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Posts posted by NovaBull

  1. On 11/7/2018 at 4:09 PM, Bullrush33 said:

    Yeah they are still "little wet puppies (Inspector Clousseau Voice)."   I believe in personal responsibility for sure but it seems to me these kids are so scared to screw up that they are not playing with confidence. Saloaman has regressed big time. I am not in the locker room but whatever Charlie is saying to these man-kids he needs to re-access himself and the other coaches as well.  The coaches are not inspiring confidence in anyone, fan or player.  Just my two worthless cents.

    I see this same thing. Everyone is so afraid to make a mistake that they (guess what) end up making a mistake. 

    The team definitely follows the coaches identity and it seems uptight and bored. The guys who have been witness to fun, good football don’t like it (McGee) and are acting out accordingly. 

    CCS has lost the locker with a decent amount of guys and I’d be very surprised to see this get turned around this year.


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  2. 19 minutes ago, ToroDeFuego said:

    Leavitt knew from the start what Taggart learned the hard way. When you're not a top level program you build on what you can get, not on what you want. Big smart offensive lineman are the unicorns of D1. We're not getting them. We do, however, have access to speed and over-achievers, and that usually fits in better on defense.


    When you aren’t a top 5 team, you adjust your scheme to the players.

    Thus the juco standouts, undersized speedsters and guys who just need additional time to develop were what fed our rise. And you’re 100% correct, this is usually translated easier to the defensive side of the ball where overall aggression and effort (mixed with some Florida speed) can overcome other deficiencies.

    This is why the dual-threat qbs work here as well. Sandlot improvisational guys (Grothe, Q, BJ, Marquell) can make something out of nothing on the offensive side of things and it will work.


    22 minutes ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    Not saying coach strong does not like change but I did grab a pic of his phone....


    I would have guessed he was a pager man myself...

    • Upvote 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Brad said:

    I think a lot of people that simply look at records not discerning the age of the program or the level of the conference competition* miss out on the enthusiasm that others shared along with thousands of more people in the seats.  Optimism was mostly high.  There was a noisy, affluent crowd that thought CJL had plateaued - time to end his stay.  Big mistake.  That sword to the beast has left it lying and bleeding, still.

    In a smaller conference with less competition we’re paying coaches far more to beat up on the unskilled (except they beat us yesterday).  We’re chasing undefeated records against a bunch of boobs, so we can get a conference crown!!!  YAY!   But we can’t even beat the boobs.  

    At least I said boobs twice.


    *These are the same idiots, like UCFers, that think if you beat up the wretched refuse of the AAC, it’s the same as a P5 slate.  It is not.  

    Exactly. We are in a much worse conference yet still seeing the same or similar results record wise - which is the reason for the apathy and anger from the fans.

    Personally (and I don’t think I’m alone here), getting left behind in the G5 was the bullet to the brain. Everything follows suit from there as being relegated to the minor leagues with no chance of ever playing for a national championship - plus a weak slate of competition (hurray, the AAC is the tallest midget) - has completely decimated this program.

    Until we get out of this conference, this is the norm - which is really a shame for a program like ours that was knocking on the door of being a true known quantity in the world of CFB.

    TL;DR...I miss the BEast and national relevancy.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, JTrue said:

    You’re not saying we should be Alabama, you’re just saying we should be something we’ve never been in our entire history.

    Do you really not remember being ranked at the end of last year and the year before that (or from ‘07-‘10) or are you just trolling me for thinking we should be able to be better than where we are today?

    Or are you saying we will forever be doomed to this roller coaster of mediocrity ?


  5. 3 minutes ago, Thebullsfan said:

    It's better than what we have right now.

    Exactly. No one is saying we should be Alabama or Clemson (that’s just not realistic based on our conference affiliation), but being a perennial top 15-25 team with all of the talent that Florida produces should be an every year occurrence. 

    It’s a numbers game, get enough of the Florida guys to stay home and we should have talent to compete year in and year out.


  6. 4 minutes ago, Hueyhog20 said:

    Look people. Eye test alone we have not done well under Strong. Penalties, no focus, no energy, bad execution......I don’t care about stats or records. We win based on Florida talent and lucky plays/breaks here and there. We have regresssed under Strong and his staff. We were running HB dives down 21 for god sakes. Pathetic. We are a better program than what Strong can do. 



  7. ...even watching us win is like watching paint dry or the grass grow (or any other euphemism for boring). 

    This isn’t entertaining or fun and the players are very clearly relaying it in their body language and effort.

    A successful football team needs passion and energy - along with discipline and execution - to be successful. 

    I haven’t seen this since CCS took over and don’t expect it in the future.


  8. 2 minutes ago, Hueyhog20 said:

    Now is the time!!!!! No excuse for this game! It is clear he has lost this team. LOOK AT THIS EMBARRASSMENT! Don’t wave that 17-3 or whatever wand at me. We were never as good as our record. Strong sucks, his staff sucks, and now he has an embarrassing loss to hang around that neck along with a pathetic record against teams that matter. 

    He needs to go. Time to get real folks. Face reality. 

    This is eerily similar to the start of a Holtz New Era...start strong with the last guys players, peak and then come crashing down to earth before getting fired. 

    CCS has this team going backwards in hyper speed. We can only hope Maryland poaches this guy as his “defense first, run the ball and work the clock” style has come and gone.


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  9. 2 minutes ago, USFBulls12 said:

    In a way, I feel bad for CCS...from being a DC at a Pee-5, to becoming HC at Louisville and being being blessed with Lamar Jackson...then to be rewarded because of that success by getting the job at Texas...to fail so badly and get fired and demoted to taking a job with a minor league team that is USF...now to be regressing as time goes by, only able to barely win the easiest games off the coattails of a CWT system until that magic wore out...what hole in the wall school can he land a job at next...

    La Tech?

  10. 1 minute ago, bullsfan27 said:

    The thing that frustrated me with Strong and the staff is their unwillingness to change their scheme when it's not working. On offense its about 4 plays and they don't even try to mix it up. Our offense is predictable 90% of the time which will not win you games against teams that can match up talent wise. It's enough to beat uconn, ecu, etc but it won't be enough to beat houston, ucf, or any team with a offense that can score. Defensively we always play nearly 10 yards off the receiver and never try to jam them up at the line nor do we ever try anything designed to put pressure on their qb. Most of the time the opposing qb has nearly all night to throw and that finally caught up with us last night. The entire staff is making the same mistakes taggert's staff did the first 2.5 years he was here. 

    It’s eerily similar, right? The same bullheadedness from the coaches, the worse than watching paint dry offense, the frustration starting to show with the players.

    Someone should show CCS and staff the tape from xCWT so we can just skip to the part where Barnett goes to Strong and tells him to let the guys cook!

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Bullrush33 said:

    We are too small on defense and it showed all year. Last night it finally cost us

    This times 100. Our D-line gets no push and pressure without a blitz which leaves good qbs with time to find an open receiver or improvise.

    Our LBs always seem to be in the wrong position and a step behind the play.

    I blame this on strength and conditioning plus lack of depth and an overall scheme that isn’t working. 

    Our DBs could be Neon Deion and Richard Sherman and it wouldn’t matter because of the front 7.





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