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Posts posted by cmhatter

  1. i found this gem quoted by Odom on Twitter:


    @ByJeffOdom: Taggart on why receivers aren't getting the ball more: "We're not this team that drops back and throws it to receivers 80 times a game."


    I wonder what type of team we are? Certainly we aren't a team who throws to receivers, scores touchdowns or has any offensive direction from our supposed guru OC HC. 

    So I ask... What type of team are we?

  2. You have a complete lack of football knowledge if you think Flowers cost USF the game today. The defense, the receivers, and the o-line were really, really, bad today. Not to mention some of the playcalling.


    That's about all that needs to be said.

    I've me a break.. You think he was okay because we dropped one ball? He's a TERRIBLE QB.

  3. the reason i'm suggesting bench should get a shot is because:


    QF has regularly missed the most basic of throws.


    Do I think Bench is an amazing QB: No, i don't. I just think we're a lot more threatening when we can get the ball in more than 2 play maker's hands. Flowers/Mack every play on offense isn't going to work. I think Bench can spread it to Adams, Mack, Price, Bronson and others just because he an throw beyond the LOS.

  4. Trom,

    QF is a competitor and it looks like he has a short memory, which is good for a QB, but his throws are either rainbows or off the mark a lot. Until he fixes that, USF will struggle on offense against decent defenses.

    I mean I hear you. I just don't get how the 2nd throwing td play happens if he can't throw, Or the 3rd and long dropped pass, or the play at the end of the game? Those were beautiful to me. The ones towards the sidelines were a little off. He created opportunities with his feet but failed to connect I agree. And the deep ball over the middle and on the edge were a hair off. BUT this is the second hand of the season against #11 in the country in their house... I thought he played a darn good game considering what we were expecting. I mean did our offense ever feel anemic??? I felt we were always a throw or broken tackle away.

    What are you talking about? The offense WAS anemic...

    We had one huge play and one TD on a very short field....

  5. I hadn't realized that the Orlando market also included Daytona and Melborne.

    Tampa-St Pete Makes sense as they are actually close to each other. We should get Ft. Myers wrapped in with us too, if they get Daytona and Melbourne. Though, we'd still be 11th even with Ft. Myers/Naples

    Unfortunately, the size/rank of the DMA doesn't matter if you're not even the favorite college football team of choice within said DMA. Not even in the top 2 favorites in our case.

    Get your point

    But it does matter if someone has a network and wants to sell cable subs.

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