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Posts posted by BullShirt

  1. 21 hours ago, Triple B said:

    The basketball season hasn't even started yet. This is a dumb thread ......... rabble rousing indeed, at its finest.

    It would only be rabble rousing (or trolling - I'm looking at you Rocky Style) if you looked at it myopically and PRESUMED that anything and everything is limited to happening right now, in 2022 which personally I don't think it is.  I phrased the question exactly the way I did to see who is limited in their thinking to the seasons that are right in front of them and who might stretch their thinking out to 2023 or 2024 (and no one did).

    A lot of people on this forum get very uncomfortable when someone disagrees with them.  With ALMOST 100% certainty I would say that if both coaches make it to the 2023 season and then one of them gets fired neither you nor Rocky Style (or others) would resurrect this thread and say "hey, you know what, you were right.  I see where you were going with this and now it makes sense".  But I knew that going in.

    I still think CBG gets fired first but not for a while.  Can't fire someone right after you gave them an extension.  That would look "stoopid" and MK can't risk that.  He's going to hang his legacy on an OCS, to hell with the BB and FB records.

    My fear is that college sports is moving so fast that by the time the first game gets played in the OCS is will already be too late.  I'm hearing from people I played with in College still very actively involved in college FB that there are more pieces to be moved on this chess board.


  2. 4 minutes ago, Bull Awakening said:

    Nope! Takes a combination of things to see USF take off. Coaching staff needs to show us they can win or we won’t see the same coaching staff at the OCS in 2026. The excitement of the OCS will spark much needed energy into the program so no more misses on hiring moving forward 

    The excitement of the OCS will spark much needed energy into the program so no more misses on hiring moving forward .


    I won’t ask but I really do wonder what you do for a living.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Brad said:

    No offense, but I just don’t see the sense or thought in asking that kind of question.  Humor? Cynicism? 

    Come on Brad, be honest.  When the extensions were announced was your first reaction relief that USF locked these guys in before someone else could lure them away or did you think WTF like most of the people that have posted on here?

    And now that we have the results that we have (records, transfers in and out, high quality new recruits or lack thereof, etc) are you glad we locked them in or is getting time to make splash?

  4. 21 minutes ago, Brad said:

    No offense, but I just don’t see the sense or thought in asking that kind of question.  Humor? Cynicism? 

    Goes to state of mind your honor.  The fan base is fed up.  In my opinion the administration knows they are going to have to make a move to show that they at least care, are doing something and most importantly to save their (his) own job.  No one goes to BB games anymore, FB is trending that way, fans are desperate for an OCS hoping that will make things better and worst of all USF athletics is in danger of falling into apathy.

    Like Anthony (?) said in Draft Day, sometimes you gotta make splash.  Right or wrong a fire and hire is about the only option left at this point.

    Sports is business even at the college level.  Results and lack Thereof have consequences.  Success usually means more money, contract extensions,etc.  Failure usually means getting fired (or an extension at USF apparently).

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, jjlovecub said:

    THIS. First of all, now way CJS gets fired in season but second, Jim asks a way better poll question- are you doubling your gift if he gets fired? Are you contributing to the buyout? Or are you just trying to play Madden in real life? 

     I’m invested in my kid’s schools - I don’t express to the principal when it is time to fire a teacher. I pay taxes for the good of my community. I don’t tell the county to fire the people in long range planning when they don’t get it right. 

    These countless fire somebody threads are ridiculous. We are all frustrated- So is CJS and VPMK and CBG. Go for a run, spend time with your kids - take your frustrations out in a productive manner. 

    To clarify - this group or twitter or whatever being LOUD does not solve a single problem. And no it doesn’t make you a better fan or show you care about your team. If you want to make those decisions pursue that career path and become a VP of athletics so fans with a keyboard who posses less knowledge than you can tell you that you are doing it wrong. 

    To the OP - I apologize as this post isn’t even directed at you. Just happened to be the latest one I read. I hope your poll gives you the results you desire. 

    No offense taken but I did play football at a big school in a big conference.  Got to play in some bowl games too.  Then I was blessed to play professionally for a few years so I have a perspective that most on here don’t have.  Plus I have a nephew that coaches college basketball.  He’s given me a lot of perspective on the basketball side of things.

    • Go Bulls! 2
  6. 20 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    The only games that wouldn't have had one more butt in a seat if we had an ocs back then would be the ones that were completely sold out. Guaranteed there would have been more students at an ocs game than traveling to RayJay, even though the student turnout back then was pretty **** good.

    I was responding to a post about Miami playing in a stadium 10 miles from campus, not USF playing at RayJay vs OCS.

  7. I meant to post this before the BYU game but didn’t get around to it.  Both coaches seem unable to turn their programs around.  Both got extensions to the surprise of most fans.  And neither one has really landed a recruit that could really “move the needle” so to speak.  I’m not counting the transfer portal on this one as I think recruiting is more important to long term success than working the portal.

    And just to “make things fair” since football season will mostly be over by the time basketball gets up and running, l’ll handicap this by saying “how far into their respective seasons will they be”?

    For example, Coach Scott is roughly 20% into his season so game 6 or 7 would be around the same point in Coach Gregory’s season.  Obviously CG has been here longer but I’m saying from this point forward.

    To make things interesting is “the tweet” referenced elsewhere on this site that “may” indicate things are not good in the football locker room right now while we know based on the Coach Antigua firing USF is more than willing to fire a basketball coach fairly early in a season.

    Any thoughts on this?  I think Gregory goes first.  If an OCS is going to move forward I don’t think “the powers that be” want to get distracted with a coaching search too.  Just my 2 cents.


  8. On 9/4/2022 at 10:45 AM, Sellular1 said:

    For a school with 11,000 students, stadium is 10 miles away, and 9k of those 11k students are from central and South America who would rather watch soccer.  I lived there 

    Good point.  And yet somehow they got LOTS of people to attend when they were WINNING and played decent opponents.  An OCS would not have put one more butt in a seat.

  9. On 9/4/2022 at 10:19 AM, Dave_Glaser said:

    Attendance for UM during NC seasons:

    1983 - 44,555

    1987 - 53,950

    1989 - 51,653

    1991 - 57,964

    2001 - 46,162

    In a stadium with a capacity of 75,000


    Look a little closer at individual game attendance and what you’ll see it great attendance at games that matter like FSU and not so great attendance at games against smaller schools that no one cared about.  Sort of like USF vs Howard.

    Remember, we’re talking south Florida in September and October in an open air stadium.  I’d go to see UM play UF, FSU, Alabama, etc. but not a bunch of small schools.  Other than homecoming games home games against Elon, FAU, etc. are not big draws.

  10. On 9/4/2022 at 10:16 AM, puc86 said:

    Fans care about an OCS because a) we don’t have one b) we want some form of excitement and c) we want to pretend it will somehow change something 

    VPMK and CJS care about an OCS because they have no plans or solutions on how to fix the actual problems that directly tied to their jobs so this passes the buck back to the fans and buys them more time to fail.

    If I could change whatever I wanted about USF athletics an OCS wouldn’t be in the top 1000 and building one now just feels grossly irresponsible.

    Well said.  I get the feeling most of the people that want an OCS only want one because “everyone else has one” and somehow they think it will make things better.

  11. Ouch!  That was bad.  Really bad.


    An OCS for the football team will be no different than the On Campus Dome is for the basketball team.  If they don’t win no one will go to the games, no matter how close the stadium is, especially after the first year and the newness wears off.


    I talked to a friend of mine that I played with for three years about the OCS issue.  He played at U of Miami and won a National Championship so he’s got some credibility on this subject in my opinion.

    They do not have an OCS for those of you that don’t know.  They play in an NFL stadium.  Originally the Orange Bowl and now Hard Rock Stadium.  He said playing in an NFL stadium, on “the big stage” as he called it, was one of the draws to playing at U of M.  He went on to say that in his opinion given the current state of the USF FB program only small time players would be interested in playing in a small stadium for a small time program.  He said any coach worth his paycheck should be able to use Ray Jay to his advantage when it comes to recruiting.  QUOTE:  It’s the big stage for crying out loud!  He also said that there were years when U of M games drew more fans than the Dolphins.  I’ll have to take his word on that.


    It hurts to hear that but I trust his opinions.  He had a lot of success in college and the NFL AND is a pretty smart guy.  He had some other things to say which I’ll add later, one of which is the importance of the practice facilities which is where players spend a lot of their time.


    I got “flamed” for posting against the need for an OCS right now previously so go ahead and take your shots if you think that will help the program.

    • Upvote 3
  12. 9 hours ago, Brad said:

    It doesn’t matter. There is just no need to go on personal attacks on people you don’t know.  If someone is wrong, use you pre-internet manners and correct them, don’t insult them.  Geez this gets old.  

    It wasn't my intent to insult him.  I think you and I are sort of coming at this from the same angle though.  To me, "pre-internet" was a group of guys sitting aroung having a beer and talking (in this case) sports.  If someone said "this was a CS guy" and it turned out to be a WT guy he would have said something to the effect of "my bad" (notice I didn't say he had to apologize, we all make mistakes).  But to walk away from the statement and act like he just didn't care is wrong.  He's the one that started the whole conversation so he must care.

    "Pre-internet" to me means "face to face" and back then if someone said something that later turned out to be wrong they "owned up to it" and everyone moved on.  No one attacked anyone for mis-remembering something because we all do it.  Instead of posting on this board if we were all sitting around a tailgate party talking about this stuff we'd be much more civilized to each other.   The anonymity of the internet has taken a lot of that away.

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  13. The best summer job story ever:


    When I was 15, I had a summer job installing carpets for Albert Kodagolian on Lake Charlevoix.  Horrible job!  Hot, indoors, forced to listen to “The Gambler” on 8-track while the rest of the world was at the beach.  Three days into the job, I knew I had to quit.  I asked my father for advice.  All he wanted to know was whether I’d given my word to Mr. Kodagolian that I’d work the summer.  I told him I had.  My father suggested I stick it out.  I’d given my word.  Worst eight weeks of my life.  Until the last day.  Mr. Kodagolian shows up at the jobsite, pulls me aside and tells me that in 27 years no kid has ever made it through the summer.  Gives me a bonus, $40.  The most valuable money I’ve ever made.  A priceless lesson about life.  Value loyalty above all else.  

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  14. Just now, Friscobull said:

    Raider is a good guy but he is frustrated like the rest of us and mentioned on numerous occasions he was canceling his season tickets and using the money to watch his beloved Raiders. CTE is no joke, glad you are ok, don’t wish that on anyone.  

    Thanks.  When I was a kid sports was everything.  As I got older I realized how important education is.  That's one of the things that REALLY BOTHERS ME, how a LOT of athletes at the collegiate level don't use the opportunity to get an education.  Too many think they'll go pro and make millions.  I've been Blessed with good health (generally speaking - I have aches and pains that I most likely would not have at my age if I had not played football) and a "reasonable" amount of intelligence.  I've known guys that couldn't add or subtract their way out of a paper bag so I don't take any of it for granted.  I'm fortunate that my parents ALWAYS made sure I did my homework when I was a kid/teenager.  That carried over to college when I played then.  When I went back to school it was all on me.

  15. 3 minutes ago, BullShirt said:

    If you were referring to USFRaider then I apologize.  This thread has been going on for a few days and I'm typing while watching the tourney.  And while I did take a few hits I've been tested and as of now no evidence of any issues or preliminary warning signs.  But thank you for your concern.  And no, I'm not angry.  I'm very happy.  I know how Blessed and lucky I am.

    And I'll add one thing regarding CTE.  Losing Dave Duerson was very painful and hit home for me.  He was a good man.  So I am very much up to speed and aware of CTE and the "hits to the head" issues that face ALL football players, PAL, High School, College & Pro.

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