coaching. The fact that they did not know what to do with lamar is comical. He is our best player and would be alot of teams. I just dont know what to say anymore. We are a laughing stock of a team and it doesnt get any worse than this. Did you see what PITT did to temple? Thats what your suppose to do.

  12. triple b...i dont think you understood..we are not going to match a premier coach salary but someone will take what we have to offer and prove is he a great coach. Its about believing in a program and being the right guy for the job. It will happen for us. I have no doubt. It does not mean that the guy is an unproven coach. It means he might of had success and failure and is reinventing himself or a up and coming coach. We cannot exclude anyone. There is no perfect answer as multiple coaches who are going to be interested could do a good job coaching usf. Firing holtz is going to send the message we want to win and a coach will admire that. We can become big time and we will.

  13. its bad form to fire someone mid season yet most schools and nfl teams will do it. Why continue on a path of destruction? Appointing interim head coaches gives an assistant you might think has potential an opportunity while searching for a replacement. Its the only way it should be done. Its not fair to the future coach to come in and not be able to recruit. I think you have it backwards. Your paying a guy millions of dollars, you can fiire him when ever you want.

  14. i give our team one win because someone is bound to play really poorly. Makes you wonder why doesnt anyone play poorly against us. They are always on point. We are a terrible football team with some great individual players. We will lose all but one of our remaining games. Its embarassing. My friend called and said hey your winning. You know what I said??? I said nah man they have the ball now were going to lose. They will score.

  15. excuse me but what other fan base would tolerate winning 3 out of the last 14 or whatever it is. 2 OF 3 wins are against UTC,NEVADA. Its not the fan bases fault the coaches have done little to progress this team. In any university who takes themselves seriously must get rid of coaches who underperform this badly. Sorry guys but we just should not be capable of having this hard of a time winning with the talent we currently have. We can win and we are not winning.

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