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Posts posted by RHBullsFan

  1. I couldn't agree more. IMO FSU shouldn't even be ranked right now. They have 4 UGLY losses. 3 to unranked team and the UF loss wasn't even a contest. I was wondering when we would hear the national media rip on the ACC but I don't see it happening.

    I just feel the most bad for Penn State. They have 1 loss, could maybe lay claim to #2 if the USC/Texas game is a blowout but now they have no shot.....they should be playing Notre Dame but it's all about the money and the BS storyline, JoPa v Bowden.

  2. we shouldn't have  given leavittsuch a big raise and thrown some money to basketball to hire a huggins

    when guys like a eustachy,knight and huggins are available and you want to upgrade program

    you have to go after these guys

    rmc has had a fair shot

    i say keep him for  thru next baskeball season and see what he can recruit over next 2 years BUT if huggins would come in cheap

    you gotta GRAB HIM

    smazza, Leavitt will generate enough money with the football program through bowl invites, memorabilia, etc to help pay for his raise. What sort of money has basketball generated?

    I am with you that we give Coach Mac another year or 2. We have to give him enough time to recruit players for his system. I have seen improvement from year 1 to year 2, but it looks like we're goign to be taking a serious step in the wrong direction this year. I don't think that Woolard will put up with an utter embarassment that may come from our first year in the BE. I can easily see us going 0 for the Big East in our conference record this year.

  3. and Amarri has done a nice job when returning punts. With that said, it can't hurt to get another athlete back there on returns. Lets see what he can do.

    I wonder if Denson regrets leaving Auburn now that it is apparent that he is not a D1 QB. He is essentially in the same place as he was at Auburn, although we at least gave him a shot at QB.

  4. Ummmmm, I don't think we want to see USF vs ANYONE in an "air war." Can we beat WVU? Of course we can, we beat Lousiville, we played Penn State tough. W ehave to show up on both sides of the ball and special teams. If we get a complete effort like we did against Lousiville, anything is possible.

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