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Posts posted by USF_Bullsharks

  1. 10 minutes ago, Brad said:

    Having played baseball back in the day, are metal spikes still allowed?  Would seem awfully helpful in the outfield but not welcome on the turf. I suppose that's why the dirt in the infield doesn't co-exist with turf in the infield.  I don't know, just thinking about moving to artificial surfaces...

    Will be a weird dynamic, wont it? Spikes on the outfielders, but turf shoes/rubber cleats on infielders? I'm not a turf connoisseur but have to imagine it's different than football? Not a big fan of a turf infield but if it's a smart business move, then have to trust it. Also, the Bulls script looks awesome. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, John Lewis said:

    We will be fundraising for all of it.

    They started with the infield for Baseball from the gift given last year. Coach Mohl does want the entire field to be turf as soon as we have the $$$ for it.

    As the slides indicate from the master plan, Baseball and Softball will eventually have a clubhouse our between their respective stadiums in the future.

    Can't wait for the development for baseball/softball. That performance facility/clubhouse should be great. Guilty pleasure is watching the facility tours for the big baseball programs, Vandy/USC/Clemson - we will be there some day, hopefully soon. Omaha first! 

  3. 20 minutes ago, John Lewis said:

    Long range plan is for the entire field to be turf.

    From the Master Plan page on gousfbulls.com - 


    Hey John - out of all of the upgrades listed in the master plan, how much of the expenses are earmarked already? Or are we fundraising for nearly all of it still? (Also, I do not see anything that says baseball outfield goes to turf in Phases 1, 2, nor 3, I may have missed something though.)

  4. 2 minutes ago, bulloni said:

    Chucky Atkins posted the JP Peterson tweet on facebook with the "shhh" emoji. Then every comment telling him its not happening he'd respond with a laughing gif. More likely it means nothing and he's just having fun

    Also saw it mentioned some of the players have confirmed Primetime was on campus within the last week

    Do you have a screenshot for those of us without FB? 

    EDIT: Will you please provide one*

  5. 29 minutes ago, Jim Johnson said:

    Have to think the premium parking will be along Sycamore drive and the closer parking lots ... but parking for every OCS is all across their campuses right?  People will be parking in the Fine Arts and Engineering parking lots and walking over.

    This. Ideally alums from all colleges come back to campus and utilize the entire campus for game day environments. College of Engineering will throw alumni events/tailgates near their buildings, college of business, former greek life alum, etc. Eventually I think the school can/should/will sell premium tailgating spaces, similar to the Grove at Ole Miss and The Boulevard at SMU once the infrastructure around the stadium develops. 

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