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Posts posted by USFPDiddy

  1. Never mind Jim I guess it still worked, sorry Diddy it is a joke and it tells anyone logged on that I am talking about them ;D
    I blame /you it's hard to even visit the board with fans like that >:(

    And yet you'll never find me namecalling individual players, saying we should fire leavitt, that the team sucks, or anything of the sort.

    I expect us to win every game, and get disappointed when we don't.  I'm assuming the team approaches it the same way.

    What does happen is that I get very frustrated when we could and should win and easily correctable mistakes cause us not to.  I also understand the difficulty of the college game though.  If it was easy, I'd have been on that field last night.

    You'll also find, if you sift carefully through my posts, that I've repeatedly defended our defense and have blamed both of our last losses on the 3 things the team actually lacks: 1.  A capable starting running back (note that I'm not directly attacking anyone by doing this, they're being thrown to the dogs at that position.  If I blame anyone here, it's Ponton)  2.  Our kicking game, I'll admit I was disappointed we didnt give the other kicker a scholly, since he did earn a starting position there based on performance on the field.  3.  Turnovers.  Grothe really does look like the QB of the future, but I'm sick of people harping on our defense when he turns it over.  He's a first year starter.  He's young.  He's not perfect, but it seems like people are trying to tack some of his blame somewhere else.  I hate to see that.  The kid needs to see his mistakes, acknowledge them, and correct them.  Fortunately, unlike many on this board he's shown me HE will do that.

    So before you go calling me out, keep in mind that I neither called for doom and gloom nor attacked any of the players directly.  (or even the coaching staff!  I'll admit to getting on smiths case in past weeks).  What about the fans that talk about how we suck, or say X will destroy us every week, or that we're not ready for the big time?  You don't see that garbage out of me.  I think we're a potential bowl team this year and that's it.  That's not an insult or a compliment, it's reality.  I don't think any rational fan from anywhere in the country would see 3-2 USF any other way.

    Yeah.  I realized that approximately 40 seconds after I clicked post.  You'd think I'd know better, considering how many times I've pulled that garbage on AOL instant messenger.  I guess it's karma  ;).

  2. I blame /you it's hard to even visit the board with fans like that >:(

    And yet you'll never find me namecalling individual players, saying we should fire leavitt, that the team sucks, or anything of the sort.

    I expect us to win every game, and get disappointed when we don't.  I'm assuming the team approaches it the same way.

    What does happen is that I get very frustrated when we could and should win and easily correctable mistakes cause us not to.  I also understand the difficulty of the college game though.  If it was easy, I'd have been on that field last night.

    You'll also find, if you sift carefully through my posts, that I've repeatedly defended our defense and have blamed both of our last losses on the 3 things the team actually lacks: 1.  A capable starting running back (note that I'm not directly attacking anyone by doing this, they're being thrown to the dogs at that position.  If I blame anyone here, it's Ponton)  2.  Our kicking game, I'll admit I was disappointed we didnt give the other kicker a scholly, since he did earn a starting position there based on performance on the field.  3.  Turnovers.  Grothe really does look like the QB of the future, but I'm sick of people harping on our defense when he turns it over.  He's a first year starter.  He's young.  He's not perfect, but it seems like people are trying to tack some of his blame somewhere else.  I hate to see that.  The kid needs to see his mistakes, acknowledge them, and correct them.  Fortunately, unlike many on this board he's shown me HE will do that.

    So before you go calling me out, keep in mind that I neither called for doom and gloom nor attacked any of the players directly.  (or even the coaching staff!  I'll admit to getting on smiths case in past weeks).  What about the fans that talk about how we suck, or say X will destroy us every week, or that we're not ready for the big time?  You don't see that garbage out of me.  I think we're a potential bowl team this year and that's it.  That's not an insult or a compliment, it's reality.  I don't think any rational fan from anywhere in the country would see 3-2 USF any other way.

    Edit:  Hahahahahaha...Got me goooooooooooooooooooooooood

    I should wait to post until i've been awake more than 10 minutes.  I'll leave the post though, because that's how I feel.  I really do love this team/school, and that's why i'll jump on a bad performance.  I know we can do better, and I know our team knows that too.

  3. Just about every major problem we have would be solved via 2 things:

    1.  A good to great running back to take some pressure off grothe (and make those option choice plays an actual threat)

    2.  A kicker.  Jeeez.  It's like we're FIU or something.  Kick/make the **** field goal.  I dont care if you have to do a ritualistic dance before the game for confidence, just get it through.

  4. ...  But the season is young.

    Agree ... and glad some on here are not our coach ... we would never win.


    I would be a great coach!  Rather than shutting the media out, I'd go T.O. on their collective arses, hiding any true measure of performance from my team for years!  Oh yes, my mouth would be bigger than ANYONES game.

    While doing this, I'd lobby the school for more money, and hire offensive and defensive staff to do all the real work.  Believe it or not, I'm fairly good at selecting competent personnel, and have a few model theories I'd like to test out for doing so consistenly - pretty sure they'd work.  I'd give them enough credit/money to keep them around, but take the bulk of it so that the media keeps talking about how good I am.  Unless we're losing, then I'd just fire them.  I might even make up some story about how they attempted to entice players into illegal activities.  I'm pretty good at throwing in arbitrary detail to make stories believable.

    Hmmm, now that I look at it, I should be careful what I put in writing.  If the UCF administration gets wind of this, I might be looking at a job offer 8-).

  5. Jim Leavitt and Rod Smith called the "take the sack" and the "throw the interception" plays?

    This game was won during the week, not by x's and o's in game.  I'm not trying to say we suck or throw doom around or anything.  I'm just saying that we lost the game because the players didn't have the necessary discipline to win it.  It's true that they're improving, but I'm hoping to see some more W's so the team makes a bowl and has something to build off of for next year.

  6. If we're not very good, then Rutgers isn't very good, because we could have won this game but didn't.  I am proud of our guys, they played thier hearts out.  Give RU credit.  I thought we would win this game, but RU showed me something.  We played basically even with a team that will probably now be top 20, so I won't say we aren't a very good team yet.  But did this loss take the life out of our team.  how will we respond.

    All RU did was prove that if a team turns it over 3 times, one on a plain out bad throw (unforced pick...the guy he was aiming for was open!) and another on a ponderous fumble, they can beat them.  IF they miss a field goal too, that is.

    RU still hasn't proven anything yet, and we've proven less.  But the season is young.

  7. Better run defense would have created more possesions for the offense...nuff said.

    Less turnovers would have meant we won the game...nuff said.

    Hell, so would a mike benzer field goal.  RU needed that ridiculous kick.

    You're asking too much of the defense to give the other team 65%+ time of possesion then stop the run.  That's insane.  The spread is higher scoring than other O's, but seems less consistent...especially when you only have 1 true option in the backfield.

    GG, offense and special teams lose another one in a row.  I think we're a bowl team and that's about it.

  8. Rutgers points off turnovers?

    USF running game?

    This team needs time.  For all you negative biotches out there, if there's something you think can actually be done to improve the situation, let's hear it.  I don't wanna hear canning leavitt though, unless you can 1) give us a better coaching name and 2) produce, in detail, the financials that show how we'd buy out a contract and pay for said coach on top of it.

    In other words, leavitt's a pretty good coach, the best we can have, and we're going to have to take our lumps, which currently include a bad kicking game, no halfback, and a bad turnover rate.

    I don't want to see many morons on here harping about the defense though.  It's been playing well.  Maybe not top 10 well, but well.  You can't have 3+ turnovers a game and win consistently, nor can you miss/not kick field goals.  This team is beating itself, but that doesnt mean I'm saying its good.  I'm saying it has "speed" which everyone seems to love (despite it seldom winning by itself) but below average discipline.

    Disappointed?  Yes.  Season ending loss?  Based on what expectations would be a good reply to that.  Surprised?  Not really.

    I won't be surprised to lose like this until we have a legit running game.

  9. he never saw barry sanders run

    grothe is nothing like barry sanders

    Hahahaha.  "now i dont want to overblow things'.  Then he compares a QB in college to one of the greatest RB's in history at any level.  I don't think its hard to see some sarcasm here, although maybe the preparations are similar in a way or two.  For example:

    1.  "tackle him...wrap up"

    2.  "Don't overpursue"

    3.  "win the line of scrimmage"

    You know, things like that.  That's about the only similarities I can think of offhand between preparing for sanders and preparing for grothe.

    The QB that grothe most reminds me of having the potential to become at this point is alex smith.

  10. I really havent listened to him in the past but he sounds like a good radio person from what I have heard.

    WHOA WHOA WHOA..................EEEEEEEEEEEEEEASY there big guy......

    Sileo is the worst radio guy in the history of radio. Listen for 1 full day, I'm sure you'll agree with me.

    Whoa x3 right back.  What about the ass-clown that wont even take calls about USF despite being in Florida?  Is that this guy?  If not, he can't be the worst.

  11. We're 3-1.  Could be better, could be worse.  I'm not going to paint a rainbow sky, but its not like im !#@$ing either.  I think we have a chance against rutgers, and a good one at that.

    However, don't chase away bandwagon fans.  EVERY team has them, and they're still decent support for the team, not to mention a substantial chunk of sold tickets and revenue for any team.  In other words, few teams ever sell out a stadium without their bandwagoners.

  12. Wow, the intelligence and insight on these boards amazes me.  These posts are something I expect from a 2nd grader.  

    I like the quotes especially the ones with the sophisticated analysis like "turnovers will happen like tampa afternoon thundershowers", "Rutgers drinks pee", and "Our Defense is Pissed from KU".  Forget about matchups, speed, game plans, coaching, overall talent, and the ability to execute.  It all comes down to "we are home, we beat them last year, our defense is pissed, and Rutgers drinks pee".  My 8 year old nephew has more football and overall intelligence.  For those serious USF fans, all I want to know along with the other RU fans is objectively:

    How many starters are back from last year?

    How is the DL and Secondary playing?

    Special teams?

    Who is your standout players in those positions?  We all know about the LBs and Grothe, but not much more.  This would help us know what to look for when we all watch the game on Friday night.  Bottom line, no one this board or the RU board will have an impact on the game.

    Well, in one case you're looking at a guy whose handle is always "next team we play" Eats It.  He's one of our more enjoyable posters, IMO.  Everyone needs fans like him.

    You have another guy talking garbage and I'm wondering if it's sarcasm (typically negative posts).

    That said, I think you guys are going down too.  We have one of the better linebacking trios in the country (all return).  Also, our corners are above average, and I'd go so far as to say Trae Williams (several picks in 1 on 1 coverage this year) is outright good.  Safeties are decent as well...though we need a better pass rush.

    Randolph has several punt returns called back this year, but also several that count.  He's dangerous, and we use him as a wide receiver in space too.  Rutgers' tacking in space is going to be heavily tested.  Actually, all of our wide receivers are pretty athletic (remember amarri jackson vs louisville last year for example), and amp hill just adds depth.  USF does, however, lack a running game on offense outside of grothe.

    Teel is going to be playing away from home in a venue where the bulls have historically done well.  Not only that, USF is going to FORCE him to try to win the game for rutgers.  We've been pretty good against the run overall this year, and the zone blitz packages USF throws around are no joke.  If your QB isn't on, its going to be turnover city.  If he plays well enough, RU may very well win.  We'll find out shortly...

  13. Nobody can duck the obvious...we need a running game from a halfback.   No matter how talented they are, it's hard to put anyone in unexpectedly and get positive results.  Keeley Dorsey & co were NOT getting starting reps all spring/fall.  Blocking, reads, correct holes in our running system...these are things you don't just step back there and know.  If someone did, they could walk on and start right away, but they'd also be !@#$ing magic.

    Someone needs to step up in the next few weeks, or else plancher/someone is going to come back and take away all the carries.  That, or you'll be seeing a lot more texas tech in our offense than texas.

  14. 80%  You can't realistically give him more than that, because he DOES have some flaws.  Like many other good coaches, he can be a dominant head coach with the right offensive staff.  He doesn't have it, and it shows.  Overall, he's a good coach that has strengthened the program over time.

    Some coaches can do a decent job of both sides of the ball, or a great job on one side and decent on the other...that is not CJL.  CJL is defense and only defense...albeit quite good there.

  15. The Pac 10 has some decent teams-- USC, Cal, Oregon, UCLA to name a few standouts-- they have others that aren't exactly total powder puffs either like Arizona State. Anyway-- I'm not sure if it is USC long standing superior ranking dragging them up or just a decent enough showing across the top 4 or 5 to warrant the rating.

    However-- for my money the best football conference is hands down the SEC at this time. The trouble the SEC faces each year is that they beat each other to death (nearly impossible to go undefeated in the SEC) during the season and then also play a championship game as if the regular season wasn't enough. Who can argue that UF, Auburn, LSU, UT. Georgia, Bama, and the rest aren't all very tough to beat for an OOC foe?

    And BTW, I wasn't jumping on smazza-- just trying to understand what he was trying to point out. I'll take a 5th place rating-- heck anything above the 7th best conference techincally legitimizes the Big East as a member of the BCS system.

    Don't buy into the SEC garbage.  Everyone says this, and yet nobody provides any objective proof.  Good defense or bad/conservative offense?  I doubt it's either entirely.  If you look at the SEC's out of conference record, theres nothing to suggest that they're significantly in front of any other conference.

    Those bruising "powers" like tennessee and georgia nearly lost to air force and colorodo...not good teams.  If they play games like this, then while this doesn't prove that tennessee and georgia are bad, it proves that they're not really any more bone shattering or difficult than UL, Michigan, Texas Tech, Oregon, or whoever.

    I like the concept of using computers, because it removes a layer of bias.  The only problem is that computers have to be given the correct things to use as ranking factors.  This is a BIG problem, because it is disputed.  Often, it is disputed for no reason other than to put one team ahead of another ultimately.  However, it is never the computer electing to do this.  If anyone could come up with a complex enough set of criteria (agreed upon by a majority of people) to rank the performance of all teams, that computer ranking would be worth more than ANYONE elses, or even millions of peoples.  The logistics of actually making a system like that make doing so impossible sadly.  Reminds me of my dad's first design for the gripping device on space shuttles: the finished product looked GREAT on paper, the ideal use of energy, size, etc.  The only problem?  It was literally impossible to build, because its interior parts could not be constructed within it, nor could they fit in once contsructed (!).  Thankfully, this was caught via modelling before they tried.

    So what factors are relevent?  Just wins of each team against each other in a 119 team matrix?  Home field?  Weather?  Officiating (not a joke by any means lately)?  Margin of victory...and to what extent?  Is beating TCU by 80 worth more than beating Ohio State by 14?

    That kind of stuff is never agreed upon.  However, if you put any set of criteria into a computer and look at the results vs those of people considering the EXACT same criteria, there will be differences.  In this case alone, the computers are far and away superior to any individual in the poll.

    Teams would shift around a lot at the years beginning, and they should...preseason polls and inflexibility have literally screwed some schools over outright.  Over time, the computer would put forth a much more objective list than anyone could make given the same inputs.  The question lies in the inputs and will for the forseeable future...

  16. When you have a weak offense and a strong D, you take the points.  All you you talking about momentum need to remember two words: The lead.  2 kicked field goals and we were tied on that last drive.  We were in range more than once, even for benzer.  He would have had a chance to kick a game winner on that last drive!  That's why you take the points.

    I don't think I'm alone there though.  I'd wager more than half of the championship coaches would take the points in that situation, given the relative strengths of the offense and defense.

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