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Posts posted by sdgukhsdgl

  1. I changed my name/avatar originally because it was too close to FLsportsfan83, and when he started becoming more and more retarded, I did not want my 83 to be confused with his.  I tried a few different things, but stuck with this, not really thinking much about it.  Some people get pretty riled up over it, who knows why, and I found it very amusing.  I had been on the board for nearly 4 years, but I change my avatar and all of a sudden I am a completely different person.  So, since it really got some people riled up, I left it for comedy sake.

  2. do a search, you're not the first person to bring this up... it really gets old

    You're obviously a much bigger USF fan than I am, so I should just stop posting on this board.  I never watch USF games, I just like to talk about how great UT and the SEC are, especially how much better the SEC is than the BE.      

  3. Kansas by far, Cincy has been beaten up by some really good teams while Kansas has been beaten up by some pretty bad teams.  Kansas has 2 losses to teams with a losing record, Cincy's losses come against teams with a combined record of 31-6 (Pitt counts for half of the 6 figure)

  4. because we don't live in the green and gold world anymore, we have an outside perspective which makes us anti-USF and USC and UT supporters only, respectively

    Dude, while I know you support USF somewhat, look at your avatar.  

    Yes, it is UT.  I attend UT.  I am a USF alumnus.  I support them both, in fact, I just took off my USF hat five minuted ago when I got home from class (do I really have to play this support game again?).  Until someone comes up with a USF/UT avatar (surprisngly they don't exist on the internet), I choose to have UT stuff up for now  

  5. Or does it show they are all mediocre?

    ding ding ding...

    this will be apparent especially after WVU knocks off Rutgers in a few weeks.  

    ding, ding, ding...

    just like the mediocre SEC where UF barely beats Vandy, UT squeaks out a 1 point win at home vs the almighty air force and the best team in the conference got waxed by a rookie qb in his first start ever by 36 at home.

    what's funny is the media hypes the SEC so much and everybody buys into it. Maybe the defenses aren't that good in the SEC. maybe it's just their offenses are absolutely putrid.

    I believe 4-4 air force scored more on UT then any SEC team other than Georgia. In fact that has been the most air force has scored this season until this past week against army.

    it's called a trap game

    coming off the Cal game (can't even put into words how big that win was) and with UF coming to town the next week, nobody cared about Air Force.  If you watched the game, you would have seen how flat the team played.  

    You know you guys can talk about something besides Tennessee in your responses, like I don't know, a logical response.  Just because I post something does not mean it has anythign to do with Tennessee or the SEC.  

    everyone likes to use the "who have they played??" crap against the SEC, well take a look at RU, UL, and WVU.  UL's best win was over WVU.  Wvu's best win was over Maryland.  RU's best win was over Navy? with severla major injuries.  Not exactly a line of victories that makes me assume they are a top team.  Hell, USF was a coach with his head too far up his ass to realize BEnzer sucked as a kicked from beating Rutgers.  The same USF team that lost to Kansas, so again, not exactly a resume to put them up there with the OSU, UF, Texas group.  

  6. zero chance we go to Gator Bowl, besides all the other reasons pointed out above, it is looking like Virginia Tech is going to the Gator bowl as the ACC representative and the Gator bowl reps would give their first child for a WVU/VT bowl matchup.  

    VT went last year, no way they go back this year.  It will probably be Boston College in the Gator Bowl... against the WVU/RU loser.

    if they can get VT & WVU, they will bring VT back for two years in a row.  Considering the ACC champ. game is in Jacksonville a few weeks before, they wouldn't want the same team back, esepcially a team like Wake Forest.  Unless they can somehow weasel ND to the Gator, VT/WVU is by far the most attractive matchup they can put together.    

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