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Everything posted by Case

  1. Wow,... yall can't be this stupid. I think the point Shoop was getting at is, why are the bulls in a game with 13? 10? point lead in the 4th quarter calling quarterback draws and sneeks? If your just running out the clock the bulls have a running back. There is no need to put are "star" QB in unnecessary harms way. Because..... like it are not the talent behind him is not there. If Grothe suffered a season ending injury aganist PITT, every person on the board(other that ET :) :) :)) would be calling for Leavitt's and Smith's heads.
  2. Hey. Lets calm it down there fella. There are what six home games a year and one down the road making a total of seven games within driving distance. Now there only three(Daytone(2) and Homstead) "cup" races a year within driving distance and one of those is in Homstead! So to skip one game to go to a race is reasonable. IF RACING IS YOUR NUMBER ONE SPORT. Witch mine is. Alright unis.... For everyone who likes the "traditional" look of the first jerseys... umm I got a question for you, What is traditional about USF football? Green/green, white/white is the way to go. If you read Bucco_B's reasoning for the stripes, they tie the whole uniform together.... and they do like'um or not they serve a perpose. Love the "SF" period.
  3. Trey Williams, out of Durant High Schoo, Floridal. (sorry had to be said)
  4. Hmp, I've never really noticed that before. How the helmets and the gold piping doesn't match. I'm gonna have to side with shoop. Its just awful. Now the black "u" is an easy fix... tada! If a no talent hack like me can do that in three minutes, I think the hole athletics department over a two year period could remedy this one glaring flaw.
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