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Posts posted by windbane

  1. Scout has us up to #44 ranked recruiting class now.  It looks like some guys have added stars.  They show us with 2 4 stars and 10 3 stars.


    go figure.  6 ahead of FSU.  man we suck.

    You must be mistaken.  Smazza says we aren't keeping up with the Big 3, and says the rankings are accurate.  If you are correct, smazza is mistaken.  That can't be true.

    ut oh...   :o

  2. Direct quote from our starting fullback during Gregory's tenure:

    that said, gregory definitely needed to go. i remember the buffalo game at buffalo (where we got pummeled) and their linebackers calling our exact plays and pointing out where we were going. there's nothing like running mid-line option as a fullback when the defense knows where you're going.

    Sounds like excuses to me. Players obviously weren't good enough to beat woeful Buffalo and started the blame game...

    It's the same group of players whom under the previous OC scored 44 points against the Bulls. The same Buffalo that had lost 12 straight until beating us. And they shut us out.

    I am inclined to trust their judgment, particularly the ones who played under Grobe initially then made the conversion to the Knorr regime (Knorr had very little if anything to do with the offense during his tenure here).

    I'm just saying that any optimism should be very guarded. The overall opinion from former players is great loads of sympathy for all of us here at USF. That's something!

    The thread starter said he averaged 31 points per conference game while OC @ Ohio. Is that incorrect? If it is, what's the real number? If it's correct, it seems silly to pull that Buffalo game out that appears to be an aberration ...

    yeah, I'm optimistic.

  3. and this great batch will get usf a mighty ranking in the 50s?

    please tell me why this matters to you?  you do know that these ranking systems are completely subjective and are often the product of one or two people, right?

    it's not like the AP poll, in which 60+ people vote - which can remove a lot of bias.

    heck, for scout, the usf board administrator had to contact the scout HQ and convince them to change a couple of rankings by sending videos and making a case... if that doesn't tell you that any ranking of recruiting classes is completely bogus, I don't know what would...

    so, smazza, please tell us why it is important for USF to appear higer on some magic list of irrelevant measurements...

    a team like usf that finishes in the 50's will never ever win the big east.

    there is a correlation to the teams that recruit well and their on field performance

    only schools that arent in top 25 scream rankings dont matter

    the only thing that will probably never happen is you understanding recruiting rankings.  we are ahead of UL right now.  they just won the big east.  not only is the recruiting not over, the rankings are inaccurate and not updated enough to be trusted.  people have continually documented the valid reasons for why the recruiting rankings are not accurate, yet you continue to ignore that and cling to rankings.

    yeah, UF probably has a better class than us, but it's only teams that are very far apart that you can say that.  and as for the top 25, A LOT of fans complain about the fairness there, because again, it doesn't always make sense.  and those are the recruits they watch more closely.

    I just don't see why you continue to ignore all the underrated players that we've had.  All the inaccuracies of recruiting rankings.  It gives you an estimate, but at least wait until signing day is over before you rail on meaningless ranking numbers.  and again, we are ahead of UL so like the person before me says they must not ever be able to win the big east again.

  4. I think its a crime this thread continues.  

    I agree, but at least it's not a felony.

    Unless they are employed by USF AD, I don't know why anyone would care so much about my (or anyone else for that matter) continuing to support  USF  football.

    I don't care if any of them go to USF games or support the program in anyway.  It doesn't affect me one way or the other what they do.

    Heck the majority of USF students and alumni don't support USF athletics.

    well that pretty much sums it up.  you don't care about usf's success.  just stop being a fan already in anticipation of ever recruiting a player that has been given a second chance by everyone but you.

  5. The problem Hauling Bull is how many 4 star DTs do you see wanting to play at USF?  The cruel reality of sports is a large number of the most talented athletes are hardly students in academics.  There major if you will is Football with a minor in "x".  The fact is, if he's as good as they say and improves this team and helps lead to Ws which lead to bigger bowls which leads to more money for the program (more than any one donor we have could give); then it helps the program for EVERYONE.

    I hear what you're saying and hopefully one day our program can do it the way you're wanting to, but we're scratching and clawing to compete and if a guy is "legal"; then we're crazy not to give him a second chance.

    The second point, who are you going to go be a fan of then?  UM?  FSU?  Texas?  Michigan? Bama?   The better the program the more instances of this stuff you'll see.  USF is about as clean a program even with Stirrups as you'll find in the country and Leavitt might be this kids only chance at being a solid member of the community for the future.  Which is better?  Him straightening out and learning discipline and practicing football?  Or roaming the streets with nothing to do and breaking into more cars?

    That's what the scholarship offer could mean in this case.  If we give it to him and he screws up even once?  KICK HIM TO THE CURB.  But until then, I'm willing to give him a shot for the good of the program.

    well said.

  6. hope we get who we want.

    those two weeks lost may not hurt us badly

    it seems it may help us in the long run

    already have most of what we want, 1-2 fallouts but we were longshots already.

    not good than

    mid 50's for usf would be considered bad  by any objective standard

    you are right.  we are so far behind FSU.  they are 50th.  

  7. One thing to remember if it hasn't already been mentioned (didn't read pages 2 & 3 of this thread), Rod played his college football in WV with RichRod as his head coach.  He's from that area of the country and may have family up there.  So not really that treacherous to move.  The timing is probably not exactly good.  And I don't think conference foes should raid each others staffs.  It will definitely kill the conference love for each other.  It goes to show you that it's always about the money.

    the BE should have a coaches hiring conduct within the conf. like players can't just change schools.

    no demotions (unless family hardships can be proven)

    no lateral moves, (unless pay is 50% higher.)

    only moves up

    you can't practice cannibalism on your own conf. and expect conf unity and growth, IMO.

    what is conference unity?  I'm excited about hating WVU more now that they took 2 of our coaches (and I understand they had ties there).  Rivalries are exciting and if we can build one with UL and WVU then great.  If all the coaches switch teams no one is getting worse.  the only problem is WVU lost coaches to other schools and then we have to promote from within.  I'm optimistic that if we can replace Frey's recruiting we'll be ok (and possibly better), and Simmons is a former NFL guy so I think he'll be able to recruit some guys.  

  8. I predict that there will be many post showing that Rutgers suck and that our win means nothing.

    Cuban, I think this means you win the prediction contest.

    all it means is we arent the worst team in the leagu and we still have a chance at going to the big east tourney.  what else does it indicate to you?  

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