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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. On 1/21/2018 at 9:44 AM, crambone said:

    Any idea why the game is in Chicago?  The stadium will be pretty empty. 

    Regardless, this seems very fun for a family trip. Considering it....

    I believe I read somewhere that they do this every two years to connect with alumni in Chicago. 

    And yes - it is a fun trip.

  2. So who was it that died?  I’m looking everywhere I know of, and can’t find any details. 

    I know he’s not as popular as Tim Tebow, but this is a huge deal to him - both personally and professionally.  I was hoping to wake up today to find more details somewhere.

    For him to leave the day before this big game (for him) for a death says it must be someone very close.  I saw some local writers retweet the news but have they not made some calls to find out more?  Are there only a few of us that care?

    Quinton has touched my heart more than any other USF athlete. I seriously worry about him if the NFL, or any other professional football league doesn’t have a spot for him.  I’m hating the possibility that missing this chance will hurt those chances. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Gatorbull325 said:

    I’m trying to understand how people on this board don’t care if other AAC teams have success. Yes, crashing the playoffs if **** near impossible in a G6, but you know what? It doesn’t mean we can’t fight to get in. And to those who are crying about not being in a p5, there is nothing we can do about it so let’s work with what we have. As long as we keep a good product on the field, everything will take care of itself. Truth be told, we need to root for Memphis, Navy, Houston and yes UCF. Had we been ranked UCF would have had 2 top 25 wins. I’m not saying that it would have made a difference, but at least they would have had a better argument.  In 2019 we have Wisconsin and GT on our schedule. I’m not saying it will happen, but Wisconsin is guaranteed to be ranked, GT has a chance (they been ranked 9 times in the past 15 years) and then we have Houston, Navy, Memphis and UCF. If you see the graphic I posted, Alabama had 4 top 25 wins and a strength of schedule of #38. In 2019, we can possibly play 5 top 25 teams that year. And if the other teams we play at least have a winning record and are bowl eligible that year, then we might have a SOS in the top 50 with 4-5 ranked teams on our schedule. In conclusion, 2019 will be Brett Kean or Oladukan’s 2nd year as a starter so stability at QB shouldn’t be an issue. I’m not saying we are going to the playoffs, I’m just pointing out that anything is possible. UCF’s season helped the movement. Hopefully we become the first G6 team to make the playoffs. I have concluded my green and gold goggles post. 


    Let me help you. If UCF has continued success, getting the good local recruiting scraps left over from the big 3 gets harder, which means putting a good product on the field gets harder so things won’t take care of themselves. 

    Sorry, but all of the American Conference teams can say all they want, but each one would leave this Conference in a second and then (believe it or not) work with the existing P5 conferences to continue to keep the remaining conferences out of the party and protect their new-found riches. 

    The only reason I would hope UCF has success is if I truly believe we only get upgraded as a package deal with them. Problem is, I’m not convinced of that. 

    • Upvote 3
  4. 15 hours ago, Mama_Bull said:

    Just a word of advice, go there a few minutes before the pep rally ends or you won't find a seat.

    I presume it will once again be held on the top floor of their restaurant

    It overlooks the pep rally, which is directly across the street.

    So,  some people may choose to watch the pep rally from that vantage point and then immediately get in line at their rooftop entrance.


    I second this from my experience last year. 

    I also recommend the alumni tailgate. Don’t know what the temp will be but the tent was a nice warm place to party before the game. 

  5. Can't get mad at Taggart for leaving.  I graduated and the employer where I really wanted to work had a hiring freeze.  I went to work for a small engineering firm instead, and about 4 months later the original company called with an offer of around the same percentage increase Taggart's getting.  I felt pretty crappy telling my boss I was leaving, but the pay increase and benefits were too great to ignore.

    What I didn't appreciate was hearing that Taggart contacted at least one recruit before he told his team. 

  6. 2 hours ago, usf97 said:

    Editorial is hilarious. 


    So what I think he is saying is if this were a math equation is:

    USF to Oregon ($1.7 million a year + loyalty < $3.2 million a year)

    Oregon to FSU ($4 million a year + loyalty < $5 million a year)

    What I don't think he realizes is this "game" isn't about loyalty. 


    It kind of is, but only because both parties clearly determine and agree how much loyalty they want with the buy-out terms of the contract.

  7. On 12/3/2017 at 10:44 AM, Bausfkid said:

    UCF is the only undefeated team in the country with a large margin of victory and doesn't even get a mention in the CFP conversation.

    Very sad for them and our conference. 

    The upside is flags are being planted at numerous P5 schools with HCs from our conference.

    Not sure how that’s an upside. More of a confirmation of the successful farm league that’s been developed. 

  8. On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 9:56 AM, Bulls On Parade said:

    Yes this...he is the exact opposite of Taggart which I loved. Always going for more points...sure last years d was alot worse but this years also isnt great especially when closing games.


    Wonder how much the less-effective offense this year was effective in resting the D more during the games and causing their improvement? 

  9. 4 hours ago, Boomer said:

    I think all of us have our own line where we would get offended (or at least see it as offensive to others) and feel something should be done to send a message that we need to maintain some amount of decency.

    It crossed my line for sure.  I remember getting on a fellow USF fan for making that same gesture at FSU fans from our section in Tallahassee.  There were women and young children within 6 feet of this guy, and I was mortified at how this idiot was representing our university.

    I haven't even told my wife about Quinton's gesture (she will most likely not find out since she doesn't read the sports sections or use Twitter).  I really don't want to ruin her perception of him whom she literally was crying for on senior night.

    I'd love to say he was "rolling dice," or that he was doing it to people who were taunting him in a cruel way, but if I take off my green and gold glasses, I'm seeing it for what it was.

    We already have shown a lack of discipline on the field with all of our penalties this season, and the UCF game was no exception.  I know CCS already came out and defended Flowers for his motive, but I can't see how he doesn't do something to hold Flowers accountable for the action and send a message to the rest of the team.

    Does the NCAA ever step in if a school chooses not to address something like this?



    1 hour ago, Capital H said:

    What a prude.

    Those "innocent" college kids have seen that action on pornhub 1000 times. If this is really something that would "ruin your perception" then you were probably looking for an excuse to not like the man.

    Who are you quoting here?  Since you quoted my post, I'm going to assume you incorrectly used quotations marks to indicate I said something I actually did not.  I never said they were innocent college students, nor did I say that my perception of him is ruined.  He's a good kid that screwed up in the moment.  Still like him a lot, still think he's the best USF football player ever, and still hope he finds success.  However, I'm actually a little worried about him once the coaching support that he's had is gone if he doesn't get to the next level.

    But it's clear you have a MUCH higher tolerance than me (and hopefully A LOT of others) if you think just because some  people have seen an act on a porn site, that no one should be offended if that act is imitated in front of everyone.  Really?  You may not admit it, but you have a line of decency as well.  So go back to Pornhub and watch closely and come back to tell us if everything you saw is fair game to act out in front of the general public.

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