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Everything posted by jbowen176

  1. sure thing Mike, I can see that and will drop it, just thought it was a very strange football play that went unoticed. Hell of a return though...broke my spirit and any hope of a comeback.
  2. Once again you try to speak for everyone by using words like "it doesn't interest US", but I see many replies to this thread where guys are acutally discussing the football rules in regards to a situation like this. If you get this upset over a Bulls win, I sure would hate to see you after a Bulls loss. Can we pretend that this play didn't happen in the USF UL game, and pretend it happened in JOE BLOW U vs JANE DOE U game, thats what I am trying to do. everyone except you has had something to add to this civil conversation, you are the one embarressing yourself.
  3. After particpating in the live game chat last night and offering my congratulations numerous times in this thread alone, combined w/ the fact I have stated that you guys wupped up on my Cards and I am in no way saying this play could have changed that fact, I can say that I don't feel like I am on this board whining about blown calls. I also don't think that after some of the class fans I have interacted w/ from USF over the past week and last night that you are in any position to speak for all of them by saying "WE don't want to hear your whining". I would think you could try to show some class yourself and not be such a sore winner. I sure as hell am not being a sore loser.
  4. as a guest and not a registered member of this forum you probably were not involved in the thread, on this forum, where I discussed this prediction (before the game) as a joke (note the dance team playing defense). Get over yourself, your team played great and I was just discussing part of the game afterward. If I were some obnoxious fan from another team (like yourself) I wouldn't be here the day after such an embarrassing loss disscussing things w/ you guys still.
  5. how many times can I say I KNOW it doesn't matter now and I am not complaining, I just am curious what the ruling might have been had they caught this during the game!
  6. hmmm interesting, I wonder if this is really the case. and as far as forward a fumble, that would only mean USF couldn't have recovered it for a TD, but if it bounced out of bounds USF wouldn't get it on the 1/2 yard line I don't think. I think it's UL's ball at the 20.
  7. fair enough, but what if the ball landed in the endzone and bounces out of bounds? would that be a touchback by rule?
  8. all your replies are correct, thats why I said it wouldn't have mattered, I just thought it was odd. Almost Leon Lett like.
  9. First off, no sour grapes here, you guys wupped my Cards fair and square. Just noticed this strange play during the game so I captured the video from the local highlights later on and it proved I saw what I thought I saw. Judge for yourself...what should the ruling have been if they had called this a fumble?? http://homepage.mac.com/jbowen1200/video/iMovieTheater41.html
  10. Do no bars in Florida have Direct TV??? What do they show on Sundays down there if they don't have NFL Sunday Ticket???
  11. Sure thing, and I invite any of you to do the same at www.cardinalempire.com. We usually have a very strong participation for out in-game threads.
  12. perhaps you should say 11-6, since 15 of the wins are against 1AA. But that doesn't sound quite as impressive, now does it?
  13. Wrong again bucko, nice try. A friend of mine once said you should never show up for a battle of wits unarmed. :
  14. Sorry, wrong answer, but thanks for playing! We scored 28 against you guys 2 years ago, the only two game we scored less then 28 in the past 3 years was Temple (21) and Memphis (7) 3 years ago.
  15. Hey, if you guys play us close, I'll be on this board full of congrats. If we destroy you guys you won't hear a word from me until basketball season.
  16. Holy geez, like I don't respect the fine men and women of the US Army because I made fun of USF for losing to Army last year. Get over yourself bud. I had two brother-in-laws serve in Iraq at the same time, I hold them in high esteem. And I didn't know that UCF's team name was the Cardinals (note jboCARDfan).
  17. Better aim for more then 28, UL hasn't scored below 28 in the last two years, and it scored more then 28 in all but 2 games in the past 3 years.
  18. Yea, didn't Army show a lot of heart against you guys last year?
  19. Just re-read this comment and realized it might sound a bit perverted...I would like to take this time to repent. Lord, Please forgive me for saying I'd like to watch the UL dance team cover the USF WR's...and please be with the starving pigmees down in New Guinnea...Amen. There I feel MUCH better.
  20. what you don't think your fellow USF fans know how to click on a link? I wasn't hiding my prediction, just found it funny you guys would link to a prediction thread on our board. My predicition was more a mockery of the entire prediciton thread tradition then to the USF Bulls (note my joke about our dance team giving up a TD). On the hole, USF seems to have a pretty good base of fans, I just like to engage in a bit of smacky smacky w/ other teams fans. I hope you guys do well, lord knows the NBE needs someone to. So to Chitownbull, I say don't get your panties in a wad man, it's all a good time. I'm just glad our local guys finally struck a deal so I can actually watch my Cardinals win 70-7...because to tell you the truth, it might actually be interesting to watch the dance team try to cover your WR's!!
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