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Posts posted by StateRoad42

  1. Not sure if this has been posted yet or not but out of curiosity I've been watching ESPN to see if and when they'd add The American to their bloglist.  As it turns out, there is no American OR Big East.  We appear to be relegated to the CFB Nation catch all blog.  The old Big East blog isn't linked from the main page anymore.  Booo...

    As embarassing as that is, the real sting is the fact that we'll be back with Brian Bennett ragging on USF... 



  2. The fear the "macot" doesn't really belong to anyone in the way war eagle does. I can't think of a school that uses it for an alternate mascot


    War Flamingo is the humor of it though. It was done after Auburn in response. That's the history. It's funny and it makes sense. I think it's great if your going to do it.

  3. Fear the Flamingo would be better than War Flamingo. It would set it apart from Auburn and War Flamingo could still have it's place in history. Fear the flamingo would make this ours and not just a parody.


    +1. If we have to use the pink bird, do this.

    I actually love the flamingos just hate the name. I feels like a cheap knock off, like us throwing up the bulls sign and saying hook Em bulls. I'm starting the movement


    Nothing wrong with flamingos per se, and they are a Florida symbol - I just can't think of a wussier bird. :D And don't bring up Oregon Ducks, I grew up in Lakeland, there's a small lake there with lots of ducks and those bastards are mean.

    Technically, aren't those swans?

    Side note, I like the war flamingo pic above but I'd maybe suggest putting a loose fitting USF Bulls hat with horns on the top... kind of askew maybe. Just my two cents.

  4. I'm not really excited about the terra cotta / orange painted exterior. That theme is running throughout campus more and more and I think it looks cheap / ridiculous. Absolutely everything in Miami & Ft. Lauderdale is painted that color and it's obnoxious. Hate it. focus on Green, Gold, White. It looks a lot nicer.

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