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Posts posted by windbane

  1. great win # 2, two more to go to get to MSG!

    go mac!

    go bulls!

    Team played well. We won a game we were supose to. I was surprised to win by 22.

    We will need more than 4 wins to get to MSG.

    can't you ever be happy for the team, instead of taking this cheap shot at them, no game is a sure win, so please stop speaking like they are.  we played a better game than Rutgers did, plain and simple we were the better team on the court tonight, and we won by a lot.  for once please stop taking this cheap shot at the team after every win.

    not to mention 3 ppl said the same thing i did........ look at the prediction contest..... not one poster picked Rutgers to win..... WE BEAT A TEAM WE WERE SUPOSE TO. WE PLAYED WELL.

    You are suggesting that our fan base on this site is rational.  It is not.  Simply take a look at the history for prediction contests on this site for further amplification.  The mere fact that you would use this as evidence is hilarious.  You are a tool.  All you do is berate our team.  Go jump off a bridge.  Please, do it tonight.  It would be a serious motivational tool that would help our team to succeed and win more games.

    How does it feel to be told that you have more value dead than alive?  If I were you, I would seriously review how my life affects others and where that will lead.

    yeah, telling someone to kill him or her self is really productive.  you get really bold when the team beats the worst team in the league.

  2. it is good to win a game we were supposed to.  that's positive.  if we don't win those we might not win any.  were we favored against cincy?  anyway, it's too bad we don't play rutgers twice because we'll need several upsets to get in to the big east tourney.

    i think we were favored by 3 against Cincy.

    sounds familiar.  i wonder if we'll be favored against anyone from here on out.  possibly depaul or seton hall i suppose.

  3. Where did the coaches that Frey and Smith are replacing go to? It may be in the articles but I missed it...

    Our WR coach became Head Coach at Central Michigan.

    Our OL coach/Associate HC became OL coach at FSU.

    Our TE coach/recruiting coordinator became co-offensive coordinator at Tulsa.

    Current QB coach/ST coordinator Bill Stewart is keeping the ST duties, plus he'll coach TE's and become Associate HC.

    Cornerback coach adding recruiting coordinator duties.

    Still need a WR coach. We've reportedly offered an awesome coach/recruiter but he might end up on the new Steelers staff.

    central michigan coach that won 2 bowl games and went to cincy replaced by WVU's WR coach.  odd.  was the TE coach decent because it seems he could have held out for a better position than co-oc at a mediocre school?  btw, I hate WVU, heh.

  4. Wow.  Open up the window and look outside, Mr. Little, the sky is not falling....

    Nahhhhh, nepotism has never been an issue in the work place.  ::)  To me it seems odd that Grants "Daddy" is on the coaching staff.  This comes from an engineer that had to train the bosses son-in-law AutoCAD and deal with his whiny "I'm over stressed 24/7" company secretary daughter and the querky spoiled son that has his own company given to him by "Daddy".  Maybe the picture is a bit clearer for you now T'jo.

    sexton's dad was at FSU when he was in the running for QB.  most coaches are professional and Leavitt has the final say anyway.  don't worry.

  5. in order to get to NY we must win the games we are supposed to win (like tonight) and then steal 2 or 3 games.  5-6 conference wins will get us to NY

    hum...I dunno, 5 or 6 wins might be close.  8 to 12 already have 3 wins each so I guess the chances of 1 of them not winning 2 or 3 more games is possible but there seems to be a lot of parody this year.  we might not make it with only 5 or 6 wins anyway.

  6. Back to the 84 points.  Too many points (given we have 204 as of now) to be anything other than a 5 star player or numerous other players.  There was a comment that after Ford committed that we did not receive any points.  I wonder if someone accidently deleted Ford's points instead of adding them in.  Just a theory.

    Something is definitely wrong with the current rating.  I mean it has Indiana with one 4-star and two 3-star recruits out of 19 and they are rated above us.  Hopefully Dave Glaser from USF.Rivals and get with them and straighten it out.

    must be our punishment for not believing in the system

  7. I would prefer someone other than our best WR returning kicks.

    Kinda like how Steve Smith does it in the NFL?  Or how Tiki Barber was returning punts up until 2 years ago? Put your best playmakers on the field as much as possible.

    agreed.  I wouldnt be surprised if some people argued that sending any star WR over the middle shouldnt be done because they might get injured.  Football is a risky game but why not use your best athletes to return kicks?  I've never understood that.  Not only that, I can't remember the last time I've seen a returner get hurt anyway.  It does not seem to be any more dangerous than any other play.

  8. get rich and donate some money, then.  Leavitt has done a great job at finding good coaches.  Our OC and OL coaches are very experienced and have been successful.  If we get former players then they must be good enough, because no matter who Leavitt gets they seem to go on to richer (so far) programs.  And yet, through it all, we continue to get better and look forward to our best season coming up (either of the next few years I expect).  

    I'm not worried.  We also have more money for assistants every year for awhile so hopefully we'll be able to keep some of these guys soon, starting with our new coaches if they do as well as I expect they will next year.

  9. I am really tired of listening to Dicky V tell me how hard it is to win at USF.  If you can win at Butler, If you can win at Hofstra, If you can win at Gonzaga, If you can win at Bucknell, If you can win at SW Missouri State, If you can went at the Univeristy of Wisconsin Milwaukee,


    This is not Nome, Alaska.  This is not Topeka, Kansas.  This is Florida.  This is the Big East.  This is one of the 10 biggest schools in the country.

    Just spare me Dicky V...

    Give me a break.

    Bring in Quinn Snyder.

    heh, yeah, you can win anywhere in basketball.  

  10. A demotion...

    you are just so lost.

    Coaching Pat White is a demotion.  The guy who will probably be the odds on favorite to win the Heisman with Brohm from LU.

    You can't seem to address the fact that we outgained our opponents 9 out of the 13 games we played this year.

    You can't seem to address the 5 TD's we scored against Louisville -- who at the tme had won something 11 straight games.

    You can't seem to address the outstanding drive we put together at the end of the West Va game to ice it.

    Arguing with you is like banging my head against the wall.

    Im sorry Rod Smith could only win 6 games with Pat Julmiste at the helm -- who by an odd chance was pulled by CJL repeated times.

    Given a decent QB -- smith turned in a stellar performance this year.  

    Again, Greg Gregory was 100% as co-offensive coordinator this year.  Full game planning and play calling.  I'll just make it simple on you, because I am not going to debate further you give your man love to Smith...but given that the ONLY time Smith's output on offense was good since 2002, was when Greg Gregory was working right beside him gameplanning and calling the plays.  SO, Greg deserves just as much of the credit.

    Oh, and this working for, or working with Pat White is a promotion is a joke.  Clearly you're a young man that hasn't experienced the real world, but I can promise you carrying the water for someone that does all the heavy lifting is not a promotion.

    I hadn't heard that before, but it does make sense since our offensive playcalling did improve drastically in 2006.

    Yes Coach Gregory was next to Smith in the booth.  He was involved in gameplanning all year and play calling.  Additionally Franks has always been involved in the running game plan, and was the guy credited with Hall's evolving into the back he became.  Ari seems to want to give Smith credit where it isn't warranted.  The game plan and play calling was better this year, partly due to Grothe, and partly due to a revamped scheme that included all the offensive coordinators- Gregory, and Franks.

    As for outgaining 9 out of 13 teams that's like saying we scored more than 9 opponents....duh we won 9 games.  That doesn't prove much, give me stats that demonstrate an above average skill or play calling.  You can't go say we outgained 9 opponents and give all the accolades to Smith when clearly exceptional defensive play also led to some of that differential.  Are we suppose to say Smith was the reason we beat WVU?  We out gained them, but did we outgain them because of Smith or because our defense played amazing and held the top rated WVU offense to 200 yards less than their season average.  That's the ignorance in that type of logic....we outscored 9 opponents but was it exclusively due to an offensive attack like WVU's or UL's, or because we had a balanced team with an excellent defense that held opponents to an amazingly low 16.9ppg which was good for an 18th national ranking in scoring defense.

    Let's take a look to see what was really the catalyst to this great season since Ari refuses to look at actual facts.

    National rankings:

    Scoring Offense: 23ppg, that was good for being tied for 64th in the nation....hmmm Ari, 64th in the nation out of 119 teams is pretty average to me some might say BELOW AVERAGE when you consider the teams around us and we're on the lower end of the 119 teams.

    Scoring Defense: 16.9ppg that was good for outright 18th in the nation....seems it was the defense holding opponents to lower yardage and scoring marks that led to more victories instead of our AVERAGE OFFENSE winning anything.

    Total Yardage Offense:  averaged 361ypg which was good for 45th in the Nation out of 119 teams, just slightly above average but considering the scoring stats and weaker OOC you'd have to say AVERAGE AGAIN!

    Total Yardage DEFENSE:  averaged 298ypg which was good for 25th in the NATION out of 119 teams, NOW THAT IS GOOD.  It looks like despite our very slightly above average yardage total was helped out tremendously by our VERY GOOD defensive yardage surrendered.

    SO, Ari, based on NCAA stats our offense was AVERAGE.  You're assertions about Smith having a good output, and that I was wrong stating it was simply average is WRONG!!!!!!   Outgaining 9 opponents, and outscoring 9 had as much, if not much more, to do with an excellent defense then Smith's 'amazing' offensive juggernaut you claim.  You might have had an argument if we had an offense like UL, or WVU but if we had that Smith would have been hired away to go somewhere and RUN HIS OFFENSE, instead of going somewhere to work under, and take a lower position to learn a system.

    Now walk away gracefully because I don't see the need to carry this further.

    Here's the link for your personal edification.  Thanks for playing.


    For the record on countless ocasions I've stated I am ready for a change in coaching for the hoops program.  However I only criticize the manner and timing of your criticisms of the program that at times are unwarranted and inaccurate.  The program needs a change, but it has some good things to take away from it too, albeit I'll reserve that judgement until after tomorrow's Rutgers game.

    read, ari.  good grief.  he had good games and he had bad games.

  11. Maybe because Pat Julmiste is awful.

    Why don't you take a look at the Washington Redskins.  They have all the talent in the world and their QB is TERRIBLE!  

    I guess Al Saunders is a terrible O.C too.    I mean he is only known league wide as a brillant mine --but the Skins offense was terrible.

    USF's offense struggled because they didn't a have QB in 05..

    Smith -- delivered.  Say what you will.

    Ok, I will.  Rod Smith was also the QB Coach and recruiter the last I checked.  In fact, I believe he was QB Coach before OC.  In all of his time here he recruited ONE QB that made him look good.   S. Bien gave you the stats:  average offense.  Why do we need so many threads to say the same thing?  It is obvious he was a decent, average OC.  Let's look to the future now.

  12. FAU and FIU should be ashamed of themselves- according to Smazzas train of thought FAU and FIU should be ranked top 25 and competing for best recruits since they are so close to Miami and have the best recruits in their own back yard.  ;D ;D

    Im curious how long did it take USC(So Cal) to win and become a consistent top 25 team once they started football?  

    such a great question I hope he answers it.

  13. I'm beginning to think Coach Greg Gregory is backup QB Grant Gregory's father.  Grant played football in OH in HS and Gregory was a coach at Ohio U.  And Grant's bio mentioned his father coached at Army.  Can someone confirm this?  

    sure is

    Is it just me or does this situation have a conflict of interest?  Don't ya think Coach Gregory may be a bit quick to pull Grothe if he seems to be struggling and replace him with Grant?

    He seems experienced enough to know better than to do that.  Also, as the QB coach he can help Grant learn the offense while Grothe is starting for a chance to start if Grothe gets hurt.  That will keep Voss improving as well and allow him to redshirt this year.

  14. Its been quiet lately with the recruiting picture.  Just wondering if we have any guys coming in for visits this weekend, and who they are.

    Good stuff, all the recruiting targets seem to have responded very positively to Leavitt's actions and compassion regarding Dorsey and the handling of the team since this happened.  The weekend of 2/2 is shaping up to be a large visiting weekend and thus far despite pushes by other staffs no defections.

    great news.  Also a good sign about the kind of players we are recruiting that they understand the situation.

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