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Mag Pie

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Posts posted by Mag Pie

  1. Never did I say that finals week was the week of the 3rd.  I said it was near it.

    Second, had we beaten UCONN and been eligible then I'm sure alot more people would have gone since they didn't have to plan things at the last minute.

    I'm not making excuses for anything.  I'm just saying that I think SG did try to get students to go.  Now had SG not done anything then I'd be ********, they at least offered packages.  It's not their fault if a student decides not to sign up.

    BUT-- I'm SOOO excited for NC!  We're leaving at 12AM on the 30th to make it in time for all the festivities.  It'll be one hell of a trip, but I'm ready!  ;D

    Oh and WoolyBull, thanks for clarrifying that.  I thought that was you as a guest poster.

  2. I dont see it as thuggish. I see it more like a hip hop style. Dont forget that these are still kids, so they are going to wear what is in style whether it looks bad or not. As long as they stay out of trouble then they should be fine with everyone IMO.

    I agree with you here.  I don't see what the big deal is.  Maybe it's because that's the look I grew up with...  But as long as they stay out of trouble who cares what they wear...  Their pants were not sagging as much as people said on here, I think that's exaggerating quite a bit.  There's MUCH worse out there.  They looked normal to me.. It's not like they wore flip flops to meet the president or something...(I forgot what school that was...)

  3. Some fans WVU stopped and talked to me on the way out.  Told me that USF fans were great.  Made me feel good.  They were actually from Orlando and go to a bunch of WV games.  Said that they'll root for us in Meineke and that it was a good game last night, they had fun.

  4. Katie, I like you.  I think the same about a lot of fans.  It's been a GREAT season.  We were picked to finish at the bottom of the conference and we're in 2nd place!

    I'm just hoping that UL beats UCONN next week, if UCONN wins they'll be bowl eligible too and they might pick them over us! :-/  Same with ND, they better rock Stanford!

    Go BULLS!

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