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Posts posted by tbbulls

  1. Whats the deal with the censorship?  You guys have blocked me from posting my thoughts and views, becuase I said that the basketball program is on the verge of total collapse.   Something that I find hard for anyone to not see at this point.  YO - we lost by 12 to Texas A&M Corpus Christi.  I think Michigan -- a team that is not even ranked-- could have beat us by 50 if they wanted.  Maybe they will can this guy after we lose by 70 to WVU.  

    I mean TEXAS A&M Corpus Christ -- Are they even D-1?  I think they might be D II.   We need to put an end to this shananigans and canned this idiot coach.  He has one more then 10 games since he has been here.  He is a total embarasment.  Anyways,  in my post I offered well thought out solutions on how we can get the program headed in the right direction.  

    Like step 1.  FIRE THIS IDIOT COACH.

    Step 2.  Win some big games and then come talk to me about a lack of fan base.

    Step 3.   Sign a decent recruit. (if step and 1 and 2 are followed

    Step 4.  Hire a decent coach with some respecability.  I think Bob Huggins would be a great addition.  How about Chris Collins -- Coach K's assistant.   What about somebody from Gary Williams staff.  Why do we always have to settle for the Wal-Mart special on coaching?  Can't we get a decent name and a decent brand.

    Yours Truly--

    Mr. Banned in the USA

    Ari Hinkelberger

    Who is this fool  Bulliever go ahead get rid of this guy ;D

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