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Mag Pie

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Posts posted by Mag Pie

  1. The 1st lady didn't even want to give us the hotel even though others had gotten it.  She changed our reservations and didn't give us any sort of confirmation about the change even though for our other flight change they gave us our tickets.   So we went somewhere else since we didn't feel comfortable leaving without boading tickets or some sort of confirmation that we had a flight at 7:30AM.   The next guy was surprised she didn't give us anything so he gave us our boarding tickets and even gave us a hotel and free breakfast, not bad.  

    What sucks is that my stuff is already in Tampa since I checked my bag because we went to the Louisville Slugger Museum and got bats.  They would have taken those away at the airport...we saw a ton that had been taken away.  So I'm in Atlanta without anything...at least Delta gave me this travel package thing that bring all the essentials.

    I hate Delta... and I hate flying.  This is why I don't fly!!  I am SOOO driving to Texas or B'Ham for the bowl game.

  2. Rizzo and I were walking out of the game and I was saying that people are way too nice, if it were anywhere else, we would have had fans making fun of us because they got payback.  As I said that some guy looked at us and I knew he was going to say something.  He asked us not the embarass them at Ray Jay next year.  Made me laugh since they know the home team usually wins.

    Game wise, I was very disappointed.  We had WAY too many dropped passes and Grothe wasn't himself until like 10 min into the game.  He was overthrowning and whatnot, maybe he was jut excited.  After he settled in the receivers couldn't do anything.

    I had a great time, and like Rizzo said...we have tomorrow too since our flight leaves in the evening.  I also recommend this trip to anyone.  It was relatively inexpensive so its easy in the pocket too.

  3. 1. Do you BULLieve USF "can" win 2morrow ?

    They can win...but will they is something different.

    2. Where will you watch the game ?

    I'm in Louisville with Rizzo right now.

    3. What will be the deciding goup in our victory; Offense, Defense or Special Teams ?

    Definitely the Defense.

    4. At 7-3, are we at what you expected before the season?

    I expected us to beat Cincy, so I wanted 8-2, but 7-3 isn't that bad.

    5. Do you even like Papa John's Pizza ?

    I don't remember the last time I had it so I don't remember.

  4. Jenkins gave his tickets to someone?  Why?

    I think what Leavitt did was right.  Missing class is nothing, but I'm sure it was not the 1st time they did it.  Besides, like he said, education comes first, not football.  They are here for a degree.

    I'm kind of angry about Chambers though, for some reason I've always liked him.  Did he do the same?  The statement could have only been about Thed.  I met Thed's mom over at the UNC game and she said she was going to go to EVERY away game to watch him play.  Sucks for her than her son can't keep it in line.  I think she mentioned something about NFL but I don't remember.

  5. It's not like schedules are hard to find.  Usually they have the little schedule card which has BOTH men's and women's schedule in the library, Marshall center info desk and other places.  Sometimes they even have the calendars with the schedules.

    When I was a freshman I didn't live on campus and I went to games, I found out when they were.  If a student doesn't know its because they probably don't care.  A few years ago some of my friends and I tried the whole "give out flyers" thing.  Most people didn't even want to take them, and if they took them we'd see them on the ground not too long after.

  6. Ok, I'll say it in a way that's not as negative as Rizzo's.

    The students start PLENTY of chants.  The band does get in the way sometimes.  While we chant "Defense", they're chanting "Ole", which is a soccer chant.

    Next game when they're doing their weird chants look at the students and you'll see plenty of hands and dirty looks because the chants sound ridiculous coming from them.

    Did you guys not hear someone from behind us yelling, "Shut the hell up, band!!"?

    I know everyone can hear the band in the Sun Dome, its not like its a packed house.  They do their "Ahhh Make It" thing while our player is getting ready to throw the ball.  I think it sounds funnier when I thought they said "We like bacon".

  7. I didn't really hear much with the Beef Studs chanting and yelling at the 'Cuse players.

    I know for sure that I made lots of noise when they named PJ...he has given us a lot, and doesn't have respect from many.  I was extremely pissed when he didn't start... I don't care...it could have been for one play and then taken him out.  Granted, he did have the last TD, but I think it was sort of disrespectful.  Grothe would have still played most of the game...just not the start.

    On another note...this was the last football game of my undergrad life...  :(  And it didn't end on a good note because of some ********.

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