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Official Fan Guide to Bulls Game Day!

Orlando Bull

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OK, there are starting to be threads about what color to wear, when the lots open, what time kickoff is etc. So, it's probably about time for the 2008 fan guide, please feel free to add...


1. Arrive at parking lot a minimum of 5 hours before kickoff (see rule 2), if the lot is closed, find a way in or park at the mall.

2. Assume every kickoff is at noon. In reality, it doesn't matter what time the game is, when people start herding into the stadium, that's your que.

3. If TSA security doesn't threaten you for; throwing something, running, yelling, and/or cursing...you're not trying hard enough

4. Always invite opposing fans to have a beer with you and play the tailgate game of your choice. Remember, they haven't been playing since 7 a.m., so you should promptly kick their *** and remind them that it's not going to get any better for the rest of the day.

5. If you don't throw away enough food to feed a small village in the amazon, you didn't cook enough. What if a whole group of TheBullsPen board members show up at your grill, it won't go over well to tell us we can't have a burger.

6. Don't hog the hotties. You know the ones, they're not at the games to watch, and they're not there to get picked up, they just want to be seen. Don't waste their time, if they linger with you before the final rejection, you're robbing the rest of us of a decent view (exception...opposing fans playing your tailgate games).

7. If you have a satellite hooked up, don't just sit around watching, make sure you invite people over, flip between the games/Gameday, and give several score updates every 10 minutes. Even though people will do it if forced, we'd rather not ask for the obvious information we all want.

8. At the very last moment, grab one beer to chug on the way to the stadium, and two to slip in your back pockets. If they catch you, play dumb..."Oh, I forgot those were there", if they ask, it's not a lie if you don't answer and keep walking.

Game Time

1. Never under any circumstance even consider uttering the phrase "sit down", or anything that resembles it. I assume you have a couch at home, you may want to sit there. Besides, you will likely want to protect it in case WVU wins a game that weekend.

2. While tailgate attire is a mix of wife beaters, skins, and jerseys, when you walk in the stadium, it's go time. Wear GREEN! No one cares if you like your white shirt, or it's too hot. Suck it up. Drink a lot of water. I have never heard anyone say that it is gross for people at a football game in Florida to sweat. It's OK, some people do it every day for work.

3. It's pretty simple, if George Selvie is on the field, be loud. If Grothe is out there, it's easier for him if he can communicate with the rest of the offense. If you must sit, other than half time, I guess this is the best option.

4. If you have something negative to harp on, wait until you are out of the stadium and surrounded by your people, the rest of us don't want to hear it.

5. Just because our team has inflicted emotional damage on the opposition doesn't mean you get to do the same to their fans. There is so much energy after the game, instead of taunting, celebrate with the other Bulls fans.

After the game

1. If you are waiting for your group to gather back together, do it with a beer.

2. Choose the most sober person to drive home

3. Immediately upon becoming sober, report to thebullspen.com and enter your thoughts, argue with others, and find information about the next game.

4. Re-watch the game that you should have DVR'ed, see what the announcers are saying and yell at them when they screw up.

During the week

1. Don't get fired. I think Brad is working on some front web addresses so that you can log in to civilengineeringtoday.com and to the average IT folk, it will totally look like you're going above and beyond the call of duty. We'll need maybe less specific ones for each profession.

1A. Befriend your IT people, you want to make sure that they are on your side.

2. If you find a way to effectively pass the time, don't keep it to your self, there are a lot of us here who are still searching.

Happy Football Season Bulls Fans!

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maybe they should send that out with season tickets next year.  (at minimum the wear green part)

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3. Immediately upon becoming sober, report to thebullspen.com and enter your thoughts, argue with others, and find information about the next game.

There's a good deal of fun to be had (both by you and at your expense) if you don't wait.

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Wow...that was pretty thourough, but I think you forgot Pregame#9 -

Always bring a tailgating chair, but for the love of all that is good in this world NEVER sit in it.  There are much better things to do, and it is only there to make your tailgate party look civil and adult like.

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Wow...that was pretty thourough, but I think you forgot Pregame#9 -

Always bring a tailgating chair, but for the love of all that is good in this world NEVER sit in it.  There are much better things to do, and it is only there to make your tailgate party look civil and adult like.

9a: In a pinch, however, the removable seats from your SUV will work just fine.

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A few additions and one slight revision:


- bring extra beer to barter with (most people will let you trade a beer to use their RV bathroom instead of a port-a-potty)

- if you're a woman don't be "that girl"....point out hotties to your (single) male friends if they're not paying attention...these girls put too much effort into being seen to have the guys you know miss them

- have a designated person who brings aspirin to every game and have it available at all times before/during/after the game and have enough to share

After the game

1. If you are waiting for your group to gather back together, do it with a beer.

2. Choose the most sober person to drive home

3. Immediately upon becoming sober, report to thebullspen.com and enter your thoughts, argue with others, and find information about the next game.

4. Re-watch the game that you should have DVR'ed, see what the announcers are saying and yell at them when they screw up.

2. Choose a SOBER person to drive home...being more sober than you probably doesn't mean they should be driving 

- when the game ends gather at the ramp, wait for the band, and exit the stadium with your fellow Bulls fans while jammin' to HOT (we love you guys!)

- instead of waiting in traffic 20 mins to make it a mile away from the stadium have a small post game tailgate and plan the rest of your evening at this point (instead of during the game)assumming you're up for anything beyond going home to pass out (if you are you probably didn't tailgate hard enough or scream loud enough)

- have cold water, vitamin water, sports drinks, etc waiting at the car....even those people who are still 'drinking' will probably need at least one non-alcoholic beverage

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Could we add something about the staying around to hear/sing to the Alma Mater being played at the end of the game? HOT plays it at the end of every game and it's sad how few people are around to see it being played.

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This should be distributed at the first game... and it definantely deserves a sticky on the boards...

And Jersey... you're not "that girl"???  >:D ;D ;)

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The official TAMPA BAY football fan's Guide to Game Day


1. Arrive at parking lot a maximum of a 1/2 hour before kickoff, never park at the mall.

2. Assume every kickoff is at 7:0pm. In reality, if the game is earlier you can't make it because it's just too **** hot and you have something to do with your kids or grandkids.

3. Smile at the TSA security people and thank them for doing their jobs.

4. Avoid opposing fans who are younger than you.  Chances are they will insult you somehow.

5. Make sure you clean your plate at whatever restaurant you eat at before the game.  Remember there are starving kids in China, we just haven't seen them because of the Olympics.

6. Ogle the hotties without your wife catching you.  Of course, if you're over 65 who cares if she catches you.

7. Walk past the people taking down their satellite dishes and wonder why anyone would bother bringing it to a game.

8. Point out to the underage kid in front of you that he has two bears in his back pockets, and that he could get in trouble for trying to sneak them into the game.

Game Time

1. Remember you will have to tell people in front of you to sit down quite a bit.  Don't worry, they won't be annoyed with you, just too drunk to remember common courtesy.

2. Wear comfortable clothing in any color.  Remember, it can be warm and humid so light cotton clothng, especially in white, can be your best option.

3. Since you don't know which players are George Selive or Matt Grothe, your best bet is to remain quiet at all times lest you both Grothe.  If USF scores a touchdown, than cheering and applauding are appropriate. You may want to bring ear plugs for the people around you who lack the courtesy to remain quiet.

4. If you see a bad play, make sure you complain about it for at least 10-15 minutes of game time (which is about 30-45 minutes).  Harp on the nuances of why it was a bad call or poor execution.  Your time limit can be shortened by an exciting play, however, so pay attention to the game.

5. Make sure you thank the opposing fans for coming and remind them to come back next time.

After the game

1. Make your way to your vehicle quickly and quietly.  No one likes a sore winner.

2. Carefully drive home, there are drunk underage college students piling into their cars.  The quicker you get out of the lot, the safer you will be.

3. Immediately upon getting home, turn on the local news.

4. Delete the game from your DVR since you were able to make it after all.

During the week

1. Only think about USF when you see the sports section, otherwise work will progress normally.

1A. Befriend your IT people, you want to make sure that they are on your side.  You don't want to lose your Outlook before the big meeting.

2. If you find a way to effectively pass the time, don't keep it to your self, there are a lot of us here who are still searching.

[/satire]  >:D

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1. Arrive at parking lot a minimum of 5 hours before kickoff (see rule 2), if the lot is closed, find a way in or park at the mall.

2. Assume every kickoff is at noon. In reality, it doesn't matter what time the game is, when people start herding into the stadium, that's your que.

3. If TSA security doesn't threaten you for; throwing something, running, yelling, and/or cursing...you're not trying hard enough


8. At the very last moment, grab one beer to chug on the way to the stadium, and two to slip in your back pockets. If they catch you, play dumb..."Oh, I forgot those were there", if they ask, it's not a lie if you don't answer and keep walking.

Make a little amendment here.

8a. How to check that you are prepared to go to the game

    step 1: Stop playing drinking games and stand up

    step 2: Check for balance

                If you are wobbly or the world is spinning proceed to step 5

                If not proceed to step 3

    step 3: Sit back down it's not time

    step 4: Chug a beer then return to step 2

    step 5: Grab a road beer (preferably 2, or better yet 4) and as many as you can "inconspicuously" hide in your pockets

    step 6: You're behind the crowd "run" if possible to catch up

Note 1: if steps 3 and 4 are required then rethink your drinking game/strategy. You are obviously doing something wrong.

Note 2:  if note 1 is required bring three dice and ask me how to play three man (be forewarned you may not make it to the game if played properly)

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