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Rabbi Bull

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Posts posted by Rabbi Bull

  1. i gotta agree Britt, it was sickening seeing all the people wearing gaytor gear in the bookstore on monday, i wanted to puke, the only thing that kept me from it was i could say "Go Buckeyes" and piss off a few of them.  since than i have seen at least 10 people a day wearing their gear, even tonight at the game, there were some fans there in gaytor gear and some even did the comp.  glad i ripped up the section in the st. pete times we had on our seat in front of everybody on the jumbotron, it brought me some relief.

  2. They were doing their act for the National competition in Orlando this weekend. Hence, they were in the outfit that they would be performing in. It had to do with a last minute dress rehersal, not the team we were playing.

    correct, this was a chance for them to get in a performance in front of a large crowd before nationals, one that isn't there because they came to see them.  tomorrow night they will be doing a run through of their show along with the cheerleaders for friends and family, people who actually want to come watch them perform, tonight we were there to see the basketball game, they are just an added bonus.  its a good way for them to showcase what they have and to hopefully get people interested in supporting them finacially, and physically by going to their competitions to cheer for them.  i think they did a great job tonight in both of their shows, i wish i could see them perform this weekend, unforunately i'll be over watching our coed cheerleading squad in the finals, and the cheerleading and dance groups are in different buildings.

  3. you obviously didn't walk into the bookstore today, i was greeting people as they came in, and everytime i saw a gaytor fan walk in, which was about 1 out of maybe 6, i gave them a Go Buckeyes, had a one person tell me they suck to which i replied, so do the gaytors.  G-d i hate the gaytors.

  4. Email search isnt always right...

    Example: My friend Daiane Packer isnt on there and this is her 3rd semester at USF...



    Britt, i thought she just came here from Brazil, making this her first semester, i remember her coming to the bookstore during the summer i believe, and telling me she is the new womens player from Brazil

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