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Posts posted by Jihme

  1. I think we would receive less praise by winning out than would the BE receive scrutiny and downplay on the strength of our conference.  Really, what would people thik if a 5-3 team ran the table on the top teams in the country?  It would look like those top teams are flukes and thus bring down the look of the strength of our conference.  A similar question would be, "What if Ole Miss won out?"  How would people start talking about the SEC?  They would probably start saying that the conference may not be as strong as it was previously thought to be.  Take Auburn for example.  Look how much everyone talked about them after a loss to a lesser team.  We don't want that about our conference especially when people have already been saying it.  It would probably be best for us to have a strong conference this year (WV or UL going against Ohio St. since MI has one of the best run defenses, thus bringing home the NC) and then make a run for it next year, after we have shown the strength of our conference.  As said previously, we don't want to win out after having embarassing losses like Cincy and Kansas along with narrow wins against UCF and such.  All in all, I say we win against Pitt and Cuse and go to a good bowl, and then make a run next year or the year after.

  2. Maybe if things go right, we can beat Pitt since we'll have a sense of urgency in our playing, and then we beat SU then maybe we'll have the frame of mind to upset WVU... If we get into that "must win" frame of mind, then with the game at UL giving us the added experience of playing in the cold the following weekend, maybe there's a shot???

  3. I work for an architecture and engineering firm.  My firm actually did the deisgn of multiple buildings and spots on campus (education building 2, akron center (name?), MLK plaza, new chem building, etc.).  I got to asking around about if anyone knew of an updated master plan hoping to find info about a possible OCS.  I was with one of the planners I work with when we came across this MP.  I was also able to get from talking to him that typically as a planner, long-term means 20 years.  Of course this is all tentative, but it will most likely happen and be at least 80% representative of the MP that is shown here (baring no updates).  Plus the place holder was pretty huge.

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