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Posts posted by USFPDiddy

  1. any big east teams beat miami or fsu

    UL certainly didn't look outclassed...

    NBE is pretty good overall and is just missing the titanic program (or two) at the top that the other 5 BCS conferences have.  Their 2nd-5-6th could play with the other BCS all day.

  2. This is not meant as a flame, I dont know if I can handle anymore disappointments of this magnitude. First Cuse embarrases the conference by getting hammered by Purdue 51-0, Then Rutgers loses to D1-AA New hampshire, Then Cincy loses to Army, now USF loses to Army. I can understand Cincy losing to Army, but I would have never guessed that USF could lose to Army. Not with all of the talent you guys have been pulling in.  Army must really be improving quickly. If thats the case I want their coach at Cuse.  

    Not a realistic move for Ross, but Rick Neuheisel (i dont care how u spell his name) at washington is cleared and looking to coach.  If SU doesnt have a good year, they may make a phone call.  Washington and Colorado were both very good programs while he was at them.  And both quite questionable when he was not.

  3. Our recruiting the past 2 years has been very good overall, and it is showing at some positions with guys who are obviously better physically than our old ones.  Problem is, they aren't well coached yet in some cases.

    The biggest problem is our Offensive playcalling and our quarterback.  We are running some sort of playstation offense with the crap spread, and our QB can't make the reads well.  Sometimes he will, then mis-throws it or stares down a WR.  D overpursues, but has been decent and will continue to improve.  We need a new OC.

  4. Why hello collegecard, good to see you've found your way over here from killerfrogs.  Are we still a little bitter over last year?  Comparing scores of a like team is folley and you know it.

    2002 ND beat FSU by more than Miami that year.  Miami made the NC.  I could give examples forever.

    Granted, I expect UL to win, but I think USF will cover the spread on a beat-up UL team that will NOT scheme for us like they did UM.

  5. As much as I complain or call for the OC's head, I'm a USF fan to the end, just like I'm an Eagles fan to the end.  And believe me, it wasnt THAT long ago that they were AWFUL.

    And no matter how bad we lose and how many chairs I tip over in my house or how many local objects I throw after blown plays/calls, I'll be watching the BULLS every week they're on.

    Go Bulls.  Let's get a win.

  6. STK, not that I want Spurrier here anyways, but you keep saying his loyalty is with Florida.  

    If that is true then why did he leave for the NFL?  His loyalty to the gators doesnt run as deep as his love for himself.  If he thinks taking another college football gig will get him national attention, and a shot at another national title he will certainly go for it.  He has a Huuuuuuge ego.

    If it was possible to win college games with egos I would change my mind and vote for our getting him.  That ego would win worldwide.

  7. Just say for a second that Spurrier would consider coming to USF to coach, and the team TOTALLY tanked this year.

    You think the school wouldn't find a way to buy-out Leavitt's contract?  

    Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.   We buy out a contract, and then offer what kind to Spurrier?  100,000/year?  Be realistic, we couldn't afford spurrier, and would struggle mightily just to get rid of leavitt.

    Leavitt, who buit this program and has a record better than most division 1-a coaches.  He is not immortal, and the time will come to consider firing hiim if losing continues.  If he tanks the team and shows NO improvement through the end of 2005, then its time to consider firing leavitt.

    Or are you suggesting that Spurrier would come here for very cheap?  You know what, while we're dreaming why not pick up Parcells?  **** Vermeil has been struggling lately, maybe we could pay him a little bit to come here :).

    Now, as far as firing coaches goes, somebody's number IS up.  Get Hobbie out of here, he's making me sick.

    And somebody teach our defense not to overpursue (*cough* leavitt we're watching).  This team needs work and it needs work fast.

  8. Understand completely.  I should also point out that I'm not here just because we won -- I'm constantly lurking (here and elsewhere), practically never logged in.

    You kidding?  I see you everywhere from killerfrogs to various other boards.  I'm a little surprised to see you on this board, but welcome 88 posts in.  Ross has army headed in the right direction in a hurry.

  9. I think that's a serious over reaction.

    There are a few coordinators that need to be on the chopping block.

    Tonight wasn't as much as a coaching issue as it was an issue of poor execution.  Coaches can't complete passes for you and they can't make tackles for you.  They can't keep your opponenet from getting 10 yards behind you and they can't stop you from over pursuing.  Yes, you have to coach and work on these things and I'm certain our staff is.  However, our players simply are not executing.

    That would be on the coaches.  I watched our corner (#42) take an INSIDE move on a screen.  This isnt a DT.  It's a corner.  You cant do that, he had no outside help and he shouldn't have expected it.  That's a major defensive mistake.

    What's up with manning up on the recievers so much?  We couldnt get to the QB, so wouldn't it be better to put another guy back there for this?

    Our coaching showed a very terrible side to it when, on back to back drives, army hit LONG TD runs...of a simple toss sweep.  You'd think there would be an adjustment of some sort to that, rather than letting them do it again for free.  That really sucked out momentum, and of course gave up easy points.

    Julmiste could have hit that TE in the end zone without a pick.  Both of those recievers were open, but he mis-threw it.  Ugly.

    Hall is a great back.  I want to see him running it more often.  Crossley should continue to give him breaks.  We have a good running game.  The D needed to be there.  35 Is usually enough to win.  But it isnt when you give up...oh 3 easy touchdowns all off of blown fundamentals or questionable coverage.

    Call for leavitt's head?  Not at the end of this year, even if we go with 3 or 4 wins.  But if the result is the same next year ESPECIALLY on offense, the loyalty runs out.  Great coaches adjust and leavitt has done little of that overall, either in personnel or in playcalling.

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