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Posts posted by cambodia36

  1. I've turned down free tickets this season. Just the time cost of taking up my Saturday, and likely ruining it, is too much for me to want to deal with.

    For the last few seasons, by game 2 of the season I viewed my season tickets as a "sunk cost" when I would try to reason with my wife that we'd be better off just eating the tickets some weekends.

    I think others could relate, as in the club level, you could hear a collective groan from the crowd when they switched the TV's from a real game to the USF one. This look of "ugh...I might as well go outside and watch this train wreck then" permeating the crowd. Bulls Unite!

  2. You won't get an argument from me that USF has the talent to beat most/all AAC teams. I've felt that way about USF the past few seasons. However I can't trust Willie to get them prepared AND make the correct offensive calls enough to win 4 remaining games. There is far too much evidence that he can't/wont that 1 win against a hapless Cuse team doesn't sway that opinion.

  3. Dalvin Cook is a piece of ****. But if you are an all-conference level piece of ****, FSU will send it's high priced lawyer on retainer to get you off.

    For those who think they would take a chance on a backup OL on a bottom dwelling D1 team....no.

    But yeah, if this was going to happen, I'm glad it did to sour Willie's 1 week victory tour. Let's not let him get any positive momentum. Still want him gone.

  4. Matt Floyd is maybe the worst human being alive at playing QB. I assume he wore depends undergarments the way he would absolutely **** himself any time he was asked to be under center. I don't think I could have been more rattled to play QB, and I'd be horrified about 11 highly tuned athletes waiting to wreck my **** on the opposing team.

    My opinion of QF was formed the first time I saw his hitchy throwing motion- he's not a college QB. I watched him flutter some knuckleballs that barely got 10 yards to who I assume was Alex Mut (because that's his role on the team) So I believe Taggart is doing everything he can (which granted, isn't much) to get him some completions, but the guy can't stand in the pocket and deliver a pass, and that's on him, not Tags or anyone else. 

    Again, I hope he's still on the team next season, but if he believes he's a QB and won't accept what any coach worth his salt would tell QF (that he's going to have to play another position) then let him follow Willie to Western Sam Alcorn Cookman A&M 

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  5. That's who I wanted when we ditched Holtz, but I assume he was already sniffing around Cal, and the main trait Woolard wanted in a coach was "will he not leave for greener pastures if he wins"

    I liked some of the intangibles w Tags (local, seemed to be able to recruit, which was 1 of Holtz's negatives, guy didn't want to recruit at all) but I had my concerns with a plodding offense. 

    If candidates for the next vacancy aren't proficient in the Air Raid, i'd tell them thanks but no thanks. 

    No NFL castoffs, no guys named Butch, no retreads. 

  6. If they average 17 a game the rest of the year, which is highly likely, that's gonna be 19.8 on the season. Improvement...ever so slightly, but let's face it, they are 1-3 with a win against a bad 1-AA team. The fact that most of the offense returned could account for the slight uptick, as law of averages says they'll likely improve some, even under the tutelage of coach Dingleberry


  7. Yeah the chart is worthless because you still have the A&M game skewing as 25% of the season's stats, versus a whole season. 

    I'm sure after 1 game USF was well ahead of last year's stats, and they were also undefeated. But both are misleading. 

    By the time the season is done, I'd expect those numbers to be about the same as last years. Maybe slightly better because he's going to pull every trick in his book (2, total) to keep being horrendously overpaid for a job he's in way over his head at. 

  8. Well put Cyber. Of course Woolard went cheap. That has always seemed to be an issue, and 1 reason why even in the Leavitt days, coaches routinely left for greener pastures, and they could never really get the offense going. However at least he was able to mine for some gold, like McCartney, Dawsey, etc. Willie seems to have hired mostly friends and family, and nobody who would challenge him. Allen seemed like more of a Harlan hire, and a rare nice one at that. 

  9. Yeah I said that Friday night on 1 of the 'Taggart sucks' threads.. Same player.. an athlete who can kinda throw, but should only be doing so as a WR/RB on trick plays, not as the team's QB. 

    It's about like putting a backup RB in at quarterback on Madden and trying to score. 

    And I don't hate Flowers, but saying he stinks at QB is about like saying Marcus Chibatti is a terrible LB. No joke, don't play him there. 

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