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Posts posted by StateRoad42

  1. 1) USF
    2) 25-10
    3) Marcus Shaw
    4) Andre Davis
    5) 256 yards.


    [Random predictions- Davis, after a very half-hearted effort last week, will actually show up to play- accounting for 32% of total offensive yardage.  However, moderate OL troubles continue and Eveld's fear of the pocket = short routes as the primary air attack.  Holtz-esque bubble screens make a return and we muff yet another kick.  Shaw continues to shake n' bake as the only dependable bright spot for the Bulls.  Similarly FAU fans continue to predictably demonstrate why no one wants to live in North Miami (aka Boca)]

  2. Have you guys ever heard threats about cars being towed as "abandoned" because they were in the lot too long?  I'm not talking three days, just early a.m. to about 10 minutes after the game.  Last weekend we dropped my vehicle off on the way to see family pretty early in the a.m.  (We didn't want to take two cars and my wife wasn't coming to the game with us afterward).  When we came out of the game the guys next to us said security was trying to have it towed.  I told them there's now way but he was dead serious.  We had a pass for the game in plain view on the mirror...


    This was the first time we've actually parked in Lot 7 so I didn't know if there was a very strict policy over there or what. I've parked at the old mall for the past 13 years or so.  First time in lot 7 so maybe they were mad I was in their spot?

  3. I also know a group is having a watch party at Irish 31 in Hyde Park Village. For anyone who hasn't been there before, very cool bar, owned by Jay Mize (USF Safety from the early days)


    Between Irish 31 and the various Selmon's locations I always love to see these parties supporting "USF" businesses.


    Somewhat related, Selmons on Boyscout is rocking nachos for $5 on Thursdays.  We get them to go and watch College Football at the house with friends.


    I think they'll put USF on the big screen for this one.  Especially, if enough folks show up over there.

  4. The one good thing about a horrifyingly bad defeat is you can sit back and actually enjoy some games.  I know where we are and it's a long way from where we should be.  All we need to do is improve and I'll be happy with the season.


    Although, USF certinaly has a history of playing to its opponents level so perhaps we'll step off the plane ready to crush a hat this weekend.

  5. Booing your own team is just dumb.  I thought fans were supposed to pick their team up in the middle of the game.  Be the so called 12th man.  Not in Tampa I guess.  The dullards on this board seem to think you are making a brilliant political statement by acting like a moron.  I guess the cheerleaders should learn a new "rah-rah-rah-you guys surely suck" chant...


    Sidenote* Conference realignment showed how money is destroying college football but it is still about a degree of honor and respectable values in my mind. The point is to build character in young men.  Taking criticism is part of that.  Booing imparts nothing constructive.  It's acting out for acting outs sake.


    The distinction about booing a moronic coaching decision is valid but that isn't what happened this past weekend.  They were booing the kid for taking the field.

  6. College football is as much about values as it is about mental and physical toughness -- at least to me it is.  There is no need to boo your own team.  You just look dumb doing it.  Few, if any, of us could do better than Floyd did on Saturday.  That doesn't mean he's insulated from criticism but there should be a degree of decorum about it.  Otherwise, you rob college footbal of its dignity.


    Criticism should be expected but have some decency... simply ripping someone apart because they aren't playing at the level you'd like is silly. Tradition and respect are what make college sports better than Pro.  Navy sings Army's alma mater when they lose a game and vice versa.  What an incredible show of sportsmanship and civility...  In the meantime, USF fans are calling for a college kid's head.  It's pathetic.


    I was personally embarassed this weekend.  Not because my team was awful and rolled over halfway through the game but because our fans went a step further and started spewing hate at their own team.

  7. Well here is an on-campus stadium that USF helped build...




    With its annual payouts to the Glaziers and their tax collectors in the TSA.


    Here is what Baylor is building... its very state of the art.





    I'd like to see something along those lines with two Huge Golden Horns on one side and incorporated into the stadium -- like our logo.  It's all a pipe dream right now.  There is way too much up for grabs in college football right now.  Without winning seasons the OCS argument is kind of mute.  We're fighting for relevance and a stadium isn't going to make us relevant all of the sudden.  Ray Jay is great for now.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Why not mimic the Chupinazo- Opening roars and dedications of the event like they do in Pamplona?  We could shoot off a big rocket and announce the teams presence to everyone in the surrounding area/tailgating sections? "PEOPLE OF TAMPA, LONG LIVE THE BULLS"... perhaps in Latin (whatever, I like Latin). 


    Everyone lines up, yells, a mortar goes off (annouced inside the stadium with a blast from the ship) and also outside from a proper pyrotechnic mortar.  Then the band plays and everyone goes back to tailgating.  Each week you have a dedicated announcer like NASCAR.  Some dignitary or person the students select by voting, etc., etc.  Tons of potential here.  Very cool. The wording has to be the same each week though. 


    Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) - A process used to identify those steps in production where mistakes may critically damage the final performance of the product and to establish a system of monitoring and intervention to avoid these mistakes. - See more at: http://www.beefusa.org/h.aspx#sthash.Lo4FrNMs.dpuf
  9. I plan to go low and slow at home, wrap it tight and let the food continue to cook while I drink, and then finish it off at the site.  Food stops taking on smoke after 150 degrees, so saucing/glazing can be done over some simple coals or grill...


    What?! You're not going to oversleep, start a Boston Butt at 7 a.m. and then show up to Homecoming late like I did last year?  With the smoker, the trick is getting everything done just before leaving and letting it rest as you drive to the stadium.  And arriving with enough time to eat before kick off.......


    We tried out a new set of ribs this past weekeend for that exact reason.  Slow in the oven for a few hours over beer and finished with coals about 15 minutes later.  They came out great. 


    If I'm sticking with an old school recipe to cook at the game, I like flank steak sandwhiches: add chili/garlic/coffee/paprika rub, orange and lime juice after cooking, cut avocado, romaine lettuce and toasted sub-style bun, dash of Cayenne, slice the meat, assemble sammich, FEAST.


    For McNeese maybe we should do Oysters popped over the grill in honor of the visiting team...  I like that tradition.

  10. Here's my comment on the "rivalry"- It has all the hallmarks of one and it drives every single true USF fan nuts.  I hate it, I hate UCF, It's not going to help our "prestige" and I don't want it but it's going to happen.  The real goal is to try and facilitate decent rivalries with teams like FAU.  ;)  <----Kidding.


    Seriously, tough, in the end we're getting stuck with this turd for a few years.  Might as well accept our fate and make the best of it.  We should stop hyping it as a "War" and call it the "Begrudingly Forced Disney Orchestrated Moderately Entertaining Temporary Football Series For Teams Relatively Geographically Near One Another"  The BFDOMETFSFTRGNOA Bowl.  [Always add bowl at the end to make it legit].


    Not sure if this has been posted yet or not but out of curiosity I've been watching ESPN to see if and when they'd add The American to their bloglist. As it turns out, there is no American OR Big East. We appear to be relegated to the CFB Nation catch all blog. The old Big East blog isn't linked from the main page anymore. Booo...

    As embarassing as that is, the real sting is the fact that we'll be back with Brian Bennett ragging on USF...

    Bennett's ragging is still a better read than anything AA has ever written.


    Yeah, I don't know.  I have hated Bennet for years.  I was glad to see him move on from the Big East but you're right that AA isn't much better. 

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