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Posts posted by Guest_Pariah

  1. seriously.  i'd like to hear what some of the leavitt/julmiste brown-nosers would say about this one.  they'd probably "justify" this win like they did with penn state and miami. it just shows how bad of a qb situation we've got

    That was my point. Those that defend Julmiste cited Miami as a defensive juggernaught. They are good and that still doesnt take away from the fact that Julmiste sucks.

  2. And Piranha, Perverta, whatever,...  If you don't like or understand why people get behind their team, maybe you should talk to a few ucfers. What you might call a fluke, I'll take it.  I'd rather be lucky than good any day.

    Im all about getting behind the team, its the unreal expectations and arrogance that kills me. Im not saying that the Bulls cannot run the table. I doubt it, not EXPECT it. Its only setting yourself up for a let down.

    Some people on this board believe that USF is as good as Miami (Which also has a loss and most likely will get another) even though the game proved otherwise.

    Im hoping for a bowl, any bowl. I only pray that we win 3 more games this year. (Enter the emperors new team crowd to tell me about the weak schedule)

  3. BTW - I blame the scheme more than the players. Look at UF (Sorry) even someone as infinately talented as Chris Leak has trouble getting a spread offense into gear against a good team. Thats why the spread, the run and gun or whatever the flavour of the year is starts off in a hole. You need near perfect execution to have success. I LONG for the days of a simpler offense.

    Oh and my bad about your very time specific statistics. I bet in some period of time we A.) never punted B.) Completed 3 consecutive passes and C.) Had no penalties. I wouldn't want to have to find that magical time in the stats, but Im sure it exixts.

  4. Your opinion.  The key part of that statement it's 'yours' and we all have one as well.

    There again, your crack on punting.  FYI, we averaged l believe three punts a game from UCF through UL (because of that 'anemic' offense).  Maybe that's why the punting was listless against Miami and needs work.

    Hard to punt it more than 3 times when you turn it over FIVE TIMES

  5. a·ne·mic also a·nae·mic   "anemic"

    Pronunciation Key  (-nmk)


      1. Relating to or suffering from anemia.

      2. Lacking vitality; listless and weak: an anemic attempt to hit the baseball; an anemic economic recovery

    OK there sbien,  I guess your right. Maybe USFs offense does not have a deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood. But in my opinion it is listless and weak.

    Anyway you are right about one thing, as much punting as we are doing its wise to concentrate on special teams.

  6. Ive been some of the bowl threads and just now the Big East article thread and I am amazed how much mileage the win over UL gets.

    Other than that win, which was fueled by big plays (gimmicks), we are exactly where I expected us to be having beat FAMU and UCF and lost to Penn State and Miami. Other than the defense doing a much better job than last year this team MAY be the same team we saw last year.

    What was last years record btw?

    Until I see a QB that throws more to us than to them, a RB that can average more than 3 yards a carry against I-A teams and a WR that can haul in two passes in a row I am cautiously approaching the rest of the year.

    Having said that I salute those of you that drank the Kool-Aid.

  7. They are probably running position drills. I would like them to work together on their timing and execution. Run the plays till they work and you are so comfortable with them that you can run them under pressure and in your sleep. If we are "set" with this offense then we may as well make BBQ plans  to watch the bowl games.

  8. On reducing the amount of penalties ... “Miami has a very good defense and their coverage is pretty tight. There wasn’t a lot of room for error. They worked our O-Line pretty good and go pressure to Pat and Courtney (Denson). You can’t make mistakes at all. We need to play better in the offensive line, and our QB’s need to make better decisions with the ball. We never practice interceptions. You always go out to practice and throw to your guys. Pat has done a pretty good job and he didn’t do as good against Miami and Duke struggled a little bit too. Miami has won a lot of games there. It just doesn’t happen. They are a pretty good team down there. We’ve won a lot of games in Tampa. You just keep practicing and working hard.â€Â

    Did he mention penalties? LOL I think he has a mental block on the subject.

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