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Posts posted by BDYZR

  1. A little late, but I agree with Dad, let the team deal with the guys that may or may not cost us games.

    I was disgusted to see Julmiste on the field after the FAU game. They should be in some mandatory class somewhere instead of out having a good time with the team they hurt because of "bad judgement".

    I don't think those three should be allowed anywhere near the field on game day.

  2. Still no answer. I'm amazed at the people on this thread that can ***** day in and day out, know EVERYTHING that's wrong, belittle those of us that are going to be fans regardless, and still not answer a simple question.

    Who is the PERFECT coach to take us to the next step?

    Some people can guarantee it's not JL, which dude is it!

  3. More from the "WOW, far out man" age. Don't understand most of the valley stuff.

    The original question was what we feel about JL. I think he's the best for the job, 100%. I also said that things need to be improved upon, ie: discipline, recruiting, scheduling etc.

    I also asked the question, "If he's not best for the BULLS, who is"?

  4. What makes a good running back?



    Decision making?



    All of these things come into play. Unfortunately Grothe is the only one to show this from the backfield. I think the running backs need to be coached to hit the hole as hard and fast as they can with NO dancing at the line . JUST HIT THE HOLE!

    I know sometimes it's not there, but more often than not, you won't lose yardage going where the play was designed to go.

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