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Posts posted by ZeroBullChip

  1. The "Jim" for sure.  As much as I admire LRS, and it was awesome having him as a figurehead here at USF, I really don't see a whole lot being different had he still been here.  But, if CJL was still here, I highly highly highly doubt we would have had to live through anything as bad as these past two seasons have been (well, really the past 3 seasons). 

    LRS influence was directly responsible for our BigEast inclusion imo.  I think his contribution to our athletics programs came with the credibility of his name, who knows where we could have landed...

  2. They are not lighting the world on fire, that is for sure.  Snuck by with a couple of lucky wins against equally mediocre teams.  We will get out asses handed to us for sure, but relatively they look like the same team they always have.  Slow and dumb.  Did I mention how much I miss speed on defense.




    Believe me no-one wants to win out more than UCF fans.....To be 9-1 going into the USF match up knowing that when we win, we will have guaranteed our destiny in the most coveted spots in the FBS, priceless. It is inevitable that one of these years we will be on a collision course going into rivalry weekend, I can't imagine the hoopla and coverage it will get. I may be delusional but I see in the not too distant future where UCF and USF are the marque schools dominating this conference. one-two year after year.

    I think the same.

    That's funny. I see a time in the very near future when UCF is still struggling with Houston and USF is in one of the big conferences.

    The opposite is more likely at this point


    Yes because as usual knights are delusional...  To you, you finally made it in the big time, even though you are playing in at the very best the same conference you were last in.  If you were paying attention you noticed that you snuck by the ville and houston.  You did not beat those teams decisively.  Very different from the big win scenarios of USF past.  We suck and you guys are pretty much the same.  We'll get better, you'll stay the same is my guess.  GOL sucks at coaching, big dumb and slow like watching iowa....  I doubt you will have the late season dropoffs like we had, because you are playing at a different level and speed than we were under leavitt in the glory days.  It really is crazy that the media kisses your asses.



    Are you really going to compare the fledgling UCF med school to the USF med school?

    Clearly a troll.

    Check out the join date ... Must be part of that Kanigit sleeper cell we've been warned about.


    It could very well be.  When I was younger I used the same techniques against them...  Had multiple accounts with high post counts and different personalities.  I had a little thing going after I got banned by Brandon for posting an article where their coach called everyone in the state of WV a redneck.


    The Orlando school is the second best team in the state. 

    I agree. You have to give them credit. UCF is a larger University with a med school now. O dear should I say it WITH AN OCS!! and building traditions such as that splash for homecoming the network showed during the Houston game. To top that, they raise more athletic contributions that we do more than 1 million per year. 



    Bwhaha..  Why aren't you busy posting about freshmen acceptance rates?

  6. This thread makes me laugh.  We lost to Mcneese St and FAU.  We are at unprecedented lows and now are stuck playing in CUSA+.  They on the other hand are on some imaginary ride in their conference of dreams playing the same mediocre football they always play against the same mediocre teams they have always played plus a couple more.  They look good and have had some lucky wins and losses by teams that clearly under estimate their 4th quarter prowess.  It really is the same story with them and we really do suck.  A Leavitt team would squeeze out a win on the road against them and would slaughter them at home.   We are  a long way from those days and the trend is downward...


    There wasn't a lick of truth anywhere in your post as it relates to the actual situation... Spew corporate law/HR rhetoric all you want. Leavitt stood up for himself when his employer turned their back on him.

    You know this how? You have a close, personal relationship With Genshaft? Or are you an attorney.

    The irrefutable fact is that Leavitt puts his hands on the player in a threatening way. Another fact is that this is announcer written USF policy. Ridiculous, maybe. But he violated law and policy. In that situation, you agree to minor punishment and apologize or you are gone. No way he could win with video of him during games grabbing and lifting players the same way as alleged. He need to be humble to keep his job and he chose arrogant. Talk to any employment law attorney.


    State trooper witnessed the event and did not seem to think so.

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  8. I think local yocal beat writers are supposed to be homers.  The point is to get readers, getting haters is not going to sell papers or web hits.   This isn't real journalism anyways.  It's writing tales about guys running around in tights and throwing balls around.  Seriously.   The whole angle of the trib/mcmurphey in comparison to the times was way off in a town like this.

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