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Posts posted by BaltoBull

  1. Losing Boise AND the B'ball schools is a double whammy.

    Even so, I'm at the point where the fuccks I give amount to nearly zero.

    Let's just get us some good road trips (Memphis and NOLA qualify easily!), play some ball, and have some fun!


    **** right! +2

    Yup, my point exactly!

    I've never been a fan of having Boise or San Diego State in the "Big East".

    If the basketball schools do split, perhaps we can finally figure out a realistic way to establish a regionally manageable conference consisting of the 'best of the rest' east of Texas.

    We need to realize and embrace our lot in life and come to terms with what we have to work with.

  2. Holy ****. I agree with you....

    But, I do feel like there are more people in play than just these two. Woolard has never been one to announce anything before it happens, so letting the cat out of the bag about these two possible candidates might just be the admins blowing smoke up everyones arse.

    At this point, there are more people who I'd not like to hear mentioned - Jim Tressel, Tommy Bowden, Mario Christobal, Plant HS HC Robert Weiner....

    Nutt, Taggert, Butch Davis, Chad Morris are names that I'd like to hear. Mostly, because they all recruit like mofos and with all of the talent around here...

    I'd like to see Sonny Dykes name on the list as well. As I mentioned in another post, I am really excited about the possibility of Dykes fielding a USF team utilizing the Air Raid offensive scheme.

  3. What do you guys think? Would Wollard give Dykes a chance?

    More like would Dykes give USF a chance. He is highly sought after right now.

    I can see why. It would take a lot of balls on Wollard's part to put up the money and commit to something different. I'm not sure we could win a bidding war with other schools, but if we gave him a good enough rea$on to come here, maybe he would.

    I understand other's desire to get McGee and Taggart - I have them on my wishlist as well.

    I really want to see what Dykes could do here if given the chance though.

  4. So, I've gone from wanting Cristobal to Taggart and I admit, after reading this Voodoo Five article, I'm pretty close to being sold on Sonny Dykes and the whole Air Raid scheme.

    What do you guys think? Would Wollard give Dykes a chance?

    I really am excited about the idea of USF doing something completely different than the big boys and I wonder if his scheme were to be executed properly, wether we could steamroll the NBE in a couple of years.

  5. I saw the final few minutes the show. You're right IncrediBull, he looked awful.

    At the end, Skip made a point of thanking the commentator for his 'professionalism', which I guess in retrospect, judging by the way he said it could be read as Skip saying, "goodbye".

    I believe he knew he was headed for the gallows.

    Yes, I noticed that comment too. His eyes were nearly shut, like he hadn;t slept. Ive met him a few times, and he is a genuine guy. Cares about his players, coaches, and USF. I am sure he is devastated, but it had to be. Bittersweet for USF.... We could use an ethical, caring, individual in the role. But they also need to posses an inate desire to win at nearly all costs. He was missing the "fire".

    You're right, he's a great guy - I've met and spoken with him several times. He just was not a good fit here.

  6. Posted by: Pete Roussel on Sunday December 2, 2012

    Be sure to follow @CoachingSearch on twitter for BREAKING NEWS and updates.

    South Florida: Don't be surprised if Western Kentucky head coach Willie Taggart and San Diego Chargers special teams coordinator / assistant head coach Rich Bisaccia emerge as candidates. Sources tell me that University of Arizona co-offensive coordinator / running backs / associate head coach Calvin McGee will be interested. You could see South Florida make a run at Texas Tech head coach Tommy Tuberville.

    I'd be happy with any of those. Although I highly highly highly highly doubt that Tuberville would leave Tech for us.

    Wasn't Tuberville's name mentioned as a candidate here when Skip was hired?

  7. Here is another, more recent article describing the ACC's money woes and the likelihood Maryland will not pay the full $50 million departure fee.

    If this article is true and correct, it is only a matter of time before the ACC is gutted.

    Interesting quote: "I cannot confirm it but a usually reliable source has told me the Big 12 has offered to contribute $25 million each to FSU and Miami’s buyout whatever it may be."


  8. Any deal the ACC has with the Orange Bowl would be renegotiated anyway if 11 of 14 ACC members are new.


    And at that point, I doubt the name ACC will exist either. If it truly comes to this, I imagine a new regional conference with a new name and new identity will be formed with the best pieces left.

    Again, we will still be on the outside of the contract bowls looking in, but with perhaps a better contract.

    I do not see USF ever being a member of the "ACC".

    Why do you think that's the case, re: a potential name change? The ACC has pretty good name recognition and is actually almost all Atlantic Coast-ish in terms of geography. Unless they lose their minds and start adding West Coast teams like the BE did, I don't see why they'd want to drop their name.

    The Big East with half the conference on the west coast is just stupid, but so long as it's east-ish teams that the ACC adds, I think the name makes sense and has history. No need to change it. I know tradition apparently doesn't mean anything in CFB anymore, but hopefully someone, somewhere has a sliver of nostalgia in them and decides not to torpedo every last element of traditional CFB.

    My gut just tells me that if only a few teams; Duke, Wake and Boston College are left with the new additions of Pitt, Syracuse and Louisville (and I'm not convinced all of them will be there) - somewhere, there will be a push for a name change and new identity.

    I agree, there is value in the ACC name, but the conspiracy theorist in me believes that the powers that be will do everything to strip the leftovers of any prestige and value they have left.

    In my opinion, if there is a merger, it is better to start anew.

  9. If the ACC is left with just BC, Duke, and WF as current members, is there any chance we rescind the cUSA offers, hang onto Pitt/Cuse/UL/ND, and absorb the ACC leftovers? For Pitt/Cuse, they keep their BBall rivals and get off cheaper, paying only the restocking fees for the cUSA schools instead of the current buyout. Any deal the ACC has with the Orange Bowl would be renegotiated anyway if 11 of 14 ACC members are new. We could still keep some of the new FBall-only schools to round out the league (12 with BSU/SDSU).

    my question is would the "New ACC" still be included in the top5 conferences for the playoff configuration or whatever you call it.?

    I don't see it happening. I think the endgame is four 'super-conferences' who will ink contracts with the 'prestige' bowls based on team and conference 'brands'. The goal is for the major bowls to not have their hands tied and have to invite someone due to NCAA rules. Again, look at the animosity towards Kent State and the chatter of a 6-7 Georgia Tech possibly 'stealing' San Jose State's bowl bid after being granted a waiver from the NCAA..

    I believe those teams not in the 'super four' will be left with the scraps.

  10. I grew up in Maryland. Baltimore and DC are 2 distinct markets despite only being 30 miles apart. They have different local TV networks, cable providers, etc. Baltimore by itself is a small market. I think its ranked in the upper 20's to low 30's. DC is a top 10 market. When you combine the 2 its about the same size market as combining Tampa and Orlando.

    There aren't a lot of great places to visiit in Maryland, but Annapolis is the exception. Its beautiful. I would love to take a road trip up there with the Bulls. It would give me an excuse to visit friends and family and I just love Annapolis.

    I grew up in Crofton. I would love to see the Bulls play in Annapolis as well!

  11. Any deal the ACC has with the Orange Bowl would be renegotiated anyway if 11 of 14 ACC members are new.


    And at that point, I doubt the name ACC will exist either. If it truly comes to this, I imagine a new regional conference with a new name and new identity will be formed with the best pieces left.

    Again, we will still be on the outside of the contract bowls looking in, but with perhaps a better contract.

    I do not see USF ever being a member of the "ACC".

  12. I agree with the sentiments of this article as well as the one by Gary Shelton today. You cannot bring back Holtz just for the sake of brining him back and giving him more time to see his recruits mature. If we are not seeing progress then another year just wastes the programs and fans time and money.

    What about this team that we are currently seeing shows us that there will be improvement next year, who will be the QB? Will someohow a 6-6 record be considered a major success and Skippy is the toast of the town..........

    One thing nobody is mentioning is DW, i'm very uncomfortable with him. This is essentially his last job, he will retire after this, he just does not have that fear of reprucussions from poor decisions that a younger AD would. He can put his eggs into Skips basket and if he fails so what, he is retiring anyway. I highly doubt DW thinks about his legacy at USF.

    I agree with you. I doubt we'll be seeing him in the stands once he retires.

  13. I totally agree Martin. Guys, I get the feeling we are going to get the rug pulled out from us no matter what we do or where we go.

    I read a post on the NCAAbbs board - sorry, but I don't remember which one, but I agree with that poster's sentiments when he said, "as soon as the 'valuable' teams are out of the ACC, the powers that be will figure out a way to rewrite the rules yet again and further consolidate power amongst the four conferences.". Once the big boys are gone from the ACC, do you think anyone will give a **** about them?

    It's the carrot on the end of the stick. At this point in the game, I don't think were ever going to sniff a BCS game. Look at all of the angst against Kent State possibly playing in the Orange Bowl. In a few years, that could be us and no matter what we do on the field against the competition we play, it will never be good enough.

    Let's face it, the Florida teams the B12 really wants are FSU and Miami. After reading endless articles and opinions, it seems what everything is waiting on is Maryland's exit fee from the ACC. Once Maryland has set the bar, no where close to $50m I believe, everyone will run to the door. Then once the 'prestige' programs are gone, then we would get the call up to the ACC. Big deal.

    I can see it now, ESPN and the others will constantly trash and belittle the ACC much the way they are now the NBE with the additions of Tulane and ECU. They will sniff and look down their noses at us yet again.

    I said this before and I still think the best course of action is for the NBE, CUSA and MW to break off and do it's own thing and get ready for the long haul. I know some of you hate the idea, thinking it's tantamount to admitting defeat, but I think it's time to be realistic.

    If the moves being made really are towards 4 super-conferences of 16, where do we fit in? SEC and B12 will have FL covered with UF, FSU and Miami. Pac12 is out for us geographically and B10 is out of the question. No one has ever mentioned FSU or Miami going to the B10 and UF certainly isn't leaving the SEC.

    Get ready guys, this is where we are and this is where we are going to be.

    If these super conferences expand their in-conference games and start playing the "lesser" left out competition in the little conferences, I can imagine this having massive atheltic budget implications for I-AA schools who depend on those pay day games. Not to mention the left out teams that have higher operational budgets for stadiums and the like who will feel a crunch.

    It won't matter Econ_Nerd. It's all about selling games and not sharing the pie. Once the conferences go to 16 (if they go), there won't be a need for 1-AA games. It will be about ratings and having two 'brands' play one another. A 1-AA team is not a 'brand'.

    Furthermore, I think it will get to the point that scheduling a 1-AA team will be poison to your SOS and therefore, no one will dare play a 'lesser' school.

    I think this is about ESPN and Fox having something akin to the NFL where 'every game matters' and every game can be hyped.

    I agree. But, what I am saying is that those athletic teams that before relied on those pay day games for their funding will suffer.

    I was trying to agree with you and say what you said. I worded my response poorly.

  14. It's the carrot on the end of the stick. At this point in the game, I don't think were ever going to sniff a BCS game. Look at all of the angst against Kent State possibly playing in the Orange Bowl. In a few years, that could be us and no matter what we do on the field against the competition we play, it will never be good enough.

    Whatever angst there is against Kent State doesn't matter because if they move up just one spot in the BCS poll, they're automatically in a BCS game. There will be no more BCS games starting with the 2014 season. and the equivalent will be the 6 "Access" bowls and unless they change the rules, which I wouldn't be surprised if they did, we can get to one of those via the field ...

    Yeah, but after this season the reality will be that USF making an access bowl or the tourny will be as shocking and frequent as seeing Kent State do it, which will also be followed by the Kent State like team getting the absolute ass blasted out of them by a Florida.


  15. It's the carrot on the end of the stick. At this point in the game, I don't think were ever going to sniff a BCS game. Look at all of the angst against Kent State possibly playing in the Orange Bowl. In a few years, that could be us and no matter what we do on the field against the competition we play, it will never be good enough.

    Whatever angst there is against Kent State doesn't matter because if they move up just one spot in the BCS poll, they're automatically in a BCS game. There will be no more BCS games starting with the 2014 season. and the equivalent will be the 6 "Access" bowls and unless they change the rules, which I wouldn't be surprised if they did, we can get to one of those via the field ...

    You're right, thank you for pointing that out. I totally forgot about the BCS bowl changing.

    I still think the rules will be changed and the mantra will be something along the lines of 'market demand'.

  16. Yes, if we get into the ACC, almost by definition, it wouldn't resemble the ACC we've known in the past. BUT, it keeps us with schools like Syracuse, Pitt, Louisville, and likely UConn and possibly Duke, that have name-recognition instead of being relegated back to obscurity. And yes, it would be the strongest BBall league with TV exposure that helps all sports AND with academic reputation. If your focus is only football-football-football, then you will almost certainly be disappointed. Still, I believe there is a measurable chasm between joining a revamped ACC versus staying behind (with a smaller gap between the ACC and the other "BCS" leagues) and that's what is at stake here. It wouldn't be the Promised Land, but it would maintain the gains we've made instead of taking an irreparable step backwards.

    Do you really think the other conferences are going to allow the ACC to be a power-basketball conference after this? Look what the ACC did to the BE - they took Syracuse, Pitt and then Louisville - prestige, 'brand recognition' and basketball. Louisville is fortunate that they have football and that is what the ACC desperately needed to keep up with the other conferences and to not allow Louisville to go to the B12. When all hell breaks loose, I think the other conferences will cherry-pick what remains of the ACC as clean as they can.

    I don't think Syracuse, Pitt, Duke and possibly Louisville will hang around the ACC after armageddon. Wake Forest will, maybe Boston College.

    At some point, I do think the Catholic schools will finally split and do something with A-10 teams.

  17. I totally agree Martin. Guys, I get the feeling we are going to get the rug pulled out from us no matter what we do or where we go.

    I read a post on the NCAAbbs board - sorry, but I don't remember which one, but I agree with that poster's sentiments when he said, "as soon as the 'valuable' teams are out of the ACC, the powers that be will figure out a way to rewrite the rules yet again and further consolidate power amongst the four conferences.". Once the big boys are gone from the ACC, do you think anyone will give a **** about them?

    It's the carrot on the end of the stick. At this point in the game, I don't think were ever going to sniff a BCS game. Look at all of the angst against Kent State possibly playing in the Orange Bowl. In a few years, that could be us and no matter what we do on the field against the competition we play, it will never be good enough.

    Let's face it, the Florida teams the B12 really wants are FSU and Miami. After reading endless articles and opinions, it seems what everything is waiting on is Maryland's exit fee from the ACC. Once Maryland has set the bar, no where close to $50m I believe, everyone will run to the door. Then once the 'prestige' programs are gone, then we would get the call up to the ACC. Big deal.

    I can see it now, ESPN and the others will constantly trash and belittle the ACC much the way they are now the NBE with the additions of Tulane and ECU. They will sniff and look down their noses at us yet again.

    I said this before and I still think the best course of action is for the NBE, CUSA and MW to break off and do it's own thing and get ready for the long haul. I know some of you hate the idea, thinking it's tantamount to admitting defeat, but I think it's time to be realistic.

    If the moves being made really are towards 4 super-conferences of 16, where do we fit in? SEC and B12 will have FL covered with UF, FSU and Miami. Pac12 is out for us geographically and B10 is out of the question. No one has ever mentioned FSU or Miami going to the B10 and UF certainly isn't leaving the SEC.

    Get ready guys, this is where we are and this is where we are going to be.

    If these super conferences expand their in-conference games and start playing the "lesser" left out competition in the little conferences, I can imagine this having massive atheltic budget implications for I-AA schools who depend on those pay day games. Not to mention the left out teams that have higher operational budgets for stadiums and the like who will feel a crunch.

    It won't matter Econ_Nerd. It's all about selling games and not sharing the pie. Once the conferences go to 16 (if they go), there won't be a need for 1-AA games. It will be about ratings and having two 'brands' play one another. A 1-AA team is not a 'brand'.

    Furthermore, I think it will get to the point that scheduling a 1-AA team will be poison to your SOS and therefore, no one will dare play a 'lesser' school.

    I think this is about ESPN and Fox having something akin to the NFL where 'every game matters' and every game can be hyped.

  18. I totally agree Martin. Guys, I get the feeling we are going to get the rug pulled out from us no matter what we do or where we go.

    I read a post on the NCAAbbs board - sorry, but I don't remember which one, but I agree with that poster's sentiments when he said, "as soon as the 'valuable' teams are out of the ACC, the powers that be will figure out a way to rewrite the rules yet again and further consolidate power amongst the four conferences.". Once the big boys are gone from the ACC, do you think anyone will give a **** about them?

    It's the carrot on the end of the stick. At this point in the game, I don't think were ever going to sniff a BCS game. Look at all of the angst against Kent State possibly playing in the Orange Bowl. In a few years, that could be us and no matter what we do on the field against the competition we play, it will never be good enough.

    Let's face it, the Florida teams the B12 really wants are FSU and Miami. After reading endless articles and opinions, it seems what everything is waiting on is Maryland's exit fee from the ACC. Once Maryland has set the bar, no where close to $50m I believe, everyone will run to the door. Then once the 'prestige' programs are gone, then we would get the call up to the ACC. Big deal.

    I can see it now, ESPN and the others will constantly trash and belittle the ACC much the way they are now the NBE with the additions of Tulane and ECU. They will sniff and look down their noses at us yet again.

    I said this before and I still think the best course of action is for the NBE, CUSA and MW to break off and do it's own thing and get ready for the long haul. I know some of you hate the idea, thinking it's tantamount to admitting defeat, but I think it's time to be realistic.

    If the moves being made really are towards 4 super-conferences of 16, where do we fit in? SEC and B12 will have FL covered with UF, FSU and Miami. Pac12 is out for us geographically and B10 is out of the question. No one has ever mentioned FSU or Miami going to the B10 and UF certainly isn't leaving the SEC.

    Get ready guys, this is where we are and this is where we are going to be.

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