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Everything posted by Carolina_Bull

  1. 10 yard line They'll unleash hell on Floyd Need a nice run or a quick slant here
  2. Equipment managers packed dock shoes for the team it seems Lots of slip sliding
  3. That's the play in the 1st quarter when your defense is (for now) getting stops
  4. Gotta run the ball tonight and get field position to protect Floyd Fumbles and crappy special teams not gonna cut it
  5. Gonna get screwed cause they're going with less cameras It sux being little time
  6. It's not the BE anymore. Only by name. I think I read that UCONN will be the tenth team to leave in less than ten years USF is a conference elder at this point. . . . A farce of you ask me. It's over
  7. I'm suggesting the turd conference we're about to fall to will be there if we delay few years and try to negotiate a better deal without all the garbage that comes from being in a crap conference I truly think Georgetown, St. John's, Villanova and the rest of the hoops schools are More valuable to my alma mater than cusa or sunbelt full memberships USF needs to be creative here. I'm sick to think they are just waiting for their fate to be determined by others and ready to accept it.
  8. If they hold the vote its over. Not sure USF shouldn't ask to throw in with the basketball schools and go Indy in football. The crap conference we are heading for now will still be available if we stay Indy for a few years and work the conference shuffle as the lone wolf with no baggage, no buyouts and no empty suit like aresco holding us back
  9. That's not true...buyout 500k a year. All you have to do is hire a coach for less than 1.5 million and you're even Guys, I was serious. Holtz mailed that in. I'm not sure he doesn't want to get fired. he was going through the motions. If I was admin, I'd sit him down tomorrow and threaten to keep him but demand that he violation-can his entire staff. I'd also let him know that I am going to demand as much oversight as possible over who he hires and what they're paid. Put another way, I'd clip his effing wings. It'd be awkward, but I'd let him know that he is either negotiating a new buyout or getting his career prospects (and his relationships with the entire staff ruined) ruined. Forget that we suck. The dude mailed it in with his lack of focus at half time and his field goal display after the shutout was prevented. . . . . . . . . screw that. Guy is stealing money at this point.
  10. no worries skip sealed his fate today Anyone who has coached before saw that skip mailed this in. Thankfully, Woolard has coached before.
  11. Actually, I think he is trying to finish himself off and lockup the buyout. Not joking.
  12. that was tight end. Probably peed his pants when he saw lanaris had the coverage
  13. I agree. he has felt backside pressure in a way I didn't think was possible after the FSU debacle.
  14. Holtz is vulnerable. I've stayed out of that crap about firing holtz all season because I didn't think it was practical to can him. But this game is exposing the woeful regression of this team. If the team quits on him these next 20 minutes, I honestly think he gives admin no choice.
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