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Posts posted by CyberBull

  1. It makes me sick to my stomach anytime USF loses-- not so much because we lost but to have to wade through the doom and gloom on this board.

    Now don't get me wrong, all of those posts have some degree of truth and they certainly have the right to express themselves.

    But here's my problem with it-- just 12 short years ago, we were only HOPING to have a team-- any team.

    I certainly never expected us to have a team that would elevate itself into the BCS world (the BCS didn't exist back then but you get the point). I was surprised when we started out in the 1-AA ranks for that matter. And that we had early success was also a bonus. And to move to 1-A so fast made me swell with pride.

    We've come a long way. While plenty of people want to focus on how far we haven't come just yet, I have to laugh at those folks. Who the hell do they think they are to think that USF deserves more respect or better than what they have done so far? I'm not settling-- but I feel we've been more than fortunate along the way. And there are greater things in store for this program down the line. That they haven't emerged immediately makes those who want to pick the situation apart scream bloody murder.

    Perhaps we would have been better off without a football team at all so these people could continue on with their lives without being concerned that some 19-22 year old kids didn't make their recently contrived dreams come true.

    I've always been of the opinion that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Yeah-- we could have won that game and shame on the people who don't atleast give those kids kudos for fighting down to the wire. They could have packed it in when Rutgers was making their last drive downt he field. They didn't and they got the ball back and almost pulled into a tie in astounding fashion. They fell short though which only helps the naysayers, wagon jumpers, and near-do-wells in their cause to blast away at every flaw in the USF football team armor.

    Shame on those who can't see that we have a team that battles until the final whistle. Shame on them for lambasting a kid because he made some simple mistake as if it hurts them more than the guys on the team. Shame on people who give the coaching staff so uch crap for not delivering on things THEY never promised to anyone.

    It's all a bunch of crap. We are emerging into a somebody in college football. That doesn't happen without some bumps and bruises along the way. If you can't stomach the hard times, perhaps a change of favorite teams is in order. Maybe you need to go the easy route and pick some perrenial powerhouse team as your own. Then when even they let you down-- you can kick the ground and whine about how this or that sucks and what you would change that would make everything all better.

    It's a game folks-- it's entertainment. If you can't be a good sport and look at it objectively and simply hope for the best,  I feel sorry for you.

    Great, great post Mike.

    The rest of these 'fans' can kiss my arse!

  2. Rickey Ponton is a sophomore...

    Moises Plancher is a red shirt freshman...

    Both will be back next season...

    Explain to me why we need more RBs NEXT year ??



    Plancher:  has yet to play a full game of college football but already has a track history of being injury prone. He is too small to be an effective every down back...

    Ponton: he knew the consequences of his actions when he got busted the first time, yet it didn't stop him from being stupid and getting busted again. Who is to say he won't go for a trifecta. Moreso, Ponton is still not a proven commodity. It's not like we lost Reggie Bush at tailback, and even before his suspension he lost his job to Plancher.

  3. I have been thinking the same thing about James.  

    Forget JuCo, there are at least 6 BIG  TIME backs in Florida high schools this year, and another 5 or so that could make impacts as freshmen.  we should be able to get at least one of these guys.

    There are at least 12 bigtime Division I-A backs in Florida this year however the entire country wants them. USF whiffed the last two years on signing a legitimate backup for Hall. Now we are paying the price.

    We need a juco to come in and give time for the young RBs to develop. IMO we wasted Dorsey's redshirt this year with the amount of work he is getting.

  4. I'm expecting that we'll be recruiting both prep and JUCO backs heavily at the end of the season...

    I think we almost have to go juco this year.

    We can't wait for Grothe's eligibility to expire , while a freshman RB takes time to develop over a couple of years.

    Unless we get extremely lucky, most of the RBs we are going to get are going to be of the Dorsey and Samuels variety who need a few years to develop.

  5. i wouldnt let them near the field

    they ruined usf's season

    i would rather lose without them and set a precedent for future teams

    You know....I think you are nuts most of the times, but I couldn't agree with you more.

    However, it wouldn't be fair to the other 97% of team that has done the right things to not have the best chance of winning by letting these guys go.

    Ironically, from everything I read it looks like UF's monster DT Marcus Thomas might suit up for Florida against LSU, despite a similar 2nd offense. Where is the media backlash?

    oh btw....you are still one of the geniuses whose whining help chase away Greenberg and sentenced us to 5  costly years of McCullum hell.

  6. its to bad we dont play miami this year

    at the very least it would be a close game

    USF could beat Miami this year...

    Maybe well meet them in a bowl...if Miami gets a bowl...

    usf lost to kansas

    usf couldnt beat miami this year

    almost agree....I think we would lose to Miami if we played them right now. However once we get Ponton back I think we would very capable late in the year or in a bowl game.

    However as for right now.....too many things in flux to make such a brash prediction.

  7. How cool would it be if all the students showed up wearing clothes using Thorshield's anti-taser light weight material?


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    Home of the Official USF Ant-Taser Fan Gear

  8. Shameless plug: Me on Bay News 9 tonight

    From the All Publicity Is Good Publicity Dept., I'll be in studio with Rock Riley tonight at 11 p.m. on Bay News 9, talking about USF sports and Friday's ESPN2 game with Rutgers. My simple goal: Not saying anything that will cost me my job. I figure it's a good place to start. I'm off to wardrobe


    Hey Greg -- just don't do anything that will cause Coach Leavitt to blackout our game against Rutgers tomorow ;^)

    just kidding folks....put down your stones.

  9. I actually think (since the seats are empty anyways) we should give all the high schools in the area seats in the third levels for free.  Like each player and coach 2 tickets or even more.  There's parking money and concessions that Ray J would make.  And for USF, Hell I think that'd be a powerful recruiting tool. The other universities can't do something like that (for a good reason though).

    What would be the incentive for a family of 5 with three high school kids to want to buy season tickets for their three kids?

    Most of the times the kids are going to want to hangout and watch the game by the Pirate ship, so if that is the case, if their kids are getting in free and they aren't going touse their seats anyways....why buy the extra season tickets?

    Besides we get hardly anything from concessions and parking....that is why we need our own OCS if we can ever get over that 30-40K season tix threshold.

  10. On another topic, why can't HS students ages 5-17 y.o. get into  USF sports activities for 1/2 price?  Seems like a decent marketing/recruiting tool.  Prolly some NCAA BS.

    Good idea, but you're preachig to the choir brudda...

    I don't think money is the real problem. If people wanted to see the Bulls they would pay eagerly pay the $25/ticket as opposed to $12.50/ticket. We also don't want to devalue our tickets and potentially alienate our existing season ticket holders. If they just want to get butts in the seats then perhaps we should try and ally with a local corporation and have them subsidize tickets for a local high schools, YMCA etc... The University of Memphis has a great relationship with FedEx. The Tigers get paid and their seats are filled on a regular basis.

    Right now we just need to win and keep growing the season ticket base past 20K. I would love to be at 25K by 2010. IMO, once we hit 30K season tix we can start having a serious discussion about our own stadium.

    Beat Rutgerls

  11. right decision...weak playcall.

    we have a ton of speed and shiftiness yet try to overpower a sizeable KU DL with an OL that has been struggling all year.

    Could we be seeing the beginning of the end for Rod smith?

    Has CJL ever specifically called out any of his coaches before? While Leavitt hs the final say, rod smith was the one who called the play.

    If anything else run an option with MG and Randolph, Jackson or Johnson.....grrrrrrrr

  12. usf can beat rutgers

    if usf stops the run and plays an error free efficient game usf will be the victors

    ****....that is mighty optimistic of you...

    btw...I think you are right. USF can beat RU....the question is whether we'll beat ourselves and force Teal into making some bad decisions leading to turnovers.

  13. USF is a young team that is getting better.

    I'd rather our YOUNG team find itself against creampuff competition and improve every week, like we have thus far than schedule an OOC schedule with 4 certain losses.

    I don't hear Jim Leavitt or anybody else at USF saying that we should be ranked. USF will get what it deserves going down the stretch.

    would you rather be 0-3?

    good grief.....its **** if you do,  damned if you don't

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