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Posts posted by BullShirt

  1. 11 hours ago, belgianbull said:

    So Golesh has an hercuean task in front of him because of nill,..., but WKU can manage to be a good team, and hold on to their top QB?

    Just sounds as an excuse to me . All group of 5 teams are in the same boat.

    Seriously?  All Group of 5 teams are NOT in the same boat.  How does USF’s record over the past 5 years compare to all other Group of 5 teams?  How many coaches has USF gone thru over the past 5 years compared to all other Group of 5 teams?  What does USF offer in NIL benefits compared to all other Group of 5 teams?  Etc. etc.   Remember, recruiting (and retention) has A LOT to do with PERCEPTION & PROMISES (kept and unkept).


    Since you referenced WKU let’s use them as an example.  If you were a “recruit” or an existing player would you rather play at WKU or USF based on all known factors?  Other than Tampa weather is there ANY reason you would pick USF over WKU now or over the past few years?  If you were on last year’s WKU team is there any reason you would leave WKU to come to USF?  If you’re not getting much playing time at WKU and you think you can start at USF that would be a reason but what does that say about USF?  A guy who doesn’t play much at WKU can be a starter at USF, really?


    Goach has a HUGE task ahead of him but it would have been the same no matter who they (reasonably could have) hired.  And Prime Time was NEVER going to go to USF and bring his “gang of mercenaries” with him.  USF is lucky they have such as soft schedule this year.  It hurts to be in the AAC but imagine if USF went to the Big 12 this year.  What do you think the over / under would be for wins this season would be?  2.5?  How do you rebuild a program when you become viewed as the doormat of the Big 12?  You don’t.  (There’s that PERCEPTION thing again).  It’s going to be a long rebuilding process.  USF is going to lose good players along the way to the portal and when they do it’s going to be tough to replace them with equal talent.  And unfortunately, if Goach succeeds in rebuilding the program, in all likelihood you’re going to lose him along the way as well. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Bull Awakening said:

    25k in an 40k OCS looks a hell of lot better than 25k in 70k NFL stadium with red seats. Things will be fine in the long run. Go Bulls!

    True, that's why we need to focus on winning to get more butts in the seats.  60,000 in Ray Jay would be most impressive.  Then you wouldn't even hardly notice the red seats because everyone would be on their feet cheering on their USF Bulls which in turn blocks the seats and therefore the color red could not be seen.  And because by then the lower two sections will be sold out to season ticket holders leaving only the 3rd level (which is rarely shown on TV) for visiting fans.  And yes, things WILL be fine in the long run but do most of us have THAT much time?

  3. You know, when I played all the way back in high school I never noticed music, the band, crowd noise, etc. although one time we were playing an away game and the home team fired off some old canon after they scored.  Somehow I missed seeing the canon during warmups so I didn't know it was there.  It was off to the side at one end of the field.  When that thing went off I must have jumped sky high because I got kidded about it for weeks.  Lucky I didn't crap my pants because it was "extremely loud and incredibly close".  Fortunately no one got a picture of it and somehow I was out of camera when we watched the tape (yes, our games were videotaped with this giant hand held camera back then). 

    As I moved up the ladder and stadiums got bigger and the noise got louder I did start to notice it but not as much as you might think.  BUT......there were times when we were at one end of the field and the game was on the line and the home crowd was going nuts and you can't hear anything but the crowd noise.  Didn't matter if you were on O or D, plays get called on both sides and there are audibles on both sides of the ball.  Hand sigs are more important than most people know.  Some teams seem to use them more than others.  Sometimes I wonder if some players have trouble remember plays AND the hand signals to call them.  It ain't easy.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    Dude, your obvious misconception, based on the stuff I highlighted, is that an IPF is used for all practices. They're not ..... You're either trolling or clueless.

    Thanks for the insult (clueless).  I'm sure my years of playing collegiate and professional football did nothing to prepare me this discussion while your endless hours of Madden NFL have prepared you to dictate on high about what you think is right and who is right (mainly you apparently).

    One of the biggest complaints I've heard about IPFs from people that USE THEM (not counting players here) is "I wish we would have made it bigger, I wish we would have done this, I wish we would have done that".  Why?  "Because we're using it far more than we ever thought we would."  Hmmmmmmm.  Think any of those upsets or close games around the country had anything to with some teams being a little more prepared for the elements, the heat, the "X" factor?  Maybe even just 1?  What do you do if you find out that Howard doesn't even have an IPF (I don't know) and here they practically embarrassed us?  Every coach I have ever played for has said some version of EVERYTHING MATTERS.

    Of course schools use IPFs and practice outside too.  It's not all or none.  Of course they have days with pads on and days with pads off.  Of course there are days when ALL THEY DO IS CONDITIONING DRILLS because they were dogging it in the 4th quarter.  We simulated 4 straight quarters of no huddle offense once OUTSIDE so the coaches on both sides could evaluate it.  If we did it inside an IPF it would have been a waste of time unless we were playing someone in a dome or fair conditions (but it was hot).

    When I hang out at some buddies houses or have them down to Florida one thing that comes up from some of the older guys when we're watching games is "You just don't see as many guys with bare arms when it's cold anymore".  They wore that like a badge of honor (not me).  Zero degrees and it's trying to snow (hard to snow at that temp we found out) and some of these guys didn't have on any cold weather gear.  I have no data to support this theory, just the comments of former NFL players, but if fewer guys are able to handle the cold like they use to be it probably comes down to practicing indoors and not being prepared for it.  Again, I'm just going by what guys who were there say.  Of course, you've always got your "little highlighter" so you can prove me wrong.

    And for what it's worth, I pretty much always wore cold weather gear when it was below freezing.  It did affect me.  I guess you can call me a sissy and maybe I was.  But I'm sure you toughed it out playing in the snow on Madden NFL.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    No, you don't get it and that highlighted sentence bares that out ...

    You keep saying I don't get it and as proof all you offer up is a HIGHLIGHTED SENTENCE" from something I have previously written (you've done this more than once) as if that proves your point.  I suppose I could highlight one of your sentences and then say "See that proves my point".

    How about this:  Walk out on that stage all by yourself and tell us WHY an IPF is so important.  And be sure to give specifics.  Because so far you haven't really offered up much in your replies to my comments.  Mind you, I'm not saying an IPF is not important but I am saying that some things "will be lost in translation" so to speak which you immediately use to counter that "I just don't get it".  So go ahead, the spotlight is yours, the mike is on, you have the stage and you have our attention.  What say you?

  6. 9 minutes ago, WWMJD said:

    Yes, they do! https://appstatesports.com/facilities/sofield-family-indoor-practice-facility/5


    Honestly I get what you are saying, and I don't think you're wrong--there's probably some element of toughness that is lost. But things have changed over the past couple decades and the game is different there. And most importantly football isn't the Navy Seals, because this is a game-not life or death.

    football isn't the Navy Seals, because this is a game-not life or death

    Thanks for the App State info.  I'm waiting for a plane and am too lazy to do much serious research.

    You are 100% right, no doubt about it but when I was playing we were taught winning isn't everything, it's the only thing and it lived right next door to "life and death".  Remember I played in the days when a guy could be knocked unconscious or have questionable cognitive abilities after taking a hard hit and if they thought he could do his job he was sent back out on the field.  I'm not saying that's the way it should have been or that we should go back to that but that's the way was.

  7. 25 minutes ago, bulloni said:

    If Deion can recruit guys to Jackson State that wanna play in the NFL he can recruit guys to a school with a brand new 300 million dollar stadium. Don't see a universe he complains about that either.

    The exposure that makes stars happens on TV. Everything in person is about atmosphere, which is dead with 25k fans in a 70k stadium.

    25k in a 40k stadium doesn't look good either, especially if they are losing or struggling to beat Howard, etc.

    I suppose it's a chicken or the egg type of question.  You have to get the players FIRST, win the games SECOND and then eventually TV will come knocking on the door.  But don't get me wrong, with what Deion has already done I think he's an interesting possibility wherever he may decide to go.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    By reading the rest of that paragraph, you really don't get the IPF .... which is kind of odd for all your playing football experience.

    No, Triple, I do get it.  But I really do think something is lost along the way.  Let me ask you this:  Would you feel better if the Navy Seals only practiced in an IPF?  Would you feel safer?  Would they be better prepared for the harsh environments that they have to perform in?  To do their job in?  The HEAT, the RAIN, the MUD, etc.?  I know to some extent we're in competition with other schools to have the nicest facilities, stadiums, cafeteria's etc.  But if after this past Saturday's game Coach Saban told his players they were going to practice OUTSIDE the rest of the year and he personally put a padlock on the facility and then went on to crush the competition the rest of the season, how many padlocks do you think would be sold around the country to football coaches.  If UofA crushes TA&M heck Jimbo would probably burn the place down himself (I'm kidding of course).  But think of the irony.  He left FSU because of a facilities dispute (and other things) and now APP State comes along and kicks their butt.  Does App State even have an IPF?  Anybody?  Bueller?  Bueller?

  9. 7 minutes ago, Rocky Style said:

    Haha this is sadly the experience of all of us.  But it is funny!  

    I only half joke about it.  When Dave Duerson killed himself because of CTE I cried.  My wife was with me when I got the call and she said she thought my Mom or Dad had died, that I looked pale as a ghost.  He was a good guy but it really changed him as it progressed.  He's been gone over 10 years and I still miss him.

  10. 6 minutes ago, WWMJD said:

    Basketball team has been practicing indoors for years and they still suck


    Maybe CBG should take em outside when they lose.  Coach Knight was downright maniacal if he felt his players lost a game because they didn't give 100% or made stupid mistakes.  I didn't go there but I know someone that played for him.  BUT , his players almost all universally LOVE him.  He really did care for them even after they graduated (or didn't graduate Isaiah Thomas).  Stories are legendary about things he did behind the scenes to help former players, their families, etc.  FWIW IT did eventually get his degree.  He said he got tired of Coach riding his you know what about it.  And Coach always played the trump card, BUT YOU PROMISED YOUR MOTHER YOU WOULD GET YOUR DEGREE!

  11. 15 minutes ago, Rocky Style said:

    I wouldn't resurrect the thread because I can't even remember what happened yesterday, but I would definitely say you were right.  I just want the team turn around at this critical time.  I don't think we can afford another firing and rebuild, so I don't want to dwell on it.  I am not against trolling though.  That's part of the internet.  Everyone gets to get worked up and argue about things.  It's part of the fun.  🤔

    "I wouldn't resurrect the thread because I can't even remember what happened yesterday"

    Man, I'm right there with you on that.  But I have to watch out for CTE and memory issues because of my playing days.  I get tested periodically.  So far so good.  My wife definitely does not like it when I forget to do something and say "It must be the CTE setting in" especially if it's something she wants me to do and she knows it's something I really don't want to.  But it's all good.

  12. 1 hour ago, bulloni said:

    would have been risky then but yeah there's a chance jobs bigger than us go after him this year

    Selling points could be we are close to where he grew up (lived in fort myers until he went to FSU) and recruiting here would build the same relationships he'd take with him to FSU if they ever came calling. Plus the new IPF and stadium on the way

    I'm only posting on this topic because Deion Sanders has come up.  I have this scenario in my head.  USF contacts DS and he's interested.  Then MK drops the bombshell and says "And, we're building a brand new 40,000 seat stadium on campus" and Deion says with all seriousness: 

    WHAT THE F***?  I'm recruiting future NFL players and you want me to tell them they can't play at Raymond James, a Super F*****G Bowl hosting stadium, they got to play at some 40,000 seat OCS shoehorned on to some campus on the north side of Tampa?  MAN, are you pulling my chain or what?  Get the F*** out of here.  If I wanted to coach at South Alabama or UConn I'd already be there.

    And then the flushing sound that comes next is MK's credibility.  Honestly, I really do see it going down like that.  DS understands "the optics" of the situation, imaging, flattery, positioning, etc.  He's actually been very clear on this subject (recruiting an image, not an OCS).  The carrot on the string for USF Ray Jay and I don't think most of them even know it.  CJS certainly hasn't used it to his advantage.  And I'm sure part of it is that he doesn't want to get on the wrong side of MK at this point because the OCS train is certainly rolling.

    Remember, if you build it they will come is a movie line.  If you win it they will come is Business 101.  Fans AND students had no problem getting to RayJay when USF was winning.  Now that USF is not winning and has made some very questionable coaching hires now suddenly it's "we need an OCS to be successful".  And yet, we have a really nice, remodeled On Campus Dome and NO ONE shows up for MBB.  Why?  Because they don't WIN.  USF MBB has had a winning conference record ONCE in the past 20 years and some of those years they have finished in the bottom 3 in the conference.  I'm sure if they were playing in Amalie or Tropicana stadium there would be a bunch of people saying We Need An On Campus Arena.  Then they will start winning.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Rocky Style said:

    I seem to recall that practicing indoors was super important, so there you go.

    Pretty important to who?  What 3 or 4 star recruit can you attribute that comment to?  You mean to tell me that a bunch of highly touted recruits have been wanting to play here but decided against it because we don't have an IPF?  Once USF has an IPF and an OCS what makes them different and more attractive than someone else?

    I'll say this, when I played we HATED coming south later in the season when when it was hot.  We couldn't simulate that environment during practice.  And I know for a fact that other players HATED going north in the winter if they played down south.  They hated the cold.  I get to go to 2 or 3 bowl games a year and sometimes I get to go down on the side line.  I'm telling you, in December / January teams from up north really struggle with the heat.

    I get the IPF, I really do, but I truly wonder if we're not losing something in the long run.  Games are played in the HEAT.  Games are played in the RAIN.  Games are played in the MUD.  If you don't practice in those conditions I wonder how prepared for them a team can truly be.   I just don't know.

  14. On 9/6/2022 at 11:34 AM, Gatorbull325 said:

    I share this sentiment and got attacked hard by some guy name flipflops or slippers because of my views. But if it is needed to join a conference i guess it has to be done. 

    I know what you mean.  I posted against the idea that an OCS will miraculously make things better in other threads and have gotten attacked too.  Maybe you should run for cover while I'm in their cross hairs.  Go man, save yourself!

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