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Mag Pie

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Posts posted by Mag Pie

  1. 1)  What is your favorite summer vacation spot?

    The Seven Lakes or Bear Mountain, both in New York.


    2)  Do you spend more time at the beach, the pool or at TheBullsPen.com?  None of the 3.  I'm always at work.  Almost 60 hrs in 5 days...The other days I'm at school so I have no time for fun. :(

    3)  What is your favorite activity when at the beach?  

    Usually I like to play volleyball or something...and check out the guys. ;)


    4)  Do you suffer any pain or discomfort after a day at the beach?  

    I really don't like the way sand feels...

    5)  What will be the biggest summer blockbuster - Brent Schaeffer, Keith Brumbaugh or Star Wars/Revenge of the Sith?

    Star Wars!!  I just watched them all about a week ago cuz I've never seen them before, they're cool!!!

  2. 1. What was your favorite "Away" Game? (Any sport)  

    I've only been to South Carolina so far... So that'll be it even though we lost.


    2. What do you think will be your favorite "AWAY" Game in 2005-06 ?  

    I'm only going to Miami this year...but IF we do get a bowl game then that'll be on my list too.

    3. Favorite USF Sport ?  

    Football and basketball.


    4. Favorite sport you would want to play professionall - if able.  

    To be honest neither.  I'll play for fun cuz I think when money becomes involved it changes everything a lot of times.


    5. Did you ever coach a sport ?  

    No, I'll stick to people coaching me for now.

  3. I don't have the BG game, at least I don't think so, I'll have to double check.  I have Charlotte, South Carolina and MAYBE Cinci.  Again, I'll post them when I go home and find them.



    I don't know how to post pics so if someone can help me then that'd be nice.  That's the Charlotte game scoreboard.

  4. Thanks!

    And Rezz, trust me, we passed out plenty of flyers this week.  Some of us SBC members "Stormed the Dorms", and we also passed to them out to students walkin' by.  They had the rest of the men and women's bball schedule on there, so they can't complain about not knowing when we have a game.

    I'm very happy with the turnout.  I just hope that we can keep it up.

  5. The reason I'm sticking with 5K is because, Miami - unlike Oklahoma,  Arkansas and scenic Columbia, South Carolina - is a "destination".  You wouldn't go down there just for the game.  5K does sound like a lot, but I think this game is going to be heavily promoted and you could have considerable student interest.

    And...I'm just saying it because it's true...this is a great excuse to see the 'Canes, live and in person.  ;)

    South Carolina was oh so boring.  NOTHING to do!

    But I'll chip in my predition, I'll say more than 5K.  Miami is extremely close!  Plus, it's Miami!!  Just cuz of that simple fact many will travel.  I know I will! Can't wait!

  6. Well, in that case...

    Come to our meeting today at 5PM in the athletic facility's Big East Conference room.

    Coach Mac will be there talkin' about the mens basketball team.  We'll also have another guest speaker talkin' about where USF is heading in the future.

    Anyone else is invited to join.

    Just remember, SBC is for current students only.


  7. You know what really got me mad?  The fact that before the game the head ref said USF sucks to the section I was sitting in then walked away smiling.  That gave me a sign of what was to come...  My friend said I can complain about him doing that, is that true?

  8. I still think we'll get a better crowd.  Students will be back from home, we're playing Pitt which beat ranked W Va, and it's our final home game.

    Yes, its still an 11AM game, but I think some students might prefer that so they'll have time to do other things in the afternoon.

    As for the families--I hope they give another discount like they did for this game.  Student companion tickets were $10 and not the regular price of $16.

    Lighten up folks, we'll get a better crowd next game.  Yes, I'm a very optimistic person!

  9. I remember watching some of the FEW student in my section shouting "Julmiste--SUCKS!" and I noticed that he heard it and he called a time out.  I don't remember exactly where we were at, but 3rd down with less than 5 yds to go for a TD or so.  

    I won't say that he called the time out because of the chants, but I think it had some kind of impact on it.  It honestly got me mad.  Ok, he's not the best of the QB's out there, but there should be no reason for students to be yelling at our QB like that.  It makes their confidence levels decrease which make one play worse.  They also should not have been yelling at him while he was trying to concentrate on the ball.  Some fans need to learn when to shut up! 

    Oh, and we reached 4th and 1 after the play and surprise surprise, we didn't get it.

  10. I went to the game...stood there the whole time.  Had to force my uncle to stay since he wanted to leave.  The student sections sucked!  I think that even if all the students sat together one section would not have been filled.

    I'm still saying we'll have more next game.  A lot of people are not here so that must be taken into account.  At least 15 of my friends couldn't make it cuz they were either home or at work.  So again, I still think we'll have more at the Pitt game.

    And an 11AM game was bad...the sun was in my face half the time.  And 8AM tailgating is just...blah!

  11. 1. How much is a touchdown worth?

    2. Brown!  That means I'm sneaky...

    3. I don't think it will that much.

    4. I like the Pepsi better, but Coke has Sprite!

    5. Nope, I live here.  Does traveling 10min  to the game count?

    Oh yeah, I'm still laughing at the D-Gate thing, lol.

  12. 1. Gotta agree with BullEE, the confidence I saw in the guys at school today was good.  They had all smiles.  Besides that, I got to shut some of my relatives down.  They said we wouldn't win another game.

    2. A tiger.  They're GRREEAAT!

    3. I HATE doing homework.  So--that's why I rarely do it, lol.

    4. It's gotta be back to NYC.  My HS was blocks away from the Yankee Stadium!  Either that or another major city...Tampa is just too small.

    5. My family is split in half.  Half Red Sox fans, half Yankees fans.  Of course, they only like the team cuz of Pedro and Manny and before Manny went to the Bo Sox they were die hard Yankees fans.  I like my team cuz...its kinda hard not to like them growing up there.

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