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Bulls 8_va

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Posts posted by Bulls 8_va

  1. ...an OLD SCHOOL script "South Florida" Basketball jersey?

    Do any stores in the Tampa area have the means to make them? (ahem...bulls outfitter?)

    I used to LOVE these jerseys. Back in my first days at the SunDome as a student/fan in the early 2000's I would never get enough of Reggie Kohn penetrating, or shooting the J in one of these beautiful jerseys.

    Im sad they have since gone away with our move to the Big East.

    Can I get one...anywhere?!?!

    GO BULLS!!!

  2. Actually, it was circa 2007, and they've been piling on since then. That was the year I started to notice a change in the character of who posted on this board.

    Definitely 2007.

    I mean...first year ranked...first year ranked in top10 and top5.

    It was a freakin roller coaster. Only to end with a 56-21 drubbing to an Oregon team that prolly should have been in the National Championship game. If Dennis Dixon didn't get hurt earlier in the year. :(

    What could have been...

    That whole season collapsed when walter walker got hurt in the Rutgers game.

    Grothe got no protection.

    GO BULLS!!!

  3. Bleacher Report has a nice article on 6 different programs in the NFL and NCAA that would be good fits for Petrino.

    USF is stated to be one of the best.

    I whole-heartedly agree. Give this guy a second chance! Lets win NOW!!! Come on folks!


    "The Bulls have only had two head coaches in their short time as a football program. They started with long time defensive guru Jim Leavitt leading the team. After the departure of Leavitt, a hot name in coaching took over the reins.

    Skip Holtz has become one of the names that is swirling around the Arkansas coaching vacancy. If Holtz were to leave Tampa for Fayetteville, it seems logical for the Big East team to come calling on a winning coach that use to own the conference.

    Petrino is not untouchable because of this scandal, but he will not likely find another high profile job soon. USF would be a great fit for him and the school if Holtz departs, giving the school a solid coach and giving Petrino a national stage without the pressure of the SEC.

    Of all the teams that would land Petrino, USF is my pick as the most logical for all parties involved."

    LETS BOOK THIS NOW!!! Or else he'll go somewhere like auburn. :(

    GO BULLS!!!

  4. you guys seem awfully optimistic...

    As long as we win the TO battle, I don't see you guys scoring more than 16...

    My prediction:

    September 13: Rutgers @South Florida W 24-16 {3-0(1-0)}

    RU: 1 Rushing TD, 1 Passing TD, 1 Defensive/ST TD, 1 FG

    USF: 1 Rushing TD, 3 FGs

    We already have 2 defensive/STs TDs this year and have also blocked 4 kicks (1 of them counted as a deflected punt though since it still went forward slightly) including a blocked punt for a TD in those 2 games... So watch out for that... We also have our best PR on punts (Mason Robinson) after missing the season last year due to an ACL injury... Together, Mason Robinson (PR), Jeremy Deering (KR) and Miles Shuler (PR/KR, 4.2 speed) should pose a considerable threat in the return game if you don't kick it out of the endzone or the kicks aren't blocked/deflected...

    If your defense truly is weak up the middle in stopping the rush then that helps us since our strength on offense is pounding it up the middle and we've had the most success in the run game running up the middle (vs running left or right) last year and this year... If we succeed in running the ball and we win the TO battle, you guys won't get many drives to put up points since we'll continue to eat clock on offense with our run game and short passing/screen/lateral game...

    Your key to winning this game is to win the TO battle because you won't be able to consistently move the ball against our D apart from the occasional big play... Our D is very stout in the redzone also...


    Bring some sense into the equation.

    We went on the road and beat a team from the Mountain West that constantly contends for their conference. WITH BOISE!!! And beats them!

    Ugh...im sick of hearing about Rutgers defense...put a sock in it!

    GO BULLS!!!

  5. I'm wondering if anyone living in Dade or Broward is traveling up to the Rutgers game on Thursday 9/13. I'd really like to go but none of my friends want to go. I'll pay for half the gas so it might be a good way for you to save a little money. I don't have a ticket yet so it'd be cool if you had an extra one available i could buy. otherwise, i'll just buy 1 on "gousfbulls" ...I really didn't know how to go about this but I figured it was worth a try. (Not sure how many members of this board are in the miami/ft laud area.) Thank you.

    **** dude...if i were down there I'd totally drive you up.

    Thats where I'm from originally and usually where I drive up from. But I'm outta town right now. :(

    Hope you figure it out...rent a car! or take the amtrak!

    GO BULLS!!!

  6. This Nevada game has allowed me to witness a phenomenon I've never seen before. Most times the team loses, plenty of people stop visiting this board for several reasons: Obviously a loss lessens excitement surrounding the team, negativity picks up around here and it gets kind of annoying to read over and over, etc.

    But with this Nevada win, it seems the opposite has happened: Posters such as Cpa_bull here spent so much of the game racing to declare USF to suck in the loudest, most obnoxious way possible - starting threads like this, spamming the chat room with constant whining and negativity - and since the team turned it around and pulled out an amazing victory, Cpa has been nowhere to be seen. It's like this poster lives for the negativity and has to leave the board for a while to avoid the positive thoughts and excitement. It is really quite sad.

    Unfortunately, I have no doubt Cpa_bull will show back up as soon as the team loses - and the team will lose, they are not going undefeated. But it's amazing that there are people who only want to talk about the team when they are able to ***** and cry and moan and whine. What's the point?

    Where is Cpa_bull now?


    GO BULLS!!!

  7. Last year, Nevada kicks a fg to win. Bank it.


    You are all ridiculous...

    We won...it was dirty...our defense gave up alot to begin the game then "clamped down" to the tune of only giving up a field goal and TD for the next three quarters.

    Could Wally Burnham NOT let us get down by 3 scores in the first quarter? Maybe.

    Is Nevada typically a team that scores in bunches and contends for their conference championship every year, with Boise btw? YES

    I think we need to put that game behind us. It was in RENO, the players were gassed for most of the game for multiple reasons(flight, altitude, fajardo). We STILL WON...even attempting 3 Two Point conversions and missing an XP.

    We could have won that game by 35-31...lol

    The fact is we scored over 30 on the road to a team like Nevada...and held them close as well.

    Rutgers can barely score 20 points on an FCS team...and Tulane!!! I think we'll be fine in this game...unless we're tired. I'm slowly getting my confidence back about my bulls. Its gonna take a convincing...and when i say convincing, i mean CONVINCING WIN against Rutgers on thursday to get me to really believe that this team can make a run.

    GO BULLS!!!

    What exactly did I or sciencebull say that was wrong?

    haha...you didn't say anything wrong.

    Its just that after a game like that, alot of us fail to realize what factors we in play.

    Could we have lost that game last year? Maybe...

    Could we have lost it this year? Definitely

    But we didn't. We won.

    Rutgers is this week...lets move on. Sans negativity and doubt. We are all aware of our doubts on this team. I hate it when people think of ways we could have LOST a game. When we one...despite the adversity.

    Its a message board...i get it. lol

    GO BULLS!!!

  8. I mean i'll be the bad guy who calls it stupid but it really has nothing to do with the university, the football program. It is a superstition at this point and was initially created as parody to the war flamingo. If you want to be a follower of such a ridiculous thing than so be it. It makes no difference to me but I call it like I see it. You won't see a flamingo near me, and you won't be hearing about the war flamingo years from now.

    After 5 years, we're still talking about it.

    That means something.

    GO BULLS!!!

  9. One that is universally accepted and spread by students, not some random people on a message board who think they can just create a tradition.

    WF might have been borne out of similar circumstances as other silly traditions, but the fact it didn't take off when it happened (in 2007) means it didn't work. Time to just enjoy what we have until something is created or borne out of an organic process.

    Aren't some of the "Random people on a message board" students, or past students? I'm not saying yea or nay, but the "a tradition must meet a certain standard" argument is flawed in it's nature.

    True. Ok, in other words, this didn't take off when it officially started, so it shouldn't be forced. I've looked up a lot of big traditions, and many of them were borne out of a big event (bigger than someone beating someone else who was bigger than them), and the student body embraced it immediately and it became a war cry or a tradition throughout the school, not just one sport.

    Heres something to burst your bubble...

    I didn't start the War Flamingo back in 2007. I was already out of school and working. I just heard about it(on the other side of the world btw) and ran with it! Bought one, and the next USF game I was able to go to(I believe it was the FAU road game in 2007) I brought my first one.

    I will continually bring the flamingo whether some of you like it or not.

    Its never going to die for me...I had heard the story on facebook...then actually saw it on my streamed WVU game(when moffit had that pat white pick-six) and it changed me.

    That Ben Moffit interception alone was the birth of the War Flamingo...

    Onward WAR FLAMINGO!!!


    GO BULLS!!!

  10. Last year, Nevada kicks a fg to win. Bank it.


    You are all ridiculous...

    We won...it was dirty...our defense gave up alot to begin the game then "clamped down" to the tune of only giving up a field goal and TD for the next three quarters.

    Could Wally Burnham NOT let us get down by 3 scores in the first quarter? Maybe.

    Is Nevada typically a team that scores in bunches and contends for their conference championship every year, with Boise btw? YES

    I think we need to put that game behind us. It was in RENO, the players were gassed for most of the game for multiple reasons(flight, altitude, fajardo). We STILL WON...even attempting 3 Two Point conversions and missing an XP.

    We could have won that game by 35-31...lol

    The fact is we scored over 30 on the road to a team like Nevada...and held them close as well.

    Rutgers can barely score 20 points on an FCS team...and Tulane!!! I think we'll be fine in this game...unless we're tired. I'm slowly getting my confidence back about my bulls. Its gonna take a convincing...and when i say convincing, i mean CONVINCING WIN against Rutgers on thursday to get me to really believe that this team can make a run.

    GO BULLS!!!

  11. The reason they've had success against us in the past is because they have complex blitz packages and play press man coverage. In the past, BJ could not handle the blitz and find the open receiver and we didn't have receivers that could beat man coverage. This year is different....I hope. If BJ can make the right reads and hit the hot receiver we should be able to move the ball throught the air which will open the run game.

    Is it Thursday yet?

    Hot receiver bring Andre Davis right? He's a guy you can just throw it up to and let home make a play. That's different than we have had in the past really. Sterling is good, but, Davis has a bigger body and can make things happen.

    And have we all forgotten about Chris Dunkley?!?!

    Speaking of HOT receivers...I bet he has a breakout game sometime soon. A 5-star recruit can't be a slouch...eesh...mike ford...ok nevermind.

    GO BULLS!!!

  12. I hate rutgers more than any other team...its not even close.

    Oh...im sorry...has this been said before?

    I dont care...hate them.

    Even been to their hole of a stadium in Jersey for one of our games...ugh...words cannot describe...

    I want a blow out on Thursday. BJ and the receivers should just do the last two touchdowns from the Nevada game over and over and over again...and I want ESPN to say something about it.

    GO BULLS!!!

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