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Bulls Are We

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Posts posted by Bulls Are We

  1. 1 minute ago, Leviathan said:

    Amazing how he is such a big target. What has he done? I appreciate him for how he rebuilt USF’s football program, but he never won a bowl game and his defense was always awful. If it wasn’t for Flowers and Mack he would have been lucky to win 6 games a season. 

    Also, why would he move his family across the country and then come back after only one year? Is FSU an upgrade over Oregon? He’s giving up that unlimited Phil Knight/Nike money. 

    It’s ridiculous how much money these public Universities can spend on football coaches. 

    Maybe he got out there and hated it?  

  2. 4 minutes ago, 2000bull said:

    I'm curious to see what that buyout looks like

    Well, unless they can terminate him for cause, they are on the hook for the balance of $75 million. I'm certain it was Jimbo's agent who pushed for the ten year deal.  Probably told A&M they had no shot at him with a standard five year offer where they could can his *** in year three and get out cheap.  A&M is all-in with this hire.  

  3. 36 minutes ago, Capital H said:

    People keep promoting this like it will somehow help out USF or UCF. All this does is allow teams like Alabama, Miami/Clemson, and USC/Stanford to get in.

    There is zero incentive for the P5 or the committee to be inclusive in this system. The pie can expand (I disagree that it should but thats another debate), but the G5 wont even get the crumbs.

    You missed the part where the top ranked G5 team (UCF or Memphis this year) gets one of the eight spots.  

    The incentive for the P5 is that all five conferences would be guaranteed a conference champion in a field of eight, potentially getting two or more teams in with at large bids.  As it stands now, at least one P5 conference gets shut out of the playoff every year.  Last year the B12 got shut out.  This year it is going to be the PAC12.  Maybe once the mighty $EC gets shut out something will change.  

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