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Posts posted by Mango028

  1. 28 minutes ago, belgianbull said:

    Manny Diaz would be a bad hire. His record at Miami was 21-15; lost 2 bowl games; in a weak ACC.  Its harder to be successful at USF compared to Miami.

    Miami is one of the hardest places to be successful. The facilities are not up to par with the level the top recruits want. The fact he was successful there means he could prob do better here where expectations are less. He would prob need to keep trickett cause he isn’t known for offense obv but he is way more proven than the other three names mentioned

  2. 12 hours ago, Outlaw said:

    This makes me want to throw up.


    Entz is the only guy i really see upside in. Even then he will be proving himself to fans from day 1 and would be hard to replace any excitement.

    All would be bottom of the barrel hires. Tom allen is a dc and that is all. Entz has no competition and is the alabama of their level. He isnt the guy who built it. Larry scott horrible resume. We would be better off with candle, frost, diaz, mullen…

















  3. 8 hours ago, hm101 said:

    I respect the points and for the record don't think we go with him but we are dumpster fire now, with 1 FBS win in the last 3 years. He took a dumpster fire Howard team and they won a share of their conference this year. It's the proven turnaround that I like with him. All the other points are valid for sure though.

    Larry scott would be an ultimate failure of a hire. 

  4. 38 minutes ago, Brad said:

    Except facts disagree with you. Prior to his firing - in the BIG EAST - we had 8 & 9 wins/season final four years, not one season, four.

    We were 8-5 his last two seasons…not even close to a conference championship because we lose to same teams every year. The bowl wins made us 9 wins..you can inflate whatever you want. We were mediocre. That was best we would ever be or worse under leavitt. Facts prove that.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Orlando Bull said:

    I don't think he has to prove he can recruit, I think that is a given... he needs to prove that he can COACH. CWT could recruit and in the AAC, if you out-talent everyone, you can win a lot of games. At JSU, Prime has been able to recruit and has more talent than anyone on their schedule. What happens if/when he goes to FSU for example and he's pulling in top 15 recruiting classes, but he's playing Clemson, UF, UM, etc every year? Can he coach? Can he take that talent and beat equal talent with it? That is the thing he needs to prove. Unfortunately, most schools don't let you jump there without some steps and we can be that step... then, we need to pull for Norvell to win so that FSU doesn't open up for him.

    This is the CWT vs Leavitt debate which you think CWT was better. Leavitt could coach lesser talent up to play even when they were over-matched. CWT had more talent and when he got out of their way, they won any time they had more talent. If they were equally matched with someone or over-matched, he couldn't bridge the gap. Both kinds of coaches can win and do well, the recruiter type just needs stud assistants more than the true coach type.

    I agree with you. Im not saying he has to prove he can just recruit but he does need to show that the top kids in florida are not just going to go to uf, fsu, miami and ucf. He  still has to prove that and that he can coach. 

    about the coaching debate…

    I’m not saying overall taggart was better than leavitt. The sustained success and proven winning I can never knock. He was outcoached in most conference games. Lacked quality offensive coaches. At the end he had taken us as far as he could. We would be a 6-8 win team forever and that’s great…that doesn’t change taggart came to a broken team and turned it around with great talent. He was a leader, a great recruiter. Was he best coach ever ..no but with the talent he could have kept bringing in we could have stayed 10-11 win team and won conference championship. He was a great fit for usf. Look at where he landed after oregon and fsu. That is the type of respsct he got for what he did. Was it too much for him..yes but him leaving set us back a long way. 

  6. Why does everyone keep saying the guy is nobody without his qb…newsflash…he recruiter that 2 star qb and look what he became! He stayed because of chadwell and didnt transfer out! He got big time offers!

    taggart brought mack and flowers…

    stop trying to say they are nothing without the guys they brought in. They are exactly why they were successful along with every other good coach. They win with good players!


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  7. I think people are looking at this all wrong. Deion will never come to usf…is the exact reason why he should and very very real possibility is coming. Deion knows he is being offered mid level low level opportunities because he is not a proven concept yet. He has to prove he can recruit on national stage at the next level up. He has to prove he can do what he just did. He seems up to the challenge. This is the only way he ends up at fsu or another big school down the road. It will not be just handed to him. In my opinion cincinatti and colorado don’t make the same impact for him or provide him the pathway to prove his concept the way we can. We are his stepping stone. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, bulloni said:

    If the Liberty stuff is a smokescreen and we end up with Chadwell HC and Leavitt DC I think I'd like that more than Primetime, and while we wouldn't get as much national hype we'd get a hell of a lot of local attention

    I think leavitt is a better dc than head coach and it’s why he never got another hc job. Go be a dc and be a mean sob and get the kids to play hard. That should be how he brings usf back. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Cubanbull said:

    Not entirely true that our next coach would be coaching on Saturday.

    let’s say our main target is Deion and we are in the running for him, that would hold up any decision until he makes his. So if he says no then we move on and that candidate might not have coached this weekend.

    That would mean said coach has all the bargaining power as he knows he was 2nd fiddle to deion. Deion would out of respect let them know we are not his choice. He knows what he is doing. He isnt making a decision sunday. Hes announcing sunday

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, USFBulls12 said:

    If you think hiring Deion Sanders is "hiring a celebrity", please just bow out of the coaching discussion.

    I disagree with everything else but that he can be. He has a brand. He is legit. He is not a comical hire but he can also be put in celebrity status. But that is a good thing in this case not bad so not sure why that was put that way.

  11. 28 minutes ago, TallyBull said:

    I think so too. He comes across as a bit of a steadier hand. Not as flashy, but equally effective. 

    It’ll be fun to compare how DS/JC did in a  couple of years. 

    Deion may not be a great coach jury is still out but what he does is ignite players because of what he has done. When he soeaks you believe him. The ups/downs/jn’s and out’s. He is a dynamic celebrity. Who walked the walk and who every kid who would to be. He has a great PR strategy and team meetjngs and speeches get released showing how in tune with the players he is…the top recruits in colorado already promised to stay home and play for him. He has the golden ticket and as long as his staff is good he will get the players. So it will be hard to judge because he should succeed as long as he has a good support staff because the players will be good. 

  12. 1 minute ago, TheUpperHand said:

    We've only done one of those things once in the past five seasons and only a handful of times in the past 11 years so TBH that's starting to sound pretty good.

    Just because we are where we are doesn’t mean we cant have a quick turnaround. It literally happens everywhere else. Taggart did it! It can be done with right recruiting and system. Yes we have had bad years but it can be done. We should not settle for mediocre because its safe. That’s bad for our program. Bowl games are meaningless now.  So just getting bowl eligible isn’t the goal. He maxed out here and can’t say it enough never got another head coaching job again…let that sink in. 

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