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Posts posted by JoshuaG

  1. I was not enthusiastic about the hiring of Orlando Antigua. As we are headed to another loss (now 7-17), my doubts are growing.

    His recruiting is not all that impressive so far either.

    Disappointed in the results so far to say the least!

    CSH? Is that you???
    Actually, I think it's Josh. Would explain so much
    Say my name say my name?

    That was back then when Beyonce was hot! Then she ruined it by settling down with Jay-Z. What a waste!

    Men everywhere shed a tear for this travesty

  2. Well Holston, Morrillo, or even Mercurius has to step their weight up because we need shooters, COA knows this, and he knows he won't have much time before fans become truly malcontent. I'm still a COA advocate, and the upside is that we have three seniors next year so that will free up some space as well.

  3. I was not enthusiastic about the hiring of Orlando Antigua. As we are headed to another loss (now 7-17), my doubts are growing.

    His recruiting is not all that impressive so far either.

    Disappointed in the results so far to say the least!

    CSH? Is that you???

    Actually, I think it's Josh. Would explain so much

    Say my name say my name?

    • Upvote 1
  4. I wouldn't necessarily consider 6'9 undersized but at the center position I'm much more a fan of 6'10-6'11

    At that size he is on the smaller size of good height as a PF. I know that the parameters are different in college ball but still. I'd like another 6'11 banger on the inside. But I can certainly deal with a solid 6'9 Santos

  5. All I can really say right now is that I think we will get better, adjustments will be made, and everyone is going to learn from this experience. I was a fan of the COA hire and will back my initial inclination. It is going to take time to construct the team and the program, and right now he is trying to make it work. We have had a bad stint of games no doubt, but we had a good one earlier. Basketball is a game of runs and it seems we are on ice right now. COA still has to really find out what he has in the team in order to make it work. Unfortunately it was a bad game overall. We need guy to drop buckets and that will come with more time spent in practice and as we recruit guys that are better natural shooters. Let's be honest, COA's success/failure won't be able to really be measured until mid next season (and that's if you're rushing it).

  6. If Perry is going to be trash we will not win many more games.

    This is it here. Our frontcourt has been awful lately and that's the reason why the team is starting to struggle. We don't have the guard play other than Allen, to makeup for the lack of production from the front court players. Collins is not a scorer at the PG spot like Antigua would prefer, Morillo is streaky, and the freshmen guards are still finding their way.

    Bo Zeigler has to be the all time worse FT shooter. He's so bad that unless he has an uncontested dunk can you really allow him to try and be a scorer around the basket? Cousins lacks energy, effort, and skills every game, and Chris Perry has gone M.I.A. Ruben Guerrero has potential and needs to play more because he tries but his lack of experience is hurting him on both sides of the ball.

    This team can and should have a solid season but Perry has to get it done almost every night or they won't. It's really no excuse for him because he has experience and the talent to be better.

    All of this seems to be spot on to me. I like Morrillo, but it seems like he has the green light everytime he touches the ball no matter how the look is and he is happy to chuck it up. I like Guerrero, he's a lanky presence that we need down-low, but he is still very very raw. Then there's Perry....oh Perry.... I have faith in the kid, but he's killing me. I'm not sure what's going on with cousins, I had high expectations from him

  7. Any update on Troy Holston? Looking forward to another hard fought game!

    Not back until mid Dec at the earliest

    What are you basing that from? If Holston doesn't play tonight, Morillo is going to have to step up his scoring and perimeter shooting. We'll need to spread out the game a little bit to see if Cousins, Perry, and Guerrero can do damage in the paint.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Mercurius taking some more shots from behind the arc ...

    ^ seconded

  8. Good luck tonight. I was surprised when I saw that we are 12 point favorites. The one thing I remember from our game last year is how Perry manhandled our post players. For Alabama's sake, I hope Taylor/Kessens/Hale can stop your strength in the post.

    Good luck to you as well, look forward to seeing what turns out to be the deciding factors in the game

  9. If we can steal this game from Bama, I think people will turn their heads a bit. They aren't a top grade team but good enough. I also think that Corey Allen played outstanding last game but I hope that doesn't make him come out shooting excessively.

    Green and Gold!

  10. I've watched a couple of our Men's Bulls Basketball games and I am impressed with the team. This team has talent enough to win a game or two against some tough teams and COA seems to have a grasp on what his team can do. Most importantly, he is a guy that will evolve the program. To the point where in another recruiting class or two (barring set-backs) we could be in a really really good place

  11. 9-16 2 Tds and 6.6 ypa vs 6-15 0 Tds and 7 ypa

    I know the stats, I didn't say Mike white didn't pull this game out. I said he didn't play that much better seeing as he was the incumbent to job anyway. He's older with more experience. Flowers had a death in the family, his first start, and it was a rough one against a bad defense. All I'm saying is that we haven't got much to lose and Mike White does a pretty good job at losing. I'm Mike white has had time to become adjusted to his line and receivers, he SHOULD know where the line is weakest and where his routes are. He should have his timing down with his wideouts and trust if someone may be able to go get the ball. These things come with some time, reps, and exposure. All of which Flowers has not had

    Mike White is YOUNGER. He is 19, Flowers is 20. Mike White is the better looking QB. His age is part of the reason for his past mistakes. I think he is growing past it. Mike White led us in our final 2 drives and won the game....

    Edit, now I'm not discounting QF for the future (as in competing for next season). But it is clear who our starting QB should be for the rest of the season. And I still contend that MW should have had the start in the Houston game, but that's in the past.

    It seems I overlooked the fact that Mike White was younger than QF. As such, I should yield now. Gotta have my facts straight before I interject with opinion. My bad
    I'm not trying to disparage your opinion with mine. But I feel I have a right to voice my opinion, no need to get offended. However, I can't agree with you, the big stat difference is the 2 TD's and the win. I didn't mind what I saw out of QF, he looked much better than I would have thought all things considering.

    But to me it's clear he still needs to develop. Mike White also still needs to develop, but he is much further along.

    Oh I know, I think my tone is coming across wrong here. I meant what I said, and sincerely so, from an analytical standpoint. I should have had all the info before I sounded off. Right now I'm the guy arguing with half facts and I hate that guy :P.

    I respect what you're saying, I love me a good counter argument/ varying opinion

    Ah, okay. I misunderstood! I think it's safe to say though that we need a better QB coach :/

    Whole heartedly agreed

  12. 9-16 2 Tds and 6.6 ypa vs 6-15 0 Tds and 7 ypa

    I know the stats, I didn't say Mike white didn't pull this game out. I said he didn't play that much better seeing as he was the incumbent to job anyway. He's older with more experience. Flowers had a death in the family, his first start, and it was a rough one against a bad defense. All I'm saying is that we haven't got much to lose and Mike White does a pretty good job at losing. I'm Mike white has had time to become adjusted to his line and receivers, he SHOULD know where the line is weakest and where his routes are. He should have his timing down with his wideouts and trust if someone may be able to go get the ball. These things come with some time, reps, and exposure. All of which Flowers has not had

    Mike White is YOUNGER. He is 19, Flowers is 20. Mike White is the better looking QB. His age is part of the reason for his past mistakes. I think he is growing past it. Mike White led us in our final 2 drives and won the game....

    Edit, now I'm not discounting QF for the future (as in competing for next season). But it is clear who our starting QB should be for the rest of the season. And I still contend that MW should have had the start in the Houston game, but that's in the past.

    It seems I overlooked the fact that Mike White was younger than QF. As such, I should yield now. Gotta have my facts straight before I interject with opinion. My bad

    I'm not trying to disparage your opinion with mine. But I feel I have a right to voice my opinion, no need to get offended. However, I can't agree with you, the big stat difference is the 2 TD's and the win. I didn't mind what I saw out of QF, he looked much better than I would have thought all things considering.

    But to me it's clear he still needs to develop. Mike White also still needs to develop, but he is much further along.

    Oh I know, I think my tone is coming across wrong here. I meant what I said, and sincerely so, from an analytical standpoint. I should have had all the info before I sounded off. Right now I'm the guy arguing with half facts and I hate that guy :P.

    I respect what you're saying, I love me a good counter argument/ varying opinion

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