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Posts posted by WoolyBully

  1. 21 minutes ago, 00Bull said:

    what would be a terrible outcome for USF…PAC2 reforms conference with best of MWC and AAC as far East as Tulane (Tulane, Memphis, may be a Texas team or 2). 

    Hmmm...odd that this would be 'terrible' for USF. If it is your opinion that USF will eventually, someday - not any day soon - wind up in the ACC, how does a PAC, reconstituted via the MWC & perhaps Tulane & UTSA/RICE bode poorly for U of SF? Not seeing the connection. The only way it could possibly be bad for U of SF is if you're clamoring for the next available P(x) slot, regardless of conference. Is that the case, or do we not want to bide our time until the ACC invite...



  2. 40 minutes ago, USFBulls727 said:

    Are you able to DVR the ESPN+ games?

    The correct answer is NO. Why not?

    a) I access ESPN+ via the ESPN app installed on the SmartTV (Android)

    b) SlingTV is an app on the TV which streams content from multitudes of networks, like ESPN, ESPNU, ESPN II, etc. Those can all be DVR'd, since the DVR capability is tied to SlingTV.  The DVR capability is not tied any other app, even though the content provider is still ESPN.

  3. 7 hours ago, Gismo said:

    Ratings drive the media deals. 

    True, but you don't want to rely on one game for your ratings boost. You want people watching USF games for the sake of USF, not who is USF playing against. Think in terms of huge ratings for USF-UCF and the abysmal ratings for USF-North Texas. Then the question becomes, although USF is in a large media market, are they really drawing eyeballs with some regularity? We've touched on this when talking Rutgers and NYC...a hard case to make, but outside of Rutgers - what is there for NYC? Is it as close as you're ever going to get? Would that apply to U of SF? 

  4. 45 minutes ago, CousinRicky said:

    But we could move on with our lives

    42 minutes ago, Bullcocky said:

    we could be fans of another team

    You can do that right here, right now. Just click your heels together three times and flip the channel...or plan a series of window displays on home safety, or help start a library, or instead of watching football, get the gang together to watch the PBS special on knitting...it's all within your power today! 




  5. 10 hours ago, Triple B said:

    The problem is, though, we have to wait 3 weeks for any chance of really calming anyone down ...

    It's only a problem if you don't find the incessant whining and bawling to be entertaining.  If the terminal tear squirters had any measure of influence that would be one thing. However, given that their leverage is - at most - capped at not renewing their season tickets and posting on a message board, it's not something to lose sleep over. Direct messaging is our friend. 😄

  6. 39 minutes ago, Jim Johnson said:

    Remaining games -- and remember AAC home games are on ESPN channels or ESPN+ .... I have to think a lot of these could be on ESPN+ unless USF starts winning:

    • FAMU - ESPN+
    • Alabama - ABC
    • Rice - TBD
    • @ Navy - CBS Sports Network due to Navy's separate contract
    • @ UAB - TBD
    • FAU - TBD
    • @ U Conn - CBS Sports Network due to U Conn's contract
    • @ Memphis - TBD
    • Temple - TBD
    • @ UTSA - ESPN2
    • Charlotte - TBD

    You can also get this from Sling upgrade to the sports pack:



  7. I don't know of any $25/month means of streaming all of USF's games given that a number of them are on CBSSN. As near as I can tell the only way to stream those games is doing what you're doing:  Hulu, YouTube, Fubo, etc. Can't find anything that remotely resembles an à la carte solution.  I have ESPN+ in addition to my Sling sports package, so the only games I'll be missing are the ones on CBSSN. 

  8. 42 minutes ago, Bull Matrix said:

    USF had some self-inflicted wounds that helped change the momentum. I believe USF will learn from this and become much better. I had WKU blowing USF out by at least two TDs so I was not shocked.

    💯 Yep, the opening game does not define how the season will unfold. 

  9. 46 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    IF all that stuff during the coaching search was mostly true, we got played .

    Well, what if it WASN'T entirely 100% full-disclosure type of true. What if entertaining USF was a courtesy, like the great post-graduation interview carousel where we interviewed with twenty-some companies before we made the decision of where to show up for work. Why would anyone want to coach at USF if the opportunity for a P5 job was in the offing? What if, no matter what money was but a PART of the decision, that there was more to the decision. Wanna go the mid-major route or the P5 route if the opportunity is there? I'm pretty sure that a hundred and thirty guys in The Job do have informal conversations and swap OTR intelligence information as to what is what in coaching: "Consider yourself warned, if you go here X.  You know, Z is a pretty good environment, so yeah, consider that." 

    The USF situation was not a mysterious black box full of unknowns.  And did Mr. Sanders really want to build from the bottom up (apparently not, as we've seen)? Why exhaust all of those resources to be the tallest midget? Where's the payoff? Not until such time as USF becomes a destination - a real destination - will we land top-tier coaching talent. 

  10. 14 hours ago, smazza said:

    smu was given the death penalty and they are now in the acc

    Well then, I guess it's safe to say that reports of their demise are alarmingly exaggerated. 


    The funny part is that what once would kill a program has now become BAU. My, how times have changed! Evolution is our friend.

    And like our good friend Jordan once said, "I choose rich every time". Yes kids, having money pays dividends, in more than one currency. 




  11. Just out of curiosity, if anyone attended a watch party (no, not at your friend's house) what was the atmosphere, crowd size and overall fun factor?

    I came up with this question because there's another thread with a post that talks about going to a sports bar and getting some 'tude from the bartender about flipping over to the USF game. We used to love going to Capogna's Dugout for watch parties, but eventually the haul from Carrollwood to C'water started to weigh. Just curious as to what the vibe is these days. Thanks in advance. :iconic_u_black:

    • Go Bulls! 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, smazza said:

    recruit better talent

    Thre's a part of me that thinks that even if you do OBTAIN better talent, the real heavy lifting is RETAINIG said talent in the more challenging portal/nil era. Human nature being what it is, there are more forces at work than the let's-go-team! environment of yesteryear. If things aren't panning out here, no reason not to turn in my papers and head over there. Why stick around for four years hoping that I might get a highlight reel in year four? Striking while the iron is hot and all of that..🤨

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