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Everything posted by BaltoBull

  1. Not that I think either of the 'directional' Florida schools would get the nod from the ACC, but aren't the Knights going on probation soon for something?
  2. Somehow, as much as I'd like to see it, USF would not receive an invite from the ACC. I could see a scenario of the ACC going after Louisville (if the Cards are not invited immediately with the Noles), Rutgers or UCONN - or maybe they go all out and do whatever it takes to land Notre Dame. Even though Miami is set to go on probation, the Canes might provide enough exposure for the ACC in Florida and I think the ACC will concentrate on it's northeast presence. As always, I could be wrong.
  3. I'll be there with my son; I'm pulling him out of K-4 early today. Looking forward to it!
  4. Of course it is. The chronology of events will go something like this: 1.) USF Poly becomes independent. (Done) 2.) Over the next couple of years, Poly will lose money and not have accreditation (Don't kid yourself by the way, Alexander KNOWS this...) 3.) After the public has had a chance to forget about it, and because UF will already be providing 'blanket accreditation' to Poly, they will JUST HAVE to step in to save the day. After all, UF will have cut their computer science department by then - what better place to restart it than a relatively new, wholly designated, failing campus in the middle of Florida's tech corridor? UF will be given the keys and applauded for coming in and 'resurrecting' Poly by then. 4.) Poly becomes a permanent extension of UF right in the middle of USF - UCF territory. 5.) UF buys the surrounding property from Alexander to expand it's Lakeland venture. Winners: UF and Alexander Losers: USF and the taxpayers
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