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Posts posted by CRBULL

  1. Come back to reality.



    We are ok without the Big East. We have won major bowls and finished in the top 10 and top 20 with out being in a so called power conference before and we have plenty good enough SOS's and home opponents, facilities, and fan support. You know not rented facilities with red chairs. I kind of like the Pirate ship though, nice touch.


    Anywho you guys were in trailer football offices a few years back got in to some lucky money for being at the right place at the right time and you all deep down you know it. To bad you sound like the spoiled trust fund kid. That's cool though when you actually earn it, it's a lot sweeter and people actually respect you. Unlike the sense of entitlement and arrogance you guys carry having done nothing.

    Why do you keep going back to this? What the heck do achievements from before USF had a football team have to do with anything? UNC has won a NC and we whipped their ars but I certainly wouldn't bring that up as relevant. It is all about the current program. USF in the last two years has had a better record than ECU in a tougher conference and has beaten a top ten team two years in a row. What has the ECU's current program done in the last two years to warrant respect from USF?

  2. i dont know if it is or not...but honestly...we really need to stop comparing ourselfs to those programs.  i think college football was just a little different in 1950 then it is in 2006.

    just be  happy with our program getting better every year.

    You seem to be alluding to our win over WV not being as legitimate as when UF or FSU achieved the same accomplishment?....

    Where do you draw the line as to when it is acceptable to compare USF accomplishments to those of the three big programs in FL?

    Making bold statements such as this season USF could beat Miami or FSU and give UF a run for their money is one thing, but comparing their past achievements to our own is another.

  3. i dont beleive rodriquez thinkis temperature makes a difference

    usf can beat wv

    Hey Smazz,

    You have been making a lot of positive posts lately and I'm curious to know what about the team has changed/improved since your posts earlier in the season, when you were thinking we were going to get shocked into reality when we played strong teams like Pitt, UL, & WV, to now feel we have a legitimate shot at WV?

  4. This is my BIGGEST issue. If the colors on the helmets/uniforms are CORRECT, then I have no argument and I'm just some blowhard on a message board. But they arent.

    You cant just arbitrarily(sp?) change the colors cause they dont look right. "Um, yeah....we're just gonna use these black stickers that we have here instead of green. I mean, the look better. Who cares if they're the wrong color, no one will notice...."

    And thats the thing, people DO notice.

    I totally agree. I like some of the uniform suggestions, but I don't know about pushing that hard for them because the necessity is debatable. However, the helmet issue should be taken care of by next season. Not many people would argue that the helmets don't look awful. Having seen other green and gold teams with green and gold helmets, I find it hard to believe that our particular shades of green and gold make it impossible to combine them on a helmet.

  5. I thought someone would have started a thread on this already, but it looked like Cincy was playing some obvious extra dirty ball.

    Grothe's nose - there were two guys with their hands at his face mask long after the tackle

    The elbow to the back of the head after one of our guys casually jogged by after a TD - cought on camera

  6. In fact, I would add that post from Jim to some type of either

    1) hall of fame

    2) a place where everyone can read the facts before talking OCS talk....


    I agree, that was a great post. Put it at the top where everyone who has thoughts of posting about an OCS can read it. You answered practicaly every question I had on the issue.

    I have to say Jim, with posts like that and all of the quantified stats, scores, and schedules you post, you bring a lot of valuable info to this board.


  7. Smazza,

    I hate to see things get to the point where multiple threads on a given day have a few posts in them about you being negative. I personally do not see a problem with fans critiquing the program from time to time, but I think it makes a difference how one goes about doing it. I think the best way to approach it is to treat the program as if it were an employee, subordinate, or family member. With that sort of relationship, it is healthier to handle the criticism with "kid gloves" and use an approach such as opening the critique on a neutral note, make the negative comment, and close it on a good note with some positive feedback. I realize it takes more effort, but that is what relationships are about. People on this board, being the true fans that they are, take criticism of the program personally and your membership on the board gives you a relationship with everyone else who posts here. By the way, I enjoy the articles you clip and bring over to this board and appreciate the effort!

  8. thats a load of crap

    We're not exactly a good team.  We have zero special teams capabilities, no running game, our D has holes in it (especially stopping the run,) albeit his good, our QB is a freshman..........

    In all honesty, we probably beat Uconn, Cuse, and N.C (although that's not a gimmie being on the road.)  Who else do yuou see us beating?

    Cincy is a good possibility.

  9. Personally, I don't find the humor in it. It just causes a thread to clog up with numerous pointless posts.   >:(

    I think it's funny as hell...but then I'm also a three stooges fan so I guess I'm just a sucker for that type of humor  :)

    Good point, I dislike that type of humor. To each his own I guess.....

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