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Posts posted by pascobull

  1. That's awesome. I wish i had noticed this thread a few weeks ago. I've actually thought about hosting a Bulls Night myself. Last year I converted my living room space into a Bar/Home Theater room and we had a bulls event for the Nevada Game. This year We'll probably do something for the UConn game. You've got me thinking I should try an annual preseason event. That'd give me a good excuse to order more of that Kentucky Bourbon Beer. That's good stuff.

  2. Needs to be soon before AW chooses elsewhere. He isnt committing here(or anywhere) when he doesnt know who the coaches will be.

    definately. the new guy should be after AW like hes priority 1the same day hes hired.Just like Doug should be assuring AW and his family that hes working hard right now to bring in the best avail coach for us thats a proven winner and great leader. Id say the second call should be to Jojo Kemp.

    These kids arent waiting til January. theyll move on by then.

  3. If they hire a retread like Nutt or Zook let the buyout be a muvico movie pass at kanes furniture. nobody should get guaranteed money to come off the sofa or from the broadcast studio. If its a coach on the way up like Quinn or Taggert taking a chance on us then a contract buyout is good as long as they dont become unfirable. Big buyouts dont seem to be preventing coaches from taking better jobs so i dont see alot of value in guaranteed money. offer big money. big merit based money.

  4. Skip came here with great intentions. Things obviously didn't work out as planned. Wish our fans at the game would have show a little more respect/class (we're starting a green QB with little to no experience - what were you really expecting tonight). Holtz tried and failed. I hope he picks himself up and succeeds again when given another opportunity. I truly believe he cares about USF football. Thanks for trying Skip. Even well intentioned individuals fail from time to time. Tonight was a sad moment for USF football on national television. Hopefully we'll never experience this again.

    I disagree with booing Floyd... he is a green QB... booing Holtz on the other hand is okay by me.

    I agree, but I don't think that was a boo to Floyd. Landi, despite not playing QB in years actually moved the ball some. I think the auto-response of bringing in Floyd caused the boos on Holtz. I think we all wanted to see Landi take us to that rare earth called the end zone.

    I was hoping to see Landi throw one more touchdown. I wouldve been okay if he got pulled after that series. I didnt boo though but was cussing.

  5. Sunny and breezy here at the moment. 44 degrees on the thermometer outside. Looks like the band of showers went through last night. The breeze is supposed to pick up after noon and be gusting around 20 mph at game time. It's got a bite to it right now. Temp is expected to be in the mid 30's by 7 pm.

    If you guys see a green "Nanook of the North" guiding a rolling sled around the stadium with another heavy bundled green person in it, that's me and Mrs. S.

    I'll be the guy in the solid green with a blue and gray scarf wrapped around my head. Shivering my ass off.

  6. I've been to every game this year in person except Nevada so with what my poor eyes have seen all year I wont fault or judge anybody who doesnt show for Pitt. Skip sucks. End of Story.

    My tailgate group in the corner of lot 1 are doing an alouha themed tailgate as an ominous nod to skips departure.

    I hope he does well elsewhere but he cant stay here.


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