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Posts posted by dabull80

  1. Man I hope DRube makes it all the way to the NFL but you guys are ridiculas when a Coach cann't even say he made a mistake when he drafted someone.  smazza, what has Sherman done ?  49-27 all time in his "first" head coaching job, won his division two out of the four years he has coached and been in the playoffs three out of four years.  Now if you want arrogance then try Cowboy fans, they are by far the worst.

  2. Your right wildrover, how good a team is now has nothing to do with the past,  Best example I can think of is the proud tradition of the Celtics.  The Pack happens to be good right now but things do change.  In college tradition does help I think in getting players to come to certain schools Duke,North Carolina or ND and Ohio State.  Pros is different with free agency and salary caps.  I think it is great when a new team comes to town and folks throw their support behind them but you shouldn't be upset when others remain loyal to the team they have cheered for their whole life.  The fair weather fans I hate are the ones who jump from team to team based on whoever is winning and the ones that don't support their team when it is losing. The Bucs are a perfect example of the this.  Many times I have sat in Tampa Stadium when there weren't more then 25k and by half-time alot less then that.  I moved out of the Tampa Bay area but I still cheer for the Bucs and love my Bulls and of course the Pack.  No personnel attack taken here, we just agree to disagree.

  3. Yup, Title Town USA.  Most NFL championships in the league with 12.  Argueably one of the top five QBs to ever play the game B Farve and the Super Bowl trophy named after their former great coach Vince Lombardi.  We Packer fans have alot to be proud of. I understand MREBE as all good Bear fans should hate the Packers.  How many games have Bears won against the Pack in the last 10 Years ? Two ? Nice.  If the Bears aren't carefull the Pack may finally win more then the Bears.  It is getting close.  For the pure football fan the Bear vs Pack has to be the best rivalry in football.  The Pack have owned the Bucs 29-18 lifetime.  Of course a few of those years both teams were really bad "Bay of Pigs" games.  I cheer for the Bucs every game except when they play the Pack.  Ain't no Yellow in either the Bulls or the Pack.  Green & Gold all the way Baby !

  4. Lets look at ur record against our future BE opponents.  An outstanding 18-64.  We have never played ND, Seton Hall or Villanova. On the up side we have never lost to St. Johns and you are not going to believe this one "Pitt".  Don't bet on much more support until the program sees some post season action and better then a one and done.  With the quality of the teams coming to the dome I would expect average attendance to move to the 4,000 to 5,000 range.  Throw in a couple of NCAA appearances and we should move to the 6,500 to 7,500.

  5. I am not taking any dam tests.  I am outa school and the only thing I ever test positive on is my drug test ! That is good ? right ?  I think ?  What were talking about ? Vote Bush=Cheap Gas ?  Go Kerry !  This test is pure Bull,  ahh no thats not it,  I love Bulls,  naw thats sheep, no I mean I am confused.  It was a pure luck that I got through USF because you can see how react to being tested.  The pressure.  Just remember one thing "Points don't count" said Drew Carey.  I just gave me a thousand.

  6. No doubt about next years early signing period Velcro, we should be getting much better players or should I say more highly regarded because one never knows for sure.  But I cann't agree with you on next year.  The whole purpose of bringing in Jucos is for immediate impact and we should expect or at least have a goal of 500 record in conference play and above 500 overall.  If you believe in Macs system,which I do, defense is a key and that is what will keep us in alot of games.  He is bring in shooters and some solid post players based on what I am reading.  These guys will need to contribute right away. Now if we play some brutal OOC schedule I will step back but otherwise 500+ or bust.

  7. If you think Diarra is going to be a star I think you are in for a dissapointment.  With last years team he barely saw the court which makes me think he doesn't have the talent.  I can not believe you guys are happy with a 500 season next year.  Mac is bringing in Jucos and they are supposed to contribute right away.  The teams not going to the BE probably are having a little difficulty recruiting and some players may move on to greener pastures.  If we cann't get over 500 in C-USA it is going to be a long,long.long haul in the BE.  If coach Mac is as good as we all hope then next year will tell.  Raise your expectations.

  8. Gotta ask, if this were just a regular student and not on scholorship what would the reprecussions be ?  Anything ?  This door swings both ways me thinks.  If a student athlete has a problem then he should be punished but if not a student athlete then no punishment ?  We all represent our school so don't give me that hog wash.  Was anyone here(non-athlete/non-scholorship) ever arested for anything during school ?  Did the school get involved ?  How about if you are on an acedemic scholorship ?  What happens ?

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