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Posts posted by jasonb56

  1. Does anybody know if we are allowed to bring in signs? Lets just say I have some things I would like to say...

    I will also be bringing my first paper bag to the game next Sat, time to make the message more vocal AND visual!!

    WE NEED CHANGE! We just can't go on like this, please IF we are allowed to bring signs, I BEG of you to join me in pushing for change...


  2. Cutting and running away is exactly the wrong thing to do, this program is hurting right now, and 95% of that reason is Skippy and his staff. That factor will change shortly one reason or another, but the true die hard fans running away will only add pressure to the problem.

    support the school, support the players... no fan should run away because of a lousy 2 yrs or our fan base is really no different than the Bucs or Rays!

    It's ok to be disgusted at how things have turned out, it's just not ok to turn your back on a 14 yr program going thru it's first few years of struggles. It will turn around!!

    I will now step down from my soap box!

  3. We have 8 tickets in section 209... and it will NEVER get so bad that I would give those up...

    The fans need to stick together and think about the long-term, not burn and run!! That being said, their are plenty of ways to voice our mutual disgust at Skippy and what he has turned this program into!!

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  4. Triple B, not to get into a pissing match, but 11K unused seats is suspicious at best, and you can make an educated guess that some of those tickets were never sold at worst... I have personally never heard of a sold out game with this much ticket demand sitting almost 20% empty... It's just not adding up!!

    And for FSU not scheduling us ever again, we can now add them to UM and UF (after our one last game in some time in the roaring 20's)

    Fact is do you really think USF would ever admit to not selling some of those seats? think about the PR then... I'm only upset about lost revenue... Screw FSU or any rival for that matter, sit them next to the trash cans and sewers, just make sure we get as much money for our program as we can!!

  5. FSU fans are under the impression that USF didn't sell about 5K tickets to the game? I wonder if that is true, and why we wouldn't just release and make money from these seats? If this is found to be true, then somebody in athletics needs to fired for missing all that revenue opportunity... It just doesn't make sense to have 11K empty seats to the biggest home game in USF history...

    Another thing that worries me is the ability to schedule FSU again, there fan base is crying fowl,saying we held tickets and made the process extremely difficult for them for no reason... usually i wouldn't give 2 S**** but sitting on seats and not making them available to the public if we had them, makes USF look spiteful and unappreciative, and that's just wrong.

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