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Posts posted by commbull

  1. One word or one line epitheths don't do this subject justice.  USF is on the verge of another losing season.  The fourth in a row.  We had a great coach who got fired for shoving some pansy in the locker room who never went anywhere in football.  Wherever he is I hope he's happy for the mess he created for his bruised ego.  Now on to Taggart.  A great success at western Kentucky.  Holtz also did well at East Carolina.  Then they came and played with the adults and WHAMMO!  Taggart should find some back water high school team with an 0-12 record and happily live out his millions he took from USF.  Yes we need a coach but one with intelligence and a commanding presence.  Take our time but start looking now.  There are several defensive and offensive coordinators who would love to get their shot at the big chair.  Do I have suggestions?  Not really.  I am a fan and as a fan I know one thing.  I am dissapointed in four losing seasons and want the bulls to have what they deserve not what they have to settle for.  Are you reading this Dr. Gendshalft?  Probably not.  You're talking to people about bringing more millions into USF so we can outdo shrimp on treadmills.  GO BULLS!!!



    Leavitt was an average coach at best.


    He never could finish at the top of a weak conference and got blown out by average teams.


    I'd love to be "average" again.


    Or, in that "weak" of a conference, again.


    Anyone who doesn't think Leavitt's team would've raped this conference the past two years are delusional. The teams that beat us routinely are gone. We had never lost to teams like UCiF, ECU, Memphis, etc under CJL.


  2. Say what you will about Holtz, but he at least had some signature wins in his career. Taggart's best win was Cincinnati last year. As a HC he is 4-26 against teams with a .500 record or better and 2-2 against FCS teams. That is called not getting it done. He graduated from losing to McNeese State and Florida Atlantic to barely beating an FCS team and 2 of the worst FBS teams. Technically improvement but nowhere near where we need to be at the point.

    Holtz won some his first year with CJL's players. His teams got worse not better.

  3. Collin Sherwin â€@USFCollin 16h16 hours ago

    For those asking: Willie Taggart’s buyout is $400k per yr through 2017. If he was fired, USF would owe him & Holtz a combined $900k per year

    So we owe Taggart for three more years regardless--15, 16, and 17--at $400K? Holtz $500K/yr for the same period? We may be stuck with CWT for longer than one more year, after all, we're one of those schools that's losing money on FB and athletics even in the best years.

  4. If we win the next 2 games it might be 50/50 but if we lose 1 of them they will outnumber us especially if they can get into a bowl game with a win

    I voted for ucf outnumbering us handily, but this is exactly what I was thinking. We could have a good turnout if we were to win the next two and be bowl eligible with a home win. And, of course, the better ucf does between now and then, the better their turnout.

  5. CJL isn't coming back. I can't see him wanting to be here, wanting to rebuild the mess that's been made here.

    As to who is responsible for this mess, it isn't Holtz or Taggart, but the people who fired CJL and hired CSH and CWT. The President and the AD--and especially those who influenced them--had stars in their eyes. They are the ones who have to answer for this: a crappy team in a nothing conference. Who knows when we might be even a little bit relevant on the national stage in football. I'm betting we won't see that again for at least ten years--minimum. Probably more.

  6. He has LA Tech putting the hammer down on W Kentucky. Did USF pull the trigger on Holtz too soon?

    No that level of football is his comfort zone. He is overmatched at anything higher. Same with Taggart. Louisville had the same thing with Kragthorpe, but was quick to make the change when needed.

    what level do you think USF and the AAC is?

    Good point. But we wanted to be at the next level, and now we can't even succeed in the FBS.

  7. He has LA Tech putting the hammer down on W Kentucky. Did USF pull the trigger on Holtz too soon?

    No that level of football is his comfort zone. He is overmatched at anything higher. Same with Taggart. Louisville had the same thing with Kragthorpe, but was quick to make the change when needed.

    That's what i feared at the time--good at his level, but not going to be successful against better competition.

  8. Harlan doesn't even need to look at the scoreboard. If he looks at the crowd and sees all 1200 fans it should tell him what needs to be done.

    The funniest part of the game was after one of our first downs the announcer said "that's another Bull's...". There was not a big enough crowd to hear the "first down" response.

    I heard, or didn't hear, that on the TV, too. Now I know why.

  9. Aside from maybe the quarterback position there is no doubt that Taggart has brought a lot more talent to the school than Skippy. Not that skip brought a quarterback, but Willie hasn't shown that he has either.

    Clearly, the way he is racking up wins.

    You really expect a bunch of 1st and 2nd year guys to rack up wins?

    Why don't you watch the product on the field and I actually learn what football is. Anyone with two eyes can see that there's more talent surrounding the horrible quarterback position. If BJ Daniels was here we would probably be looking at only one or two losses this year. Only reason Skippy was able to even win 8 his last two years.

    I miss BJ....

    Didn't think at the time that I'd be thinking that.

  10. Not good. I was hoping ECU would represent our conference on new years day

    Right. Much as it hurts to see teams succeeding that we were clearly superior to just a few short years ago, for the Conference, we have to want ECU to go unbeaten the rest of the season and represent AAC in one of the big bowl games.

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