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Posts posted by BullsOnThaRize8

  1. is the new usf...they are what we used to be. Its a shame man. Everyone used to like to watch us. I had friends from all over from baseball calling me like Im picking you guys tonight. Its amazing to think how far we got and how far we have gone back in such a little time. Crazy.

  2. but thats entirely the problem isnt it? He knows if he does not turn it around he is done. We know that. We as fans are now saying okay lets ride this season out and well worry about it then. If he wants to continue to coach her. If he wants to make a difference. He needs to take it upon himself and fire his Defensive coordinator. He needs to make the appropriate changes and show us that he is trying to right the ship. That will win back the powers to be. If he just does the SOS he will be gone for sure. I'm not saying im not okay with that but how could he be fine with not doing anything to save his job.

  3. I have just been there. You wonder what happened? If in the end it doesn't work out your AD will do the right thing. Just keep the faith. Easy to be a fan during the good times but, what makes a fan is being a fan during the rough times....right? You look at USF losses. It seems to be to teams that Holtz and staff really werent familiar with.Nevada they won but almost lost but they really don't know much about Nevada, Didn't know much about Ball State, Didn't know much about Temple, FSU? I full on expect the UL-USF game to be great. Both coaches and players are very familar with each other. See that being a barn burner for sure. People are saying Louisville could win the Big East this year ...which they could be I still seeing UL a year out from being a real great team when all of those sopomores we have become Juniors. Bottom line keep the faith and if it doesn't work your AD will make the call. Still a lot of football left.

    you really think that its because we didnt know about them? what about the last two years? did we not know about those opponents? do they not have film on every team very detailed. The other teams didnt know about us and beat us? I mean if you honestly use that your in the same boat as Holtz...you must coach at usf...

    Louisville will kill us. They have a high powered offense and were screwed.

  4. our back up qb's are terrible and I think everyone here knows it. For you to think that anyone else is a better option your foolish. BJ is the only reason the games we have played havent been a blow out every time. That is with a ****** o-line. We have one of the worst defense's in the nation added to the fact they are not being coached well from a scheme standpoint which I love much holtz is using that term now. Well skip..sorry bud your SCHEME should have been adjusted after the first game. Your failure to make adjustments is only 1 of a long list of poor coaching decisions.

  5. People love to act like other people do not understand the game....

    We played well..yes..we did some different things. COACHING is still poorly executed. We are nowhere near where we need to be as a program from a coaching standpoint.

    Dont forget we played up to our level of competition.

    What leads you to believe usf can win that many games in a row? When have we played well enough for an entire game to give us an idea??

    Say what you want..Pitt,Syracuse, and Cincy are all better football teams than usf and we must play extremely well to win.

  6. He needs to be fired. The team is fired up and ready to play and he is soft on the sidelines. Multiple bad decisions in this game not giving us the best chance to succeed. A clear change of the offense after the first quarter. Its unacceptable.

    We have enough product on the field and we need new manufacturers to get the product wrapped up and shipped out ready to play.

  7. Where is all these comments when BJ Daniels gets called out??...How exactly is it bad for a fan who is an outsider to call him a bad player?? I don't get it. As with anything its their opinion. Take it for what it is. The player sure does not care. The rest of you shouldn't care if he thinks Lanaris sucks. I personally don't think he should be on the field. Its up to the coaches. I don't want to hear about how is the second leading tackler. Put ANYONE in our MLB spot and they should be the leading tackler. We get the most action there. He in fact does do most of his tackling 5 yards out and rarely shoots a gap and makes a good run read. That is what his strength is right? KION brought the hammer ALOT..Lanaris doesn't. Wow though, you guys sure stand up for him but I don't see the same respect for BJ...

  8. They are doing what they have been taught. I dont know how they can say they havent executed the plan. We havent seen to much to say they arent just playing soft. Lanaris can take alllll the responsibility he wants..but fact is he has been outmatched..He needs to do allloooooot to win me back..and that goes for Holtz too..but I do like that were seeing some responses. It means they are feeling the heat.

  9. i like mcgee. If he was the coordinator at pittsburgh. I really like that offense. I think it would be an upgrade to what we do now.

    We need to committ to one or the other. Offensive minded coach who is hands on play caller or defensive minded coach who is tough and will get these boys tough. It doesnt work to dabble in both or let your coordinators do it. We need a leader.

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