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Posts posted by bullsmania

  1. I was  disappointed at the turnout but I guess by now I shouldn't.  Very few people on this board and in the Bbers can commit to anything no matter how much time you give them.  

    It was fun doing the contest.  Reminded me of how bad I suck!  Thanks for the props Brad but I don't do basketball. :)

  2. I haven't seen much of a headcount.  This looks like it will be a "show up and we will gather" event.  Just bring your own t'gate goodies.  We will get tickets together once everyone is there.  As far as the girls games goes, if we could just gather in front of the ticket office around 12:30 PM we cam get our tickets together then.  I will be wearing a BBers shirt so just look for the shirt and we will be good to go.

    Then we can meet everyone else outside after the womens game and set up camp.  

  3. OK guys, this date is coming up soon.  I know the guys have been on a skid lately but we can still come out, enjoy a talented women's team, have a fun tailgate and then support the men's team.  

    I was hoping maybe even the SBC could get involved with this.  Just spread the word and come join us for the day.  If someone from the SBC could give me a call at 727 647 1306 I would appreciate it.

  4. Very tragic.  I had the unfortunate job of working this crash.  It was a sad sight and i figured she was a USF student because USF PD showed up at the scene and her boyfriend's (I think) truck had a USF plate on it.  We have had too many traffic fatalities this year, already, in tampa.  Not to mention the bay area.  My condolences to the family and friends of Rikki.  

  5. That is awesome, wish I could be there...Get out there Bulls and build a little tradition and support.

    Gene, Eric, and others involved - great job!  

    It's on Feb 5th - make plans now - no excuses later!

    Go Bulls!

    My sentiments exactly Brad.  Can we pin this to the top so it can always be seen until the 5th?

  6. Here is an update from Eric Soncrant:

    Talked with our folks.  We will hold the grassy area where Greenburgopolis used to be for this tailgate in between games.  The Sun Dome will put out some trash cans for you as well.  You guys just bring whatever else.  I don't think alcohol will be a problem but we have a call into campus police just to get their rubber stamp not to disrupt the event.  This in no way means get a keg, but I don't think sharing a cooler of beers will be frowned upon.  I'll keep you posted on the alcohol and start working on the coaches attendance.  Thanks for the effort.  Go Bulls!

  7. That's where I'll help you.  Let me get back to you on the exact rules and regulations for that day.  We can probably do just about anything within reason as long as we let the authorities know up front what we plan to do.  I'll get back to you as soon as I can on this.  Go Bulls!


    Thanks.  I await your response.  I already am pretty sure we will have to drink out of plastic cups on campus.

  8. I was hoping you would read this Eric.  I was also thinking about getting Capogna's dugout to see if they want to help us with food since they joined the bullbackers.  I just want to make sure there are no rules or regs as far as grills, coolers, what not in the parking lot.  I guess I could call the sun dome and ask but maybe somebody here knows.  

  9. Guys (and girls), I posted this on the bullbackers forum but wanted to throw out to the rest of you.  The BBers are organizing a "Bullbacker Basketball Day" on Feb. 5th.  Here is the content of my post:

    I am hoping this might be enough notice to plan this.  What if we set aside Feb 5th as "Bullbacker Basketball Day".  We attend the women's game at 1 PM, then set up our tailgate for the men's game that night.  The women play ECU and the men play Tulane.  This is called planning.  Don't think about what might be going on that day.  If the day is free now, keep it free and let's do this.  

    Start replies now.  

    We were hoping to get some other bulls fans to join us and show off the organization.  We are always looking for new members to help carry us forward and bring new ideas to the table.  

    So come out and join us for the day even if you don't want to join the org.  Go Bulls!!

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