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Posts posted by yosoybullsfan

  1. I have also been sick to my stomach debating on continuing to donate. I support the team and the program 100% but it sucks donating thousands of dollars for the right to get seats I can buy on Stubhub for 1/10 of the cost. Besides the fact I could not give my tickets away last season and not getting into how poorly we play, how non fun it is at this point etc. The money can surely be used in better places then this.

    I agree you should sleep on it, the problem is many of us have been sleeping on it for weeks if not over a year at this point. Losing is one thing, but the way we are doing it now is something else.

  2. The dog in the contest is Rudy. He is my wife's favorite and was picked over my dog ROCKY (see attached pic). How they did not pick Rocky is beyond me, needless to say I lost the bet in my house and now my wife is obsessed with gaining votes for Rudy. Sort of a fun precursor to the GOP coming to town lol.

    Anyways appreciate the votes and the comments guys lol.


  3. AW is quickly becoming one of my favorite all time recruits. From the interaction and insight from pops, the back and forth on twitter and the way he represents himself and USF...alot to like about this family. Would love an in depth analysis from either AW or Pops on the entire recruiting process someday (with all the real info on who calls, who lies, who promises the world etc lol)

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