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Posts posted by USFreak

  1. No, it is a very simple reading, borne of common sense:

    A - People talk about rivalries, they become legend with tons of history

    B - There was no history of playing UCF in football

    C - USF students have no hatred for UCF, especially since they are "new to football" as you put it

    D - UCF fans admit that their students have some vitriol for USF, and it was evident by their actions

    E - USF students would just wonder why the UCFers are so assinine

    Simple logic...

    I guess if that is your opinion of how the USF student population views the UCF series you are entitled to it.  It may be steeped in logic, but I'm not sure the logic equates to reality.  I think Joe USF student thinks of this series as plenty meaningful.  At least it is something they can get charged up about.  There is familiarity there.

    The hilarious thing to me is how USF fans (myself included) somehow think USF has accomplished anything more than UCF.  USF has a better conference affiliation, but in terms of on-field accomplishments they are pretty even.  In terms of school demographics, outside respect, etc. they are dead on.  Neither is any more special than the other.  The schools are so painfully similar in their pursuit of No. 4 billing that it just is just a rivalry in terms of clawing for that title.  Forget for a moment that everyone knows someone from their high school that went to UCF (ok, not me because I went to H.S. in Maryland, but I certainly spent many weekends over in O-Town with mutual UCF friends back in the day).

    Rivalries all start somewhere.  I guess time will tell on this one - the odd thing is the only way this would truly not become a rivalry is if USF were to cancel the series.  If it becomes a yearly series (and I believe the Citrus Bowl attendance this fall will make that case) it will certainly grow to be an 'anticipated fall game.'  (or what some would call a rivalry).

  2. My guess is that the students walked away from that game with the impression that UCfers are obsessed with USF, and wondered why.  Many USF fans have always wondered why...

    I'm just not sure where you are getting this reading.  It just seems far too analytical for an 18-year old kid that, by all estimations, has to believe UCF and USF are second-tier universities after FSU and UF.  That's what I thought of USF and UCF coming out of high school and I can't see that's changed so much in 15 years.

    I just see the typical USF student who is new to football (and what USF student isn't?) seeing these two schools as fairly natural rivals.  

    I doubt Mike Camunas is reading this thread and it is sort of non-football season, but I'd love to see a view-of-the-student article on this series next fall.

  3. So, when I knight admits that your fans suck ass, it is okay.  When a USF fan reminds you, it means you should launch an all out attack.  Good logic.  UCF logic.  Keep up the hypocrisy, buttercup.

    I guess I'm not sure the point.  So they don't have classy fans.  Is there a rule that says a team has to have fans that sip tea and eat crumpets?  Raider Nation ain't exactly full of Rhodes scholars and valedictorians

    OK, UCFers have aggressive fans that may not exactly be winning any Nobel Peace Prizes anytime soon.  That may actually encourage building a rivalry rather than discourage it.  My guess is the students walked away from that game with the impression that UCF was a 'rival' or potential rival.  There will be plenty of USF students in Orlando this go-round.

  4. They were walking thru parking lot in packs screaming f@#k USF.

    That's because they think it is a rivalry.

    We have been to games all over the country together and have seen some of the most bitter rivalries play and had to agree that UCF had the most bush league fans we have seen

    Likely because they've (UCF) has never been to a rivalry game.  If UGA fans walked onto Gainesville's campus talking and spouting off like that they'd likely get their ass kicked being outnumbered 200 to 1.

  5. Yup, that's me, I know nothing, and should only believe the people who saw what agrees with their opinion.  Yup, I see that logic.

    I think it is more who you are choosing to agree with.  You seem to be siding with a vocal (although not that vocal because none of us hear them) minority.  I can't believe out of the 40,000 fans there that evening that every one of them was harassed.  If that was the case we'd all have heard something about it.

    I think that is the point.  You can choose to listen to the negativity about the event or accept that it probably wasn't all that bad.  I mean was it so bad that the next time a UCF/USF game is played in RJS those fans won't go?  If that's true it is sad.

    I mean honestly -- what is the absolute worst thing that you heard happened?  I just want one example and it will at least give those of us that didn't see or experience it a feeling for maybe how bad it actually was.  

  6. It does if you're considering taking your family over. The majority, not all, of the UCF students that walked by our spot or we saw walking in or tailgaitng near us were acting like giant aholes with huge chips on their shoulders. Do I have any factual "evidence"? Of course not, but I know what I saw ......

    I can only imagine with the success the team had last year and it being on their home turf, the attitudes will be worse. I plan on going if at all possible but am not taking the family .....

    I don't disagree with you, but I'm sure the USF version of that 22 and under display will be taking place this Fall in Orlando.  Nobody has a monopoly on young, drunk, stupid and proud of your team.

    I guess we're getting off the bigger point that people are saying this is a detriment to going.   I highly doubt it.  I know a few family people may decide not to go, but a lot of folks will be at that one.  USF will represent well or they won't -- personally I think the game will be so big in Orlando that USF fans will be an afterthought.  

  7. No, I wasn't there, I never said I was.  However, that still doesn't change the facts of the problems that occurred at that game.  Go back and look at the threads after the game, the conduct of UCF's fans was horrible.  I take stock in the many posts from many different people with the same kinds of tales, in addition to discussions I had with people that were there.

    To anticipate an argument on your part, a person does not need to be present to know what happened.  I wasn't alive during WWII, but I know what happened.  I wasn't in New York on 9-11, but know what happened.  I also seem to recall a funny statement that kind of goes with this, in that I don't need to shove my head up a cow's rear to know what the meat is like, I can trust the butcher that already did it.  (From Tommy Boy)

    It is funny that UCF fans can come into our stadium parking lots and bully USF fans.  Maybe they really are that intimidating.

    These are hardly facts, though.  They are the opinions of a group of (decidely biased) home fans that share a general distaste for the other group.

    Facts would be things like police reports, x-rays, medical claims, photographs of stitches, picture of said head up cow's rear. :-)  I'm not sure hurt feelings or general uneasiness would qualify as admittable evidence.  Maybe Zonald could clarify.

  8. Despite all the hype behind a playoff system, I am in favor of the bowl games.  The money that the bowl games generate is amazing.  Not only do the sponsers generate alot of money, the schools, host cities, and the merchandisers all love the way things work right now.  And while some schools (i.e. UCF) loose money on going to a bowl game, the long term benefits such as recognition will hopefully recoup the money lost.  

    I also think the bowl games ar amazing opportunities for schools like our own to be showcased on nationaly telivised stations.

    While I do think that the BCS ratings could be alot better than they are, and certain teams (i.e. Auburn) occasionaly get shafted, I don't think that there could ever be a truely perfect system.  


    Financially, is it a boon?  I don't know.  The specific bowls do well for the most part, but there are probably too many and some of them are just there to fill dead space.  Currently there are what, 26 bowls?

    OK, but look at a tournament set up similarly -- say 32 teams playing for the national championship.

    32 teams

    1st week - 16 games (at regional sites (formerly bowl sites....maybe last tier bowls now)

    2nd week - 8 games

    3rd week  - 4 games

    4th week - 2 games

    week off and then

    National Championship

    31 total games.  More TV interest with each passing week and likely more revenue for all involved.  Now before you say it can't be done with 32 teams....why not?  Last games are typically Thanksgiving and 3/4s of those teams would be done two weeks into December.

    It could be done as it is almost done now at I-AA level (16 teams).  It could even be trimmed to a 36 team tourney with some play-in games or byes or what have you.  

    I do like the current bowl matchup, though....but from a revenue perspective the playoff system has some revenue opps as well.

  9. "It's a high-interest game, no question about it," said USF coach Jim Leavitt. "It doesn't matter whether both teams are very powerful, having a great year or not. It's going to be one of those typical rivalries that will develop because of geographics."

    GASP!  I posted that one earlier, but please stop posting it.  It burns my eyes to read it. :-)

    Say it isn't so.  A USF staff member saying it could become a rivalry.  He's clearly out of his mind.  It has no more interest than any normal game.

  10. Leavitt took a UCF helmet to a USF practice and destroyed it with a bat in front of the Bulls players.  The players said he went ballistic.  I think Leavitt feels it is a rivalry.

    That's pretty good, if true.  I don't think it is true, though.  Nevertheless, ol' O'Leary should stand up in downtown Orlando and do the same thing.  That would play for the papers -- of course it would be perfect bulletin board material for the Bulls to beat the snot out of you.

    Note:  Don't use helmet ESPN used.  Try one with actual USF logo on it....sends a better message.

  11. I'm not surprised that folks that want this rivalry to occur see the problems as being "overblown incidents" from "drama queens".

    ****, sounds like they had a M*A*S*H Unit set up in the stadium parking lot.   Were Medivac choppers called in?  

    It sounds bad.

    Why let a few facts get in the way of what you want, huh?

    What are the facts?  What happened?  I guess I need a few specifics about what happened at the game that has everyone so scared to go within 60 miles of the Citrus Bowl now.

    I don't think anybody here has a bumper-sticker on their car that says "Go USF/UCF Rivalry!" -- we just don't see it as the evil, life-shattering event the naysayers do.  The first one was pretty fun.  I anticipate the second one will be too.  

    Again, my thought is if USF doesn't want it to grow to a rivalry/cash cow....cut it off at the knees after the game this fall.


  12. What problems are you referring to?  

    I was there and don't recall having/ seeing any problems...save for the mess left in the parking lot...a great deal of which could be attributed to to the fact that the number of trash cans was totally inadequate to handle the larger than usual crowd.

    I don't know either.  I heard a couple stories, but I attributed most of them to drama queens looking for something negative to say about the meeting.

    I'm sure there were some emotionally charged exchanges here and there, but I didn't hear anything about people getting hit over the head w/ beer bottles or actual fights.  

    I mean in reality there were more students from the opposing school in the parking lot than any point in USF's history.  Put that many immature people wearing different logowear together and add alcohol and you'll get that.

    I'm sure the blue-bloods up at Duke/Carolina aren't exactly exchanging winter-souflee recipes.

    Still, outside of a few overblown incidents did anything of real consequence occur?

  13. After 17 pages, guess I will comment now.  This game has the makings of being a cash cow for both our schools.  Only time will tell.  One year does not make it a football rivary, but the potential is certainly there due to the closeness of our 2 universities, past history in other sports and general academic competition for students.  The alumni, current student body and general fans of both schools will have a lot to say in which direction this seris proceeds by the attendance of future games.  


    UCF wanted this game? Really? Welcome to planet earth.

    Regardless who "wanted" this game...the media (Orlando and Tampa) gave it more press than any other game (besides CUSA Champ and both our Bowl Games).

    UCF has pennies for marketing...but I think both teams will benefit from the "local" media again...but since its still played on the same day as Florida/Tennessee...it will still take a back seat...even in Tampa and Orlando.

    Agree as well.  UCF wanted the game and I think they'll really make a case to try and continue it.  Filling the Citrus Bowl (I mean actually selling it out) would be one way to do that.  While I do agree the local (Tampa) media hyped this as a rivalry last year - I doubly think that will happen in Orlando.  Why?  I don't think there was much rivalry talk coming out of the Tampa campus last season.  Leavitt mentioned it, but casually.  In terms of UCF I think everybody connected to the football program will have a quote ready for Florida media this go round.  Hence....milking it.

    Again, there is no reason not to.  Every person that walks through that gate is an extra chunk of change for the Knights.  Make the most of it.  

  14. Just like it was in Tampa last year? (St Pete Times, Tampa Trib, Lakeland Paper, Local Tampa ABC, CBS, NBC...and local talk?)

    Yep...probably the same as last year.


    Well, the fact still remains that UCF wanted this game more.   There is no secret there.   I think a lot of USF folks didn't think the UCF game would turn out to be one of the biggest ever, but it did.  I think UCF will treat this game like the biggest of their season.  It certainly has the potential to be the highest attended.  Might as well milk it for all it is worth.

  15. This is part of the reason that I believe that we won't have the kind of travel everyone wants to believe.  There were enough problems that people will remember.  Like I keep saying, if it is a rivalry, we'll know after a few years of good attendance no matter what the situation may be.

    That'll make for some great reading.

    "USF fans intimidated by Knight faithful."

    The way the Knights have blabbered on to the press and complained about this series that will be the icing on the cake.  I can almost see it now.   I guarantee the leadup to that game is going to be a three-ring circus in Orlando.

  16. I do not believe that our fan base has any level of unusual or extraordinary excitement for this game.  We'll see come September

    That doesn't matter.  The game is 70 miles away.  It says alot about your fanbase if they can't travel to essentially a home game.

    They don't have to be excited about the opponent.  They should be excited about their own team and supporting that team.  

    Teams that travel well travel well.  If USF can't get 10,000 or so an hour down the road that's pretty sad.   Who cares who the opponent is...it's USF folks are going to watch.

  17. Don't hold your breath on that...

    I'm in disbelief you don't think USF will travel 8000-10,000 to this one.  A game 70 miles away?  I'd have to say our fanbase truly sucks if they can't trouble themselves to drive 70 miles to an 'away' game.  Heck, for a bunch of folks that normally travel to RJS (like from Orlando, Brevard, Broward, Miami, Jacksonville, etc) this game is actually closer for them.

    Orlando is still a pretty fun town when it comes down to it.  I know it is vogue to be 'down' on this game, but it is one extra chance to see your Bulls in person against a team that, despite losing 17 in a row at one point, did make a bowl game last year.  

    I guess I'm just thinking our fans are better than they are.  Maybe they truly do suck.

  18. ok, i gave up on reading this thread back on page 9, and decided to read it again, i got to page 11 before i have to post something.  right now USF has NO RIVAL, can ucf become one?  who knows, time will tell.  can louisville, pitt or uconn become one, only time will tell.  ucf has been playing football alot longer than usf has, and they just got to thier first bowl game, like us, and we play better quality teams than they do for bowl games.  we have chances to play teams from the acc, the sec and a few other big conferences in bowl games, while they are stuck with the lower tier conferences in the mountain west, the wac and so on, so comparing our bowl games to their is stupid.  this whole arguement on location is stupid, because we will travel just as many fans to uf as we will to ucf if not more.  the reason for this is because its a close game for us, that we can make it a day trip over there for the game.  now the arguement about it being a rival because the players from both teams played each other in high school or played on the same team in high school is also stupid, because the same can be said for every school in florida.  so another argument by a ucfer that is dumb and is proved wrong.  you want an argument you can't prove wrong?  right now usf has no rival because we are too young to have one.  let time decide it for us.  if ucf becomes our rival down the road than fine, so be it.  but stop the whining and the pushing of trying to make a rival, thats not how rivalries are born.  rivalries create themselves, let it happen.  this thread has gone to far with nobody convincing anybody that their argument is right and they should believe one way instead of the other.  can we please drop this?  us trying to argue that it isn't a rival, isn't making it one.  we are arguing its not a rivalry because we have knight fans coming onto our site, (notice you don't have usf fans going over to your site) talking up the "rivalry".  we are just being honest and real and saying what is true, RIGHT NOW WE HAVE NO RIVAL.  enough on this, let it die

    Wait, so what you are saying is UCF is our rival?  I'm trying to read between the lines.

  19. I think some of the posters here are afraid of the  possibility of UCF winning and that UCF might put more fans in the stands than USF when they come back to Ray Jay.

    Although I don't want it to happen, a UCF victory would be be good for both football programs...it sure would put butts in the stands the next time the teams meet at RJS.

    UCF is playing 2 Big East teams this season and the Gators....it will be interesting to see the results...be nice for them beat the UF and lose to both BE teams ;D

    It would change the paradigm.  It would be like WVU beating Georgia.  Nobody thought it would happen and now they have to deal with the fact the Big East can produce a conference champion that can compete.  Ok, not like that.....but in spirit.

    On another note.....

    What do you guys have planned for Rivalry Week? :-)

  20. So lets make sure that tradition continues by placing our major focus on cultivating what the rest of the world and a portion of our fan base sees as being the "Bore on I-4".

    No focus needed.  Just schedule the game and let the rest take care of itself.  This is a game that was undermarketed and still did well.  I imagine UCF will hype the ever-living **** out of it this fall though.

    And until that yearly Notre Dame series opens up....sure, sounds good.  

  21. If you are an editor that wants to keep his or her job you better not let facts get in the way of selling a few more newspapers. After all the greatest award in the industry is named after the man that brought us "yellow journalism". An article about how a game is not a rivalry does not have alot of legs but one about a "potential" rivalry can be spun, rehashed and sold.

    I'm sure the USF/UCF rivalry piece sold a lot of extra newspapers that day.  I think the tally was 4.

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