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Posts posted by BullyPulpit

  1. He is a God amongst mere mortals. All of that talk of Lefty catching him and challenging him for best golfer in the world....Where is Lefty at in this one? +8 in 71st place. Tiger will break all of the records and then most likely ride of into the sunset, leaving a legacy and major brand name to live off of the rest of his life, a la Michael Jordan.

  2. http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/index.php?sty=72196

    The kid is a stud of a QB. He is looking at Neb, among others. I would love to have him at USF next season. If we got this kid, with our D and WRs, we would be one of the top two teams in the BE next year. I hope Leavitt and Co. are at least trying to lure him in. Guarentee him the starting job next year. But, realistically, we are probably not on this kid's radar. Too bad.....

  3. I heard they have VERY FIRMLY asked the players not to go offsides, hit late, or block in the back. This is a marked difference from last year when they simply POLITELY asked the players not to commit any penalties.  ;)

    Seriously though, I do not mind an occassional "agressive play" penalty (ie: Roughing the passer/ late hit) when it is in the context of playing with a high leve lof intensity, but the blockign in the back on returns and the offsides have to stop.

  4. Last year's game was horrendous. Here is my prediction on hte ending for this year's game:

    With the score tied at 0-0 FSU threatens late, driving down to the UM 15 yard line with 20 seconds left. With one timeout left, OC Jeff Bowden is confident FSU can run at least 2 more plays. Pressed to make a play call, Jeff remembers seeing an intriguing play called by USF in November of last season. He calls Voodoo '06 Remix. Unfortunately, the remix is as bad as the original, with the play failing again. Miami returns a fumble for a game winning touchdown as time expires.

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