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Posts posted by Frishmanflz

  1. They would have had to go for 2 eventually. I don't get why it matters if its the first TD or the second. If he misses it on the next TD, he still needs the ball one more time.

    Its a % and odds game.  If you kick the PAT you have a chance at scoring again and can tie the game with a score and 2pt conversion.  However if you go for 2 there and make it you are in the same boat and still have to score another TD, but if you miss the 2pt you are down 2 scores and your chances to tie are drastically reduced.  Its risk vs reward.  You risk everything by going for 2 with no real reward because if you take the safe/correct choice you are still in need of a TD.  Risk vs Reward. 

    Skippy is the worst coach in football!

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    4 Mins left in the game and LaTech scores to make it 15-24.  Skippy goes for 2!  LOL!  They of course fail on the 2pt conversion and and now they are down 2 scores with 4mins left and basically game over. 

    All he had to do was kick the PAT go down 8 and hope to score again.  Every other coach in pro, college, and/or hs would of made the smart decision and kicked the PAT and given their team a chance to wint he game, but not SKIPPY!!  I think USF and LaTech should sue him for all the money they gave him for breech of contract.  He breeched his contract when he signed it and said he was a coach.




    I am so happy he is gone, pissed we have to pay him 500k a year for a few years!


  3. Amazing how the Orlando school was able to get that kind of talent playing in an inferior conference, while USF couldn't even get a competent QB.


    I believe Bortles was a 2 star coming out of HS.  Its not that they were able to get that kind of talent, it is more of the fact they developed him. 

    BJ was a talent but never got developed and that is proved by becoming a NFL QB.


    Last time...what did we expect after last week? This was improvement, and that's what we need every game.

    Fair game. Let's talk expectations.


    I expect, after months of hype, a solid team on the field, not the dumpster fire we have. 

    I expect DW, as the highest paid AD in the (former) Big East, something to show for it. Instead we get silence, complacency. 

    I expect a football team to have WRs who can catch passes, OLmen who can block, and a QB who can read defenses. 

    I expect, as a diehard fan, some success after 3 years of false promises, and upwards of 7 years of sheer letdowns and disappointment. 


    I bet you also expect to get six pac abs with out working out.

    I bet you also expect to win the lottery without playing.

    I bet you also expect to marry a hot model without asking her out.

    I bet you also expect a raise from your boss without coming into work.


    The problem with your "expectations" are that they are unrealistic in the real world.  USF is not a good football team at the moment because of Skippy.  It will get better but this is not a quick fix.  There is no bandaide solution nor do I want anymore bandaids to fix USF football.  I want CWT to build this program like his mentors have at Standford and San Fran, and how he was building at WKU.  WE have been lucky as a fanbase to not have to go through a "down" time or "rebuilding" but now is the time for that.  I am looking forward to watching the team be built by someone like CWT. 

    Stop trying to rush the process.  If you are such a die hard fan then support the team, its staff and coaches in good times and bad.  Be a true fan!

  5. I started at USF in 96-97 the year before football.  I had a few fraternity brothers very active in helping promote the new football team.  Went to all the games in 97, 98, 99, 00, and most of 01 before I graduated.  Became a season ticket holder in 06.  I love this team!  CWT makes me feel the passion again for USF football that Skippy never did.  I was a supporter of Skip when he was hired, but all through his first year he kept doing things that made me say "HUH?"  I am so happy we have a coach that loves football, loves his kids, loves the city and the community, and has the focus, will, and passion to make USF football great!


    GO BULLS!!

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  6. In addition to the right coaching it helps to have a decent surrounding cast. BJ never had a full corp of receivers or backs to take some of the pressure off or even to have a reliable safety valve.


    All i know is you prob. cant name a single player in the Holtz New Error that didnt regress in development.  Not a 1 player made any sort of progression as a player.  That all on coaching.  There was tons of talent on the team offensively and defensively.  Offensively - BJ (NFL Backup now), Lamar, Shaw, Andre Davis, T-Rex, Dunkly, Griffin, Price, McFarland, Landi, etc... Def - Grissom, Giddens, Chandler, Watson, Forte, Barrington, Lattimore, Kavon, Jenkins, Joyce, Lejiste, etc


    The cupboard wasnt bare.  we had the one season where our Wr's were super light but after that we were fine. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. Just goes to show you how much coaching matters.  Just think how good we could of been with say Charlie Strong at the helm or CWT in earlier.  Talented players mean nothing if they are not put in the right place to succeed.  Look at UL, ND, Michigan, Stanford, NW, Miami, etc.  All those teams went through bad coaching hires, got rid of them, then hired the guy to lead them.  Those teams always had talented players but no one to "coach" them up.  Another example is FSU the last few years with bobby at the helm.  They had top 10 recruiting classes every year playing in the ACC and did crap.  Bobby retires (forced out) and now they are competing for ACC Championships and BCS bowls.  COACHING MATTERS!

    • Upvote 2
  8. So slick would rather have a paper champion that has good numbers but loses then a proven winner.  CCB has won multiple division titles in the NFL and gone to the Super Bowl.  I dont give a F how we win as long as we win!  I think Slick would rather have a guy like Skip here, or how about we be like the Jets, Carolina, or Arizona who have good def numbers yet suck where it matters in Wins.  I mean hell look at Washington, NE, Indy, and the Giants from 2012 they were all at the bottom in yards/game, passing d, Total d but I do believe they were all pretty good in the Wins category.  Sometimes the numbers dont tell the whole story but wins are finite.  In Football there are three outcomes, win lose or tie.  If you are winning who gives a crap about what the numbers say?

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    1. What would be your estimated donation? 100million
    2. Given naming rights in return what would it be (if your donation is $25 million or less, forget it)? Jim Leavitt Pasture at the Lee Roy Selmon Memorial Bullpen
    3. What unique feature or design would you request as part of your donation? A bull pen area on the adjacent end of the stadium from the student section that housed a live bull!
    4. What/who does the statue out front depict or resemble? there would be 2 one opposite entrances.  1 - LRS holding the football 2 - Jim Leavitt after FSU. 
    5. What would be your last football or stadium related request as a new big money donor to USF Athletics?  I would want 4 - 50 yard line - 1st row tickets on the bulls sideline for life and for them to make a ring of honor named after my family around the stadium  - like Prevatte Memorial Ring of Honor
  9. Anyone who doesn't see this kid as an upgrade to our currently available QB pool isn't paying attention.


    Yea forgot Floyd was recruited hard by Southern Miss and FIU, man what a stud. Don't forget that walk-on Eveld, man all those offers he got!

    Woulard has Tennessee, NC State, South Carolina, Ole Miss, Wake Forest and a lot more coming after him now...those schools must not know what they're talking about eh?

    Grothe had I believe 0 offers to play QB from big programs. Carlton Hill had offers from Miami, etc. many programs recruit on potential.

    even Brion Carnes, who was god awful as a QB, signed with Nebraska.

    94 - I am sry but you are not only wrong about AW but you are dead wrong. AW won the MVP at Elite 11 but no he didnt win it on 2 passes. He won it based on his performace throughout the weekend and those passes cemented his MVP. I think I will take the opinion of the Elite 11 experts who's alumni include - Vince Young, Tim Tebow, Troy Smith, Matt Stafford, Andrew Luck, Geno Smith, Josh Freeman, Jake Locker, Teddy Bridgewater, Aj McCarnnon who all have had pretty good college careers. Now you keep spouting off about AW's HS numbers that he is average with out giving all the facts. I guess you forgot to mention that AW is playing for 4-5 UCF expalyers and coaches that were pushing him to UCF and when he wouldnt look at them began not calling passing plays and having him run the ball 20+times a game, or that his offense line is beyond horrible, or that his best receiver graduated and is playing for USF this year, and so on. AW is a legit 6'4" 220+lbs, he has a rocket for an arm, and can run. He is still earning but I think I will take all the info from the professional scouts and coaches that have watched him play and perform and take their word for it before I listen to a internet hack like yourself.

  10. My wife's family is from Louisville and we going up to visit and go to the game. My wife's cousins are season ticket holders so I will be the green among the red in a UL section =) I am excited to go but have no expectations on how the bulls will do. One thing I can say about us playing so poorly is that I have much lowered expectation so I enjoy the games, atmosphere and experiece more then what the outcome is.

  11. Its not our players! Its our coaching! The coaches have no heart or fire! They set the tone for the team so the team comes out with no heart or fire. The coaches set the players up for failure every game! The schemes they run the lack of adjustments everything the coaches do is against everything we are good at. WE are a speed option team so what does holtz do? runs power I formations, we are a rush the passer get after it defense os what does holts do? puts us in zone, "read react" defense. If the coach set the team up to fail then how does anyone expect the team to succeed!

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  12. We saw it all year last year. The 4th quarter defense sucked. We couldn't get off the field on 3rd and long and 4th and long because we dropped everyone into coverage and gave the QB all day to find someone open. I just looked it up, In that last drive to tie it, Rutgers completed 5 passes for more than 10 yards and another for 9 yards Including the pass to Sanu that went for a first on 4th and long. I want to see the coaching be able to adjust to whatever Rutgers throws at them. In the past, Leavitt was always out coached by Schiano and Holtz and his staff were too. ifferent coaching staff to contend with now. Let's see them do something.

    Yet the same coaching staff that was so bad as you say beat RU the year before. It wasnt coaching that lost USF the game last year. Coaching had us up all game, Coaching helped drive the field and put us in position to win the game. The players make the plays not the coaches.

  13. You all have such a small short sighted view of the college football landscape it isnt even funny. ND as a partner of the BE gave us a bargaining chip in football and all sports. Why do you think the ACC took them in so fast? ND isnt in their conference for football either. Its because having them aligned with your conference makes them more relivant and makes their product more valuable. Its all about MONEY people. What does the BE bring to the table in football and basketball to a TV deal? Not alot. Our football relivance is subpar with no real national team, our once #1 bb conference is now 3rd at best if that. Losing ND to the ACC is a huge hit to the conference whether you want to admit it or not.

    I am not running around screaming nor do I think the sky is falling. I am a realist. I saw the writing on the wall a long time ago. ESPN set out to destroy the BE when we wouldnt reup with them and their plans are finally coming to fruition. They have taken our 3 most recognizable name brand teams (mind you I didnt say most competiative) in WVU, SU, and Pitt and left the conference with all programs that are not national recognized, they have take a huge bargaining chip in TV negotiations by stealing ND. Dont be suprised if the Big12 takes UL and either Cincy or USF by the end of this season (hope and pray its USF), to all but put the nail in the coffin of the BE before BSU and the other teams get to play a game. ESPN wants the monopoly in college football and now with the 4 team playoff and death of the BCS, if they kill the BE then they will get just that. They will have every power conference under contract and all the major players in college football.

  14. Are you people slow? ND going to the ACC all but destroys the BE. The BE partnership with ND gave us a HUGE bargaining chip with NBC. Now what does the BE have? Not a single national relivant football team, a weeaker bb product to sell to who? Now ESPN will come to BE and say "see we told you sign with us or we will destroy you" and they have. The only thing that will save USF is if USF and UL get invited to the Big12 because now FSU and any other ACC teams cant leave with a 50mill buyout. If, and this is a big if, the Big12 wants a Florida presence we may get lucky and move but otherwise we are relegated to CUSA part 2 and will never be at the big boy table again. This year winngin the BE is now more important then ever and winnnig a BCS game.

    I also expect Navy and BSU to back out of the conference. Why would they stay with a sinking ship that wont be getting anywhere near the same tv money as they thought now? ND going to the ACC is basically a death blow to the BE and its relivance.

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