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Posts posted by widerberg

  1. I don't know, guys. I'm not happy about the loss, but in a way it cured me of my expectations for this year. I honestly thought we'd do OK, even with a new coach and new system. Had this score been at the Michigan State game, I'd still be holding on to the false hope that we're going to pull things together in the short term. Given that we got our arses handed to us by McNeese State, in a weird way I'm now freed up to just enjoy the rest of the ride. I no longer have any expectations. 0-12 could very well happen, and I'm not going to be down about it anymore. I'm stepping back emotionally and just watching what it is for what it is.

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    Now we are only down 26! We'll need 10 quarters to catch up.

    It's like you enjoy this. What's your angle? Fire everyone? Taggart? Fold it up? What?



    Pretty sure he's just venting frustration. Some people suffer in silence; others (like me) moan about it. We're all Bulls. Can't watch what we're watching and find much good to hold on to. Can't anyone seriously rationalize what we're seeing or somehow spin this bloodbath into a positive?



    Can you say 0-12

    I sure hope any realignment invite is not dependent on a winning record.

    Also, I love the close in shots of Willie just staring off into space with that thousand yard stare.

    What do you expect him to do, giggle?



    Freak out and lose his sh-t like Jim. Or something. Look mad? Throw the Gatorade cooler onto the field. I don't know, I'm just in shock right now. 

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